Intermission – Little ship of misfits: The Lander effect
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Little ship of misfits: The Lander effect
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Thu Oct 31, 2013 @ 5:11pm
Location   Landing port
Timeline   SD 72 0930

Jarred had taken a Hopper back to the Dawnstar after breakfast, Dr Lander was with him, he would be joining him for this part of the trip as they returned too the station. He had arranged for a marine Hopper to bring Isha and her entourage along in a second one. Dr Lander was 50-ish, his grey hair and thin appearance made him look more like a mad scientist than an engineer, but he was amongst the best in Starfleet, and his designs were aboard the Dawnstar.

"So Doc, what is the big deal about this new fighter, I looked at the specs, slightly faster, and a few improvements over the Razor and Valkyrie but other than that whats the deal?"

"The new warp core, it uses new alloys, and has a longer range than you think, plus the technology that made the Shadow Cloak work aboard the Dawnstar is in this ship so I would like to be there for this flight." he paused as the Hopper landed in the Dawnstar shuttle bay, "Frankly I don't trust normal Starfleet channels with this ship so I had to make other arrangements."

"Arrangements?" Jarred was suddenly annoyed

"Bradshaw" The Doctor said

"Great, bring in a civilian group." Jarred said as he jumped down "Why them?"

"Former marines are as trust worthy as any starfleet cargo ship, but more discrete."

"I assume there is something else?" Jarred was starting to think he was in over his head

"I didn't want it aboard in case we had a run in with any unsavory elements."

Jarred looked too see the Hopper with Isha coming in the two men watched as the small craft landed on the space next to the first hopper, "Isha, I hope the flight was ok?"

"As comfortable as ever," she replied deactivating the padd she had been reading. The summary of activities at Deep Space Five was disturbing and contained much information that she would not normally be party to if it were not for the exchange program. She was particularly wary as she knew it was only time until someone approached her to try and persuade her to divulge some of that information. "Where do we go from here?"

"Straight to DS5 from here, they fixed the warp drive so we won't have to limp to the station like before, plus we have to get there ahead of one of Bradshaw's convoys so Dr Lander can be there when his prototype arrives."

"The cattle Bradshaw sold me are doing well," Isha remarked, wondering what the old man had to do with this venture. "I think that many will not take kindly to my return in this manner."

"I think the only immediate controversy will be explaining why a dead man is your escort." Dr Lander Commented.

Isha raised an eyebrow. "Stranger things have happened," she remarked to the newcomer infusing her tone with the marked indifference of a Vulcan.

"Yeah...but that's life in space." Jarred said half amused he looked over to see his helmsman walking over, "Whats up?"

"We have a twenty minute delay from ground control because of some civilian traffic, but other than that we are ready to take off when your ready boss." Jason said " I promise the take off won't be as rough as the landing was."

"Well then, lets get going."

"Ok Then lets set condition blue and get going." Jarred said as he took off his long coat, "I hope the next five days are uneventful."
