We All Fall Down – The underside of the Law - Part 1
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   The underside of the Law - Part 1
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Wed Aug 20, 2014 @ 3:46pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1 2200

Ka'er sat at his usual table at the back of the Box, nursing a dark, rust-colored brandy. He was waiting for his contact. Some washed-up Starfleet officer simply hadn't been able to turn down the sheer mass of latinum he'd been offered to do the job. Lise was getting more and more agitated by the day, Ka'er was sure he'd make a break for it in short order. He needed another pair of hands. Thankfully, that pair of hands should be arriving soon.

Yolanthe had managed to barter Tiren's Charge off of Lise for a measly 1.75 bars of latinum. The Ferangi obviously didn't know what the statue was really worth. But now he seemed more paranoid than ever. He hadn't even left his hunk of a ship in twenty-seven hours, instead sending his Orion girl to run his errands for him. Coward.

[Onboard Calan's Arrow]

"So just who the hell am I supposed to be meeting with." Dorian said aloud as he walked through the well-lit corridors, turning the corner. The past four days had been uneventful as he traveled back towards the one place he had called home for so many years.

There was a large sense of trepidation within him that did not want to go anywhere near Deep Space Five. He had been betrayed by those that he considered his crewmates. People that he trusted had simply turned their back on him and allowed the Romulans to rob him of what had been his entire career and purpose.

However, Dorian also realized that he was no longer a Starfleet Officer. He was barely a citizen of the Federation. He had to do whatever was necessary to provide for himself. This job was allowing him to do that without having to harm anybody. Nevertheless, he still felt like only a shadow of his former self.

"Lieutenant Colonel Akamu Makani, a Telian Loyalist officer of some distinction," Arri replied. "You can't miss him, there's extensive scarring over the right side of his face. You will meet him at the local bar; the Box of Delights, I believe?"

Dorian entered the transporter room and grimaced at the mentioning of the name. "I have to go to the Box of Delights to meet my contact? Do you know how many times I tried to shutdown that hellhole? I can only imagine how many freaks and cut-throat murders would be waiting for me in there." He said as he inputted several commands into the transporter console.

"Just be your usual charming self, Captain," Arri said. "I'm sure everything will work out in your favor."

Dorian didn't respond to the rather flippant comment. He figured he did not want to aggravated the very computer system that was responsible for scrambling his atoms and then providing the correct information to re-assemble them.

[Deck 73, Cargo Transporter 54]

Within several moments, Dorian's vision cleared and he saw that he was back onboard. He nodded to the junior Security Officer that greeted him at the control console. Based upon the smirk on his face, it was apparent that the ship's AI had successfully transferred his payment.

Dorian checked his padd and walked out of the room and headed towards the nearest turbolift. The easier he could get to the Box of Delights without running into anybody he knew, the better.

[Minutes later, Box of Delight]

Dorian entered the parlor and looked around hesitantly before he began to step forward. The flowing alcohol and boisterous crowd provided him with a vivid reminder of what he had missed all this time.

"Why, Commander Gabriel," Yolanthe appeared behind the human, a rich shade of blue. She knew he wasn't a starfleet officer, but enjoyed rubbing it in. "Its been too long. I was beginning to think you'd forgotten us."

Dorian turned and looked at the woman. . .if that's what her people considered to be a woman. He despised the fact that she was allowed to operate this establishment with impunity, flagrantly defying Federation laws. If he could he'd burn the entire place down and salt the ground so that nothing would ever grow there again.

"It is Dorian Gabriel, Yolanthe." He said without any form of courtesy.

She laughed; the blue deepening. "Can I get you a drink."

"Why? So you can poison it?" He retorted. "No, the sooner I can finish my business and leave this hellhole, the better. I need to take two showers just for stepping foot in here." He said to her dismissively as he searched for this Lieutenant Colonel that he was supposed to meet.

"Miaow, Dorian, miaow." She couldn't stop grinning. The kitty was declawed now he had been stripped of his rank. "If you're looking for someone, try the booths behind the bar. There's a couple of people lurking back there 'waiting'. Alternatively, I can set you up with several people who'd be happy to help you with that bath."

Dorian turned and looked at her for several moments before taking a step and speaking just slightly above a whisper so only she could hear him. "Yolanthe, it annoyed me to see you and your boyfriend murder Klia and then get off scott-free due to Trellis' utter incompetence as an investigator..." He began. "...but having my life stolen from me has given me a certain sense of freedom." he added as he looked directly at her.

"The fact that I don't have a uniform anymore, do you think that makes me less dangerous or more dangerous?" He asked rhetorically.

She turned yellow at the mention of Klia. Whatever he may think, She hadn't killed her friend. It had been her twisted 'guardian angel' that had done that. And he was trying to intimidate her to top it off. She looked him up and down, "I think it makes you adorable." She gave him a smile she normally reserved for babies. "Don't let my door hit that fine backside of yours on the way out."

Dorian continued to stare at her for several unmoving moments before he turned and made his way towards the booths to meet with his assignment.
