Interlude – Match Making = Rules of Acquisition
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Match Making = Rules of Acquisition
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Wed Sep 01, 2010 @ 9:38pm
Location   Science Lab 2 / Promenade
Timeline   Current

Jana was working in her lab, humming away as she worked. She was happy and for once she was letting it show. Jana had been reunited in friendship with Rick, someone who she had loved a long time ago. She was no longer sad about what had transpired between them in the end, it was too long ago to be angry or sad. She was simply happy that she had a friend on the starbase...even if it was an old lover.

She turned away from her table to the carbon dater that had recently been fixed when she heard the doors to her lab open, turning she smiled. "Rick! How good to see you!" She said, her czech accent showing through her excitement. "Who is your friend?"

Rick smiled. "Jana I'd like you to meet a good friend of mine and fellow starfleet officer Krem" Dunham literally pushed the man in front of him. It was a Ferengi, who looked a little nervous. He had full lieutenant pips on his collar and wore red trim as part of his uniform indicating he was not the same department as Dunham. What was odd about the short Ferengi on first glance was that he wore a red bandanna that matched the red on his uniform.

Jana eyes Rick carefully before turning her attention back to Krem, "It is nice to meet you." She smiled.

Rick winked from behind his Ferengi friend "Ok I'll leave you two, to it." He smiled and left the room as quickly as being polite could do. Kerm and Jana were left standing on their own in the lab. "It's a pleasure to meet you to Ma'am" said the ferengi politely.

"Wait! Rick!" Jana stumbled on the words but Rick had already left. Jana groaned inwardly and closed her eyes momentarily, "I am not old enough to be called ma'am...please call me Jana." How could Rick just leave Krem like that? She would have to remind herself not to let her fix her up with anyone ever again!

Krem smiled the points of his teeth poked out at the edge of left side of his mouth. "He can be a little bit of a bastard sometimes can't he Jana?" Krem looked about the room. "I didn't even know we were going to be introduced, I thought we were going to catch up over a drink while I'm on the station."

"Well how about that drink and you can tell me all the bastard things that Rick has done over the past 11 years." She turned away from him momentarily to see how much longer the scans were going to take. "These still have a few hours to process. Let's get out of here for awhile."

While her back was turned away from him, Krem took in the view that was Jana from behind. He may not of been like other Ferengi but he was still male. "Sounds like an excellent idea to me Jana."

"Are you just passing through?" She asked as they walked down the corridor to the promenade

"Yeah...but on a pretty regular basis. I am flight control officer and Helmsman on the USS Hagnon. I was told to go on leave while they head to Klingon Space, when they get back however I am told that her new duties will involve patrol between here Deep Space 12, the Romulan border and the Federation Colony on Tarco 7 , doing one great big circle." He maped out the route on a imaginary map in fron tof them, his hand making one big circle.

Jana nodded, "I am not always here, even though I suppose you can consider this my home now. I prefer to be out on dig sites...I am not a big fan on space. It is cold and sterile, I would rather have dirt under my nails and my skin tanned from the sun." She smiled.

"I'm a bit of an outdoors man my self" said the Ferengi with a smile, "I enjoy adventure sports, hiking, mountaineering, climbing. That sort of thing. I love the feel of the great outdoors, in all weathers, but I think I like the snow best." He winked.

"I can't do cold weather." She shook her head. "I prefer warm long have you known Rick?"

"Since we were kids, my adopted parents were starfleet officers, and friends to Ricks parents. We hung out allot, until my parents were transferred and me with there new posting on the Klingon home world. We lost touch for a bit, then met again at Starfleet academy. Rick's Mum was my sponsor into starfleet. And now Rick and me keep in contact as much as possible. Even more so now since my transfer to the USS Hagnon, I think Captain Dunham want's me to keep an eye on Rick for her."

"So you are a spy for his mother!" She laughed as she teased him. "Rick and I knew each other about 11 years ago for a brief period and we have only just been reaquainted." She stated babbling. "So you were raised by humans?"

"Both my parents were starfleet officers and worked in Diplomatic Operation, for a time we were posted on the same starship as Rick and his parents." The Ferengi smiled reminiscently. "We use to get in allot of trouble together....then my parents got transfered to the emissary on the klingon home world, next thing I know I was growing up with Klingons. What about you, were did you grow up?"

"Earth." She smiled happily, "I grew up in Prague. The city is so ancient and so many little places to find hidden treasures. I was always out exploring the city and digging. The museums were very happy with me." Jana laughed. "I worked with them while I was at Oxford."

"hmmmm Prague...Prague...Prague, he said the repetitiously, as if it rung a bell in his mind. He snapped his fingers as it came to him. "Ah, yes, Prague. That has the Golem doesn't it?"

Jana nodded, "yes it is! I am surprised you knew that. Did you also know that the Celts were in that region before the Bohemians? There have been several grave sites found that were Celtic burials rather than Bohemians."

"Sorry I have no idea what that is? I only visited Prague on my holidays once. And earth cultural mysticism and legend are a hobby of mine."

"The Celts buried their dead in a certain way. The bodies had jewelry (very primative) jewelry around their neck and around their wrists. We have found clay pots and other material that would suggest that those that were still alive were helping the deceased into the afterlife. Kind of like the ancient Egyptians did with their dead."

"Fascinating" said the Ferengin sincerely. "You know your history Ms Kasikova. I'm impressed." Though ancient earth history was not a strong subject for the young Ferengi, he was still interested in what she had to say. He looked at her eagerly wanting to hear what else she had to say.

"It is my job to know my history and to learn all I can from other cultures and races. I am working on many different projects. When I am done I will show you. Someone has tried to steal my work before, so now I am very careful about showing my work to anyone."

"That doesn't sound very nice. Who tried to steal your work, did you catch them? Want me to have a word?" The Ferengi sounded very sincere about making the effort. Hi offer sounded almost Klingon.

"It wasn't very nice...and no need...I have already had a few choice words with the Ferengi that attempted to steal my artificats and research."

The Ferengi sighed and shook his head. "Bloody Ferengi, well I hope you gave him a peace of your mind." He kicked an imaginary bit of dirt away in front of him. "But you know...were not all that bad. Given the chance." He flashed a smile.

Jana shook her head, "I never said that, I do try and give those around me a chance before I make up my mind about them. You are not like any Ferengi I have met before.''

"I get that a lot." he said with a smile. "But it if you get to know me a little, your find there is a lot about me that isn't like other Ferengi. Thank you for keeping an open mind."

"I trust Rick not to put me in a situation that I wouldn't be comfortable in....look there is a table over there. Have you ever had hot chocolate and marshmellows before?"

"Well sometimes he's a little to chivalrous for his own good. Its' got him trouble plenty of times." The Ferengi sat down at the table. "I didn't know you could eat chocolate hot?"

"It's a drink Krem. My mother used to make it for me on cold winter days before I went to school and if I was really good I would get it when I came home from school but those instances were far in between." She laughed. "I went to a place called The Cafe Louvre in Prague and my cousin got me a hot was literally melted dark chocolate with an inch of egg liqueur, whipping cream swirled on top with a cherry and sprinkles for good measure."

“ Hmmmm” said the Ferengi thoughtfully. “No bugs?” He smiled at the slight look of revulsion on Jana’s face and laughed gently “Don’t worry only joking. I’m I vegetarian anyway. Next time I’m on earth I’ll have to try out this Cafe Louvre. It sounds good, but they will have to cut out the Liqueur, I don’t drink.” He winked.

"Ew!" She squirmed, I don't do bugs! Not even on dig sites. I bring along a bug killer that will stomp on them for me."

"Hey some of my best friends are bugs!" he smiled joking at the galaxies way of showing many sentient and different life forms of all types, including bugs.

"And they would probably scare me! I don't like bugs...of any kind...well except maybe butterflies and ladybugs, I highly doubt your bug friends look like those."

The Ferengi chuckled and smiled, he took another large sip from his mug, after he put it down he had a chocolate milk moustache over his top lift. "Well I'm sure it will never get that bad here. So You don't like bugs, what else don't you like?"

Jana laughed and passed Krem a napkin and shrugged, "there isn't much of anything else I really dont' like...I just dont like bugs. What about you?"

The Ferengi frowned in thought as he wiped away the milk moustaches off his face. "I don't like.......urmmmm?" He scratched his ear in thought. "I like Tongo, Dabo, urrmmm extreme and adventure sports. Martial Arts, and starships. I don't Like complications, lies, dis-honour and Klingons."

"I am not one for complications either Krem. It seems like my life is one big complication." She laughed and sipped her drink.

Krem sat back in his chair and nestled himself into it. "Well, is their anyway I can help in un-complicating it for you?" He looked into her eyes as he said it, their was genuine sincerity there.

"Has Rick told you anything about" She asked.

"Just in passing, old flame, you know that sort of thing." He Krem was sure he had mentioned more, but to be honest at the time he hand't been paying attention.

Jana nodded. "I am happy for him and Chelsea and yet...I wonder what would of happened if he had confronted me about what happened on the space station or I had asked him why he was so angry with me." She shook her head. "I am sorry...I...I have to get back to work. It was really nice to meet you Krem, next time you are on the station come and visit ok?" Jana stood up and went the most direct root to get back to her lab.

THe ferengi sat at his table, shook his head slightly then shouted after her. "Rule of acquisition 208 :Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer."

Jana stopped for a moment when he spoke to her but she didn't turn around. She thought about answering him but moved away from him towards her lab.

The Ferengi sat there a moment, admiring the woman as she, in his opinion stormed off. He shook his head again slightly from side to side. Yep, he thought to himself. He could understand why Dunham let that one go.


NPC by Dunham


Lt. (JG) Jana Kasikova
Alien Archaeologist & Anthropologist