Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)’s Personal Log - Davies in Command

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Title   Davies in Command
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun May 24, 2009 @ 11:08pm
David lay on the bed, the computer paused as he collated his thoughts.

"Computer, playback personal log entry!" He said, interlinking his fingers and laying his hands across his chest.

* My first day in Command of a space station, and I still have a month to go. The admirals words ring in my ears, at this rate, will Captain Tahir have a station to return to? I never understood the draw of a station over a ship, the static nature of a station is supposed to be boring beyond comprehension, but I have not stopped since the moment I set foot on this station this morning. Talk about running before you can walk, geesh, I have been flying today and my legs are still like jelly. I made a classic error, in approaching Commander T'Lan, misread the signal and boy, I thought I knew women, well it's obvious this valley boy just doesn't understand Vulcans!*

The playback went back into pause as the computer chirped.

"Continue," Davies paused, "A little after 14:00 today, the 3 Romulan warbirds that have apparently been sat outside DS5 for the last few months, decided to attack. Casualties were high, thankfully, the death toll was considerably less and the station suffered minimal damage. I will of course, be talking to the Romulan Ambassador tomorrow, to find out what happened.. note to self, alarm set for 06:00 and schedule in my calendar the appointment with Ambassador t'Khellian for 09.20" He cleared his throat. I would like to commend the following people for their actions today, Commander Da'Nal, Lieutenant Commander Rianni Monteros, Lieutenant Richard Dunham and Lieutenant Chelsea Adams, who all worked above and beyond the call of duty."

David yawned.

"Computer, save personal log." Davies said as he his already closed eyes began to dance behind his eyelids, sleep and shock finally taking control.......