We All Fall Down – Business as Un-usual - Part 1
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Business as Un-usual - Part 1
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Wed Jun 25, 2014 @ 8:57pm
Location   Observation Lounge
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. c. 10:40
With the demeanour of an ice carving Isha had made her way from the Ready Room through ops her ears twitching as they heard hushed half whispers. For a trial by gossip these people could give the Senate a run for their money. The Observation Lounge was her refuge, at least it would be until the Senior Staff arrived for her first official briefing.

First she had scheduled a meeting with Wallace. She didn’t know how he would react to her ‘shadow’ so she and Tahhk had agreed that this initial meeting was one she would attend alone. Tahhk would join them fifteen minutes later along with the others.

The table was set with jugs of water and pale yellow fruit juice along with several trays of pastries. Isha took an empty plate from the side and took one. She tore off one corner and dropped the rest of the twisted pastry on to the plate before popping it into her mouth. A warm buttery scent filled her nostrils. As she chewed she mused on the seating etiquette ~ I could appear inclusive and sit along one of the broad sides, or wait until my officers are seated and then choose one of the seats.~ But neither of those conclusions were correct.

Isha was not by nature a timid woman, nor was she raised to take anything but the lead. She walked to the far end of the room and placed her plate in front of the chair at the head of the table.

~This is rather nice~ she thought as she swallowed before breaking off the opposite corner. She licked the crumbs from her fingers just in time to hear the door chime.

"Come in," she said.

Jarred entered the meeting room, "Looks like I'm your first officer."

Isha smiled thinly. "And was your first reaction comfort or trepidation?" she asked but continued before he could answer. "I've never seen such a bulk of paperwork, not even in command of a D'deridex when every decision of every officer is required to be ratified before its enacted. I'm starting to think that many Rihannsu officers merely provide a note for procedure's sake so they receive the necessary thumbprint and make their own decisions after all. Does it suit you?" she finished, referring back to her initial question.

"The endless reports are nothing new too me, its just a different reporting system they go to now. I'm not really phased by most of the changes that go on in Starfleet this day and age, I just hope we don't have any more surprises this week."

Isha walked a few paces and tore another piece from her croissant holding it between the fingers of the hand she gestured with, "I'm sure I'm surprise enough to keep us busy for a while. On that note I'd like your confidential opinion. Where on my senior staff do you foresee 'difficulty'? I expect every one of them to be professional, but as events have shown I would be a fool to expect immediate acceptance."

She chewed on the morsel as she listened to his reply.

"The staff that are here seem to be open to anything, this is starfleet after all, but I see us having problems with some of the security staff." Jarred said in a less than subtle way.

"We are rather short handed, aren't we. Replacements are on their way. It has long been time for a change of personnel," she said equally uncommitted to naming names. "Have you met my shadow yet? Commander Tahhk comes highly recommended. Though he's nominally attached to security I'm sure he'll provide much needed guidance to our new Chief, whoever Starfleet deem that to be."

"I have a feeling we're going to see more changes in the coming days, I'm still going through the backlog of reports, add in the entire fighter squadron is being rotated off it will be a trying couple of days." Jarred poured a coffee "I really don't want to get caught shorter staffed in case of an emergency."

Isha nipped her lower lip between her teeth, "It may not even take an emergency," she said. "We've been asked to conduct an exercise for an invited audience. We'll have to fill in with inexperienced staff it has all the hallmarks of a disaster. Still, the only way one gains experience is by doing." She did not add that it was also the perfect opportunity for anyone less than thrilled with her appointment to sabotage her reputation - that would make her sound paranoid.

"I'm less than happy a high profile test is being done with less than full staffing, plus if I remember we have a convoy of cargo drones due before the test begins, I'll double check the shipping traffic reports on that matter, but this is a less than totally satisfactory situation." Jarred mused.

"Very good, I'd sooner delay the exercise, but that would reflect poorly on us. We will go ahead as requested, but I share your concerns. Have you any recommendations on crew suitable to fill in?"

"We have 45 cadets doing field work, mostly busy work I think the department heads need to throw them into actual duties." Jarred said with some degree of certainty.

She had trusted Wallace to bring her here and she was going to trust his judgement now. Ahead of the staff meeting it was imperative that they appeared united.

Isha nodded, "Let's see how they perform."

There was the first pip at the door.