Judgement – Best Served Cold: The Appetizer - part 3
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Best Served Cold: The Appetizer - part 3
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Thu Jul 07, 2011 @ 9:32pm
Location   The Floating Market, Altair Four
Timeline   Two and half years ago

Draylin took a deep breath and he swore for a moment he could taste the metal of Quint's blood. He cleaned the blade and put it into its chest before taking it by its handle and walking out, making sure to step over the pooling blood.

"Freeze!" Shouted a voice. "Hands where we can see them."


Half a dozen of the hired mercenaries that provided police services on the Floating Market surrounded Draylin, phasers levelled. Behind them stood a human in a dirty long coat, looking like he hadn't slept in a month.

Draylin sighed before lowering the case and raising his hands.

The human in the dirty coat sighed in turn, "You're under arrest on suspicion of the Murder of Dr Trel Carrex. You do not have to say anything, you can have a lawyer if you can afford one, if you resist arrest we assume-"

He was interrupted by a female voice calling out "I've got the lube! Lets get go-" The voice pulled up short as a tall woman, taller than all the others burst from a side corridor. She was pale green, her hair a darker shade of the same. "Whats going on?" She turned to face Dreylin. "Dray, honey bunny, whats going on?"

'Honey bunny? Really? Draylin's look said as he stared at Yolanthe, trying to hold in the small smirk that was trying to form on his mouth.

The human looked at her, sceptical. Then he looked at the low cut of her shirt. "You know this man, Ma'am?"

"Oh yes," The green woman grinned a dirty grin. "Repeatedly, and more than once this morning. I'm going to be walking funny all afternoon."

The human gave a blush and a leer at the same time, eyes never rising to her face. "You've been together all morning?"

The woman nodded, stepping up to the human, leaning forward so her cleavage was displayed to best effect. "Absolutley. We've been..." She leant into him whispering into his ear, her breasts pressed up against him. Draylin could see the human go red in the face, and draw back, before signalling his lackies to withdraw.

When they had gone, Yolanthe Ibalin turned to the El-Aurian. "Can't you stay out of trouble for five minutes?"

Draylin finally broke into a grin, visibly relieved, because, in all honesty he was. He walked up to Yolanthe and put his hand on her arm. "You're timing is impeccable. You're methods...hilarious, actually," he admitted, letting out a laugh.

“Dray, you have to be careful!” She looked him up and down, inspecting him for signs of bruises and abuse. “Even I know that you avoid Carrex like the plague if you don’t like waking up with your organs mysteriously beamed out of your body, and I’ve only been here twice.” She pulled his jacket tighter on his frame. “I can’t be here to fish you out of the stew every time.”

"Oh please, I've pulled you out of the water more than once," Draylin said back, uncomfortable with the attention.

“Did he hurt you?" Concern radiated from her pure white eyes, the green tint of her skin desaturating to a pale and watery grey.

"No...I'm fine," he said with hesitation, crossing his arms uncomfortably. He didn't want to think about Carrex right now. Or ever again, really. He would be perfectly happy with telling himself the whole mess had been a bad dream.

"Good." She picked up the case he had dropped and offered him her arm. "Lets get you somewhere safe, and you can tell me what mess you're in now."

"Yeah, we might want to get away from this apartment," Draylin agreed, leading Yolanthe as far away as possible from that section of the base. Ultimately, they ended up in his rented apartment. It looked incredibly neat, almost like no one was really living there. He motioned for her to sit down as he asked if she wanted something to drink.

"Kanar. And yes I know its a foul cardassian drink, but I like it."

The El Aurian nodded, walking over to a glass case that held several bottles, his back to the Bokkai now.

"Why do you do it, Dray?" She asked suddenly. "I think my heart nearly stopped when I heard you'd been seen trying to do business with Carrex, and when I come and find you, they're accusing you of murder? Carrex has a dodgy reputation at best."

He visibly paused in his actions, but only for a split second, easy to go unnoticed by anyone who wasn't paying much attention to him. "Let's just call it a moment of bad judgement. It was a unique situation and I let something cloud my judgement," Draylin replied, startled by his own honesty as he poured Yolanthe a glass of kanar and walked back to hand it to her.

She took it from him. "Bad Judgement gets you hurt, or worse," She chided softly. "Leave the heroics to," she nearly said 'women' but caught herself, "others. No more 'bad judgement' okay?"

"That's the pot calling the kettle black," Draylin smirked, sitting opposite her on the couch. "Don't worry. I've learned my lesson," he said with a sigh. "But, there is still one thing that needs to be done," he pointed out, slipping his hand into his jacket and taking out the data disk he'd gotten from the lab.

The bokkai raised a blue eyebrow out of the disc. "What's that?"

"It's all the information on Carrex's little 'business'. I just looked over the files, it's got everything. Video logs, dates, places, names of people involved. Everything," he explained, looking at the item as he turned it over between his fingers.

The disc automatically began to play back its contents. Some where technical documents too detailed and dense to read as the flashed up. Others were just models of DNA, parts of the helix common to most humanoids, with additions here and there. Some were marked with bland titles, 'blonde', 'brunette', 'green eyes'. Others more specialised, 'boosted reflexes', 'killer instinct', 'pain resistance'.

And then came the guarentee. A parade of pictures that left the viewer in no doubt that the source of the Altered DNA was genuine, and it worked. There was no sound, just flashcards of suffering and pain and loneliness.

Draylin frowned, swallowing hard as his breathing shallowed subtly. Yolanthe had never really seen him show much emotion, but the undoubtedly horrified look in his usually unreadable eyes betrayed the effect the disk's contents had on him him. To keep his hand from visibly shaking, he reached up with one to cover his mouth, looking a bit sick while he tucked the other hand beneath his elbow.

She smacked the off switch on the terminal screen. "Oh Dray, I'm sorry." The pain she had seen was not of horrified discovery, but dreaded reminder. "Someone did that to you too, didn't they?"

As the screen shut off, Draylin still stared at it, obviously caught in his own show inside his head. Only at the sound of her question did he seem to snap out of it. "I-" he began, then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "It's nothing..." he just shook his head. "I'm fine. Really," he said, though even he didn't find it convincing.

She put a hand on his shoulder; she knew that a hug might be too much, but she had to offer comfort somehow. "Its alright." she assured him, knowing it sounded lame, "No-one can hurt you now."

"I know," he nodded. "But..." he began, almost disconnected from his mind as he spoke now. "It's kind of difficult to just erase fourteen years," he said, looking down.

She didn't say anything, Just put her arms around him, unable to resist the urge to comfort him, her angry yellow fading to a muted sympathethic blue.

Feeling the sudden, almost overwhelming amount of physical contact, Draylin startled in her arms, pulling away after a second. His skin, even through the layers, was on fire from over-stimulation at her touch. "Don't do that," he warned her, pulling his jacket a bit more tightly around himself. "I'm fine," he assured her, his voice sounding more firm now.

She turned a warm peach, "Sorry." She looked him up and down, "Are you sure?"

"Yes. Come on. I need to leave on the evening transport," he explained to her, not meeting her eyes just yet as he picked up the data disk. "And I need to figure out how to drop this by security," he told her, holding up the disk before slipping it into his jacket again.

"I'll do it," She held out her hand for the disk. "I'm not scooping you out of one mess just to risk you in another. I'll see you to your transport and then hand this on before my ship heads out."

Draylin looked at her hand, waiting for him to give her the disk. He shook his head. "No, I want to do it."

She frowned at him. "I understand." She wasn't going to argue. "Believe me. I do. But I'm coming with you. I got your back."

"Alright," Draylin nodded, picking up a padd from the table and motioning for Yolanthe to go out before him. "Let's go. The sooner we do this, the better. I need to book a transport." They walked out of the apartment section, heading towards the Promenade. He knew it would've been smarter to let Yolanthe handle this but he couldn't risk it. He didn't trust her with something this important to him. They walked passed the Security HQ and Draylin led them down to the levels below the Promenade.

He walked into a shady looking bar and nodded to the bartender, who nodded back and typed in something into the panel behind the bar, causing the back door to open. Draylin led Yolanthe inside, silently cursing the fact that she was with him. The tall Bokkai attracted way too much attention. Draylin himself, unique as he was, had a reputation. Most of the underground knew who he was so he knew he was practically invisible to whoever didn't want their life to come to a rather abrupt and bloody end. Yolanthe, on the other hand, was so lucky. Although she didn't know it, the main reason trouble avoided her was because he made sure of it.

In the back room, Draylin pulled out a padd and linked it with a computer panel that looked incredibly new and modern, standing out amongst the otherwise run down room. As Draylin typed away, line after line of code appeared on the screen before a page was revealed. It was written in a language Yolanthe had never seen. Draylin typed away at it quietly.

Yolanthe looked around the hidden room. "You know, when I tell you to not get into trouble and to leave the dangerous stuff to us girls, it just goes in one ear and out the other, doesn't it?"

"Pretty much," Draylin said absently, still focusing all his attention on the console in front of him. Finally he pulled out the data disk and slid it into the padd, uploading the information into the computer. More writing came up and, seeing Yolanthe's questioning look, he said, "It's El Aurian."

"It looks like a drunk spider has crawled out of a paintpot and over the page. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it"

"Yeah, well, not many people have. El Aurian's are nearly extincts. There's only a handful of us left," he explained to her, pulling the disk out again.

"Endangered Species huh?" She looked him up and down. "I never knew. Welcome to my world."

"You're not an endangered species. There's an entire world of your people. We don't have a world. It got blown up," Draylin told her, "And I'm not 100% El Aurian, after all the gene therapy. So I guess I'm less endangered species and more one of a kind," he added. "Alright, I've sent the information to Securtiy. It'll take them a couple of days to pinpoint where it came from. By then I should be long gone."

She let the comment about not being endangered species pass; the long slow death of her kind paled in comparison to the sudden death of his. "Good. Lets get you away then." She swung the door open, "And for Fate's sake, stay out of trouble this time?"

"Only if you promise to do the same," Draylin returned with a knowing look.

"Always," she laughed, her body blushing periwinkle blue. "You don't have to worry about me."

"And you don't have to worry about me. I have been doing this a lot longer than you," Draylin told her.

She snorted, "You're a man, I will always worry. But I'll trust you. Will that do?"

"Sure," he nodded with a smirk.

"I'd still feel better if you just did the right thing and let me keep an eye on you." She stepped out of the hidden room, and back into the sleazy bar.

Draylin just laughed., the innocent determination was charming if nothing else. But the truth was and always would be, the other way round. He had a soft spot for the unique and the vulnerable. However much she pretended otherwise, he'd be the one looking out for her.


JP by

Yolathe Ibalin
Before she owned a bar that is no trouble whatsoever to security


Draylin Tal, professional hitman
NPC by Maja