We All Fall Down – Discomforts
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Discomforts
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Jun 15, 2014 @ 11:36am
Location   Isha's Quarters
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. 01:00
Tahhk was gone.

Isha's gaze returned to the stars - she was not ready for sleep.

Having spent a not inconsiderable amount of time in command of a Warbird it was a revelation to Isha just how much luxury the senior Officers of Starfleet enjoyed.

Isha was used to comfort and demanded it as an Ambassador but never had she seen this degree of accomodation extended to serving officers. Her Starfleet counterpart newly arrived at the Starbase Imperiax was possibly making a similar, though less impressed observation, she mused.

The second thing she marvelled at was that her family was accomodated here too - that perhaps pushed the quarters in quality beyond those in which she had visited Captain Tahir.

"Computer, contact the Romulan Embassy and inform them that the bathroom suite in the former Ambassador's quarters is to be removed and delivered to Eleni Monteros," she instructed.

There would be several layers of trust she needed to build and though she despised Eleni, the shipping magnate would be a useful ally - Eleni had admired the suite and now Isha had no use for it, it could act as the foundation of a cordial relationship at least.

There were other, closer relationships Isha needed to rebuild. Would the CMO still consider her a friend? She would find out in the morning.

Then there was Rianni.

Despite her niece's enthusiasm, Isha had never been sure the former CAG had been properly prepared for the demands pledging loyalty to a Great House would bring. She hoped too that her niece would not resent her too much for the long absence. The Dhelan was still stationed at DS5 but that might count for nothing if the volatile girl took Isha's absence for abandonment.

How many other things had changed since she turned her back on public life?

Not even the unblinking stars could help her with that question.