We All Fall Down – Schooldaze: You've Got the Lurgy!
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Schooldaze: You've Got the Lurgy!
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Tue Sep 30, 2014 @ 5:10pm
Location   Education Centre - Deck 157
Timeline   WAFD03 08:30
Argellian sniffed the moment their nanny left them. He'd held it in since they left the apartment and it was with great satisfaction that he drew air strongly up through his nostrils generating a sound that his sister sneered at.

Seeing her displeasure he drew his sleeve across his nose.

"You're disgusting," Eviess said.

"Doesn't stop people liking me. What's your problem?"

Eviess' lips thinned before she called him something in Rihannsu that she had heard, but didn't rally understand.

A few tables over, Gwen was trying to make something with modeling clay, with limited success. So far it looked like a lizard, but from the scowl on her face it clearly wasn't coming out correctly. When she saw the twins enter, she took it as a sign she should take a break.

"Hey - have either of you seen the doody head yet? She's usually here by now. Not that I want her here..." Gwen asked as she walked over to them, secretly hoping Cerenne wouldn't show after the events of the previous day.

Eviess shook her head as Argellian wandered off. "Who would?" she said. "Was everything ok with your mum and dad? We got a talking to. Why do you get here so early? Doesn't your Nanny bring you?"

Gwen looked at the Romulan children like they had seven heads. "Nanny? I don't have a nanny. It's just my mommy and daddy and me. One of them brings me here in the morning before they go to work in engineering, and then the other one picks me up in the afternoon. Usually my Daddy brings me and my Mommy picks me up, but it all depends on the duty roster." At that she inhaled hard to keep her nose from running. It had been trying all day.

Eviess realised she'd just made another mistake, she thought everyone had one. She shrugged, "I guess its because there's only my mother and she has to look after the station," she said trying to play down the difference as she reached for a piece of clay. "Argellian has a cold too, but he's snotty anyway."

They were interrupted by a sneeze. A loud powerful one. Spittle and bogey sprayed, spattering the three children liberally. "Got you, you little creeps." Cerenne, with her cronies, grinned at them. Though apart from the grin she looked a mess. The blue skin was pale and clammy looking and her eyes were rimmed red "Thought I'd say hello again, since my Mom is having dinner with your mom tonight." She wiped her nose on the back of her hand, and then onto gwen's shoulder. "Don't know about yours. Do you have a mommy?"

Wiping spit from her face (and then wiping her hands on her skirt), Gwen glared daggers at Cerenne. "Of course I have a Mommy! And she's pretty, and smart, and she's the best warp drive engineer in Starfleet!" She punctuated the statement by sneezing on one of the Andorian girls underlings.

"Hello," Eviess said reluctantly. The last thing she wanted to do was have to spend time with Cerrenne, but her mother had insisted on it. Knowing that she was going to invited to dinner was even worse.

"So what are we having for dinner Eve?" Cerenne crossed her arms over her chest. "Roast Vulcan hearts in human blood sauce?"

Dianna watched the exchange from the other side of the room. She kept reminding herself not to interfere, to let the children work it out on their own. Hopefully, they wouldn't try and kill each other today... Hopefully.

Argellian had wandered back over to see what the fuss was, "We were going to have Andorian Brains, but we couldn't find any," he said.

Cerenne opened her mouth for a reply, but then doubled over with another huge sneeze. She stood back up wiping her nose onto her hand, and then smeared the hand down Argellian's tunic. "Well if you hide behind your mom all the time, you'll never find anything." She sneezed again, this time so hard that when she took her hand from her nose, there was blood. "I need a tissue. Drop dead hobgoblins." Cerenne gestured to her posse and turned away.

Watching the group of miscreants walk away, Gwen leaned closer to the twins, "They're grosser than usual..." she whispered.

"I know, urggh," Eviess agreed. "Foul."

Ultimately, Gwen shouldn't have been one to talk; even before Cerenne wiped herself on Gwen's shoulder, the human girls clothes were already crusty from her own bodily excretions. Overall, there was a general, low hanging funk over the school. Or at least, more so than usual.

Eviess glared at Argellian as he too wiped the back of his hand over his nose. "This is so unfair," she said, "everyone's going to end up with a day off school except me!"

"But... I like school..." Gwen muttered. Miss Diana was generally nice, and Gwen was one of those kids soaked up information like a sponge. Invariably if she wasn't in school she was pouring over one of her parents engineering manuals.

It was not that she didn't like learning, Eviess did, but she missed her tutor and his approach, and she didn't really feel she was fitting in here.

It was around that time that an odd gurgling noise interrupted the discussion. Gwen thought it sounded familiar, but wasn't able to place it until she realized it was coming from the stomach of a Tellarite boy seated nearby. The porcine youth clutched his abdomen, then his mouth. And finally, as his eyes bulged in shock, he spewed forth a torrent of vomit and bile.

"EWWW! Gross!" Gwen screeched, recoiling in horror at the sight. And the smell. Especially the smell.

Eviess felt as though she was turning green. "Urrrrrrggggg," she said running back. "Lets get away from here," she suggested.


The Kids