Beg, Steal or Borrow – Tip of the Iceberg: A Prelude
by Arrival Kaia

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Title   Tip of the Iceberg: A Prelude
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia
Posted   Tue Mar 17, 2009 @ 1:15am
Location   Deck 1102, Section L-19, Suite 142
Timeline   SD28 13:30
The gold collared security crewman walked diligently along the corridor. He glanced at the numbers along the wall, stopping short as he noticed a gap.

"Security log, 13:35 hours, Security Crewman Jennings reporting from Station Deck 1102, section L-19. Orders have come down from the new Security chief to investigate the personal quarters of one civilian... Kaia... No Surname... who appears to be involved in some investigation regarding the prototype vessel USS Legacy. Pause log."

He looked up and down the corridor and tilted his head a bit. The architecture was uniform along the whole stretch, but the quarters before him had no labeling. Either the numbers had fallen down, been taken down, or had never been there to begin with. He held a tricorder up to the door's control panel and let it run while he continued.

"Continue log. The bulkhead designation to Kaia's suite, number 142, appears to be missing. If someone didn't know specifically where it was, one might never find it. Make note to engineering to replace suite designation numbers. Scan indicates suite is locked and according to internal logs... that's weird... according to station logs this door hasn't even been opened in over a month. Who keeps quarters on this station but never visits them? Where does she sleep? Anyway, investigation parameters provide probable cause for a warranted search of the premises. Initiating access request."

The crewman pressed the doorbell and heard the chime from the other side. He waited a moment and tried again. After no answer, he continued.

"after no response from the premises, I am overriding the door security, Jennings one seven three blue."

The door hissed open, and the crewman frowned at the remarkably unremarkable interior. ~No wonder she hardley ever spends time down here...~ he thought as he stepped through the bulkhead. ~This isn't a living space.~

"I have entered the...what do they call this? Tertiary standard single civilian quarters. No decorations, no furnishings, not that there's enough room for any. In all honesty, this isn't a room so much as it's a short corridor of closets on one side, One meter by five meters."

One by one he began opening doors.

"First closet, three units. Top unit contains standard replicator, Kind of dusty. Middle contains recessed desk and personal console, appears formatted with all files, as well as operation and communication logs, wiped. Bottom contains one ergonomic chair."

He closed the cabinets and moved to the next set.

"Second closet, two units. Top unit is a recessed single size lofted bunk. Appears well made... Hell, even a marine could appreciate something that tidy. Lower unit is a hanging garment closet containing a single black formal evening dress. Looks like it hasn't been touched in a while. On the bottom of this unit is what appears to be an e-ponent brand holographic chess board."

He picked up the gameboard with one hand, jabbing at the activation switch with a finger.

"The 'On' button doesn't seem to work. It might be broken, but given the state of everything else in this place it wouldn't surprise me if the power cell was dead."

He set the gameboard back on the floor of the closet and moved on.

"Third closet. Looks like a combination sonic shower with retractable waste extractor and hygiene station. minimal on-hand hygiene products, all are replicator standard."

He closed the door and looked across the tiny room to the open bulkhead. He couldn't help but feel pity for the resident of a place like this. It had the minimalism of a boot camp barracks without the benefits of camaraderie. He could only imagine how many other people on the station, most if not all of them civilian, lived out their lives in such a cell. He took the few steps back into the hall.

"This concludes the initial inspection of the personal quarters of civilian Kaia, no surname. Security crewman Jennings, ending log."

The security crewman turned and looked back into the stark quarters and shrugged. He put away his tricorder and PADD and reentered, opening the cabinet containing the replicator and retrieving the chessboard.

"One power cell, type nine."

The small power cell appeared in the replicator, and Jennings flipped the chessboard over. He set the powercell on the floor and bent to one knee as he struggled with the powercell housing latch. The compartment seemed jammed shut. Perhaps the cell had leaked and fused the housing, or maybe it had been exposed to some radiation and warped, heck, maybe it was just broken, or perhaps-

With some extra force, Jennings managed to pop the cell housing open. But perhaps the last thing he was expecting was for a handfull of federation service awards to pour out.

"WHAT... THE...HELL?!"

Jennings stopped and stared at the colorful array before him, spreading them across the floor with one hand.

"Technical commendations, service awards, a purple heart? Wait... Wait wait wait... She's a civvie, maybe she just likes to go to the holodeck and play space hero. But then, why hide all these medals in the battery case of a chessboard? Who the hell is this woman? Oh my god, what is that?"

He reached down and fished something from the fibers of the carpet. He looked close and opened his hand, revealing a small silver pip with the federation insignia etched into its surface.

"Now these, they don't exactly pass out like Halloween candy..."

=/="Petty Officer Detschemko to Crewman Jennings."

The hail startled the crewman enough that he nearly fell over. He fumbled for his balance and tapped his com badge.
=/="Jennings here, sir?"

=/="I don't know if you've forgotten that we've got a situation on our hands, crewman, but if you're done with that panty raid ordered by the brass we could certainly use your help with herding civvilians on the commercial promenade IF you don't mind?"

=/="Sir, yes sir. I'll be there right away. Jennings out."

He looked at the silver pip one more time before putting it and the other medals back into the power cell casing of the chessboard. He squeezed the cover back on and set the game back in its original place before hurriedly slipping the replicated power cell in a pocket, running out, and locking the door behind him.


Crewman Daniel Jennings (NPC)
by Kaia