Beg, Steal or Borrow – What? Where? When? How did that happen?
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   What? Where? When? How did that happen?
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu May 07, 2009 @ 10:34pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD8 15:05
"Consider yourself relieved." She stated while regaining her composure. She then tapped her Commbadge. "T'Lan to Sickbay, Medical Emergency, Commander's Ready Room."


Davies awoke on the bio bed, Dr Adams staring down at him, a look of confusion on her face.

"Er, sorry doctor, I am neither sure of how or when I got here?" He said, starting to sit up upon the bed, when immediately Chelsea's hand shot to his shoulder and pressed him downwards.

"Just stay right there for a little while, Sir" she was firm. "Even if you're well enough to sit up, which I have yet to ascertain, you shouldn't rush yourself."

Adams ran her medical tricorder over the CO but could find little wrong with him, apart from a pair of small but deep bruises on his neck, her brows drew into a quizzical look.

"I *was* hoping you could tell me how you ended up unconscious, it would help my diagnosis if you could?" she probed gently as she closed her tricorder and took up the regenerator for the bruised tissue on his neck.

He blushed, he knew the why actually. He had just kissed the Commander and she obviously took affront to his advances. "I guess you could say that I misread a signal." He explained, his hand coming to his lips.

"Uh-huh?" she muttered as she put her fingers on his jaw and gently eased his face round so she could work on the base of his neck. "Never a good thing, misreading things..... how do you feel now?" she asked.

"Feel?" He replied, turning his neck towards her and feeling the dull throb in his left shoulder where T'Lan had pinched him. "Not too bad considering," He grinned, "though I guess I had better refrain from any further advances upon T'Lan, that's for sure." His welsh accent coming through. His eyes searched the doctors. "Am I fit enough to restart duties? I am sure you have more pressing patients." He spoke apologetically.

Finishing the small bruises layer by layer, Chelsea smiled as he revealed what he had done. "Ah!" she bit her lower lip and looked at him sympathetically. "Did they not teach you in Xenobiology 101 that Vulcans don't *DO* spontaneous, let alone romantic?"

He looked back at her and grinned, a mmm sound coming from his throat. "No, not really, but I am sure that I heard that someplace before and I now I know first hand." He felt stupid and frustrated at the same time, along with confusion. David thought he understood women, but females Vulcans were a different kettle of fish altogether. "Sorry doctor, I am taking up valuable space here, I can see that there are patients who need you much more than I do."

Chelsea shook her head gently and put down the regenerator on the side. Parking her butt on the side of his biobed. "No worries, boss." she smiled as a friend would, not as a subordinate officer. "You know, sometimes it gets in here like everyone's so critical - in every sense of the word - for one reason or another - and there's never any let up. I guess you know that feeling only too well?" It was a rhetorical question so she didn't wait for him to answer, she just went on quietly, as if there were only the two of them in the universe.

"At times like this, when the whole place is on its head and everyone wants a piece of you, there's only so much of the official : *I can take care of this, and you, and everything*-face that one person can show them all. They *do* all need it from you and if you look like you're human yourself with weaknesses - even if it's just the same need we *all* have for a hug - then suddenly you're *not doing your job right* *it's inappropriate* all that unreasonable stuff" She patted his hand as if she was his mother. "See... now *that* was inappropriate! So, you gonna bust my a&&, Sir? Or can I have a one of those hugs I'm as desperate for as the next person in this horrible aftemath?"

He looked at Chelsea, seeking out the pointed ears, because she just turned things upside down and inside out. He didn't know if she really wanted a 'Cwch', which was the old Welsh term for a hug, or if she was just teasing him in his current predicament. Then he felt himself blush.
"I" He stammered, deciding on whether to push himself up from teh bed, or roll over off it and run.

"Commander" she made sure she used his rank just to let him know she might have dropped formality for this chat but she hadn't forgotten her respect for him.

"I'm just asking you not to beat yourself up. If I didn't have Ryan to hold me in his arms, tell me this will all go away and everything will be ok, I'd have done something far more inappropriate than just to look to someone I liked, for a moment of human calm in the storm that we've all just been forced through. That's all I'm saying. There but for the grace of whatever Omnipotence we believe in, could we *all* have gone. Anyone who can honestly deny that, can try to pass judgement, but all others can button it!" She stood up and pulled down her tunic hem resolutely as if an act of defiance against some imagined challenger who might be coming forward to debate her argument.

Woe betide *them* if they had actually existed and tried at that moment. Chelsea was on her soapbox, defending the downtrodden, the misjudged and the put-upon of the universe, and that was never a good thing!

What probably *was* a good thing for the CMO, however, was that he and his ACMO had agreed an alternating rota since 'Battlestations' were over and the worst of the casualties were stabilised and back in just one Sickbay again. If they'd both been off-duty at the same time right now, while she was all fired up about the moral high ground of *life, the universe and everything*, he would have had his hands full.

As it was, Commander Davies had endured more than his *error* really warranted, even though she was technically defending him, not attacking him.

"..... unless they're a frellin' Vulcan and then they don't qualify to even get asked!" she smirked, finally realising she'd gone off on one and needed to stop talking now. She picked up the med-padd she'd been working on, erased the record on it and threw it onto the side with a clatter - the final act of defiance after which she sighed and came back to her 'Doctor-in-the-House' duty-face and *Everything will be fine* demeanour.

"You weren't here as a patient today Sir, according to my records.... but it might be nice to see you later? You know, just to pop in and see the wounded?" she smiled, gently with a conspiratorial air.

David nodded his agreement, but he also knew there would still be consequences for his actions and T'Lan would either render him unconscious again, or she would let it pass, but that was yet to be seen.
He smiled.
"Than you doctor," He swung his feet off the bed, "I will 'pop' back later, just to make sure that you are holding up." He stood, pulling down his own tunic and started to turn to go, before glancing back at the doctor, sensing she had something to add.

"I'll need to see there are no after effects, I'm sure there won't be, but having erased the record, I would be irresponsible not to keep a check on you. Please come back later and see that I get to look at you before you sleep. Neck pinches are like trapped nerves and concussion. They rarely have an after effect if treated quickly, but I have to be diligent. OK?" she lowered her voice to make him a deal on his aftercare.

David bit on his lip, not being used to kindness, especially after the way the day had gone, but he felt a warm relief in having the doctor as an ally. "OK, promise." He said, as he made his way out of sickbay.


Joint Post Between:

CO: Commander David Davies
(Unrelieved from Duty)


Lt Chelsea Adams