We All Fall Down – The Cursed Ship - Part 3
by Lieutenant Commander Caden Aldrex & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Lieutenant Commander Amia Telamon

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Title   The Cursed Ship - Part 3
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Caden Aldrex & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Lieutenant Commander Amia Telamon
Posted   Wed Dec 31, 2014 @ 9:36am
Location   USS Helios
Timeline   MD 03 - 0600

A persistent electronic chirp at the tactical console indicated an incoming hail. Cade stepped forward himself and answered it without being asked. A voice erupted from the speakers.

"Mayday, mayday! This is the cruise ship, Radiance of the Stars, sending out a distress call to any ship in range. Is anyone out there listening?"


Cadet Tralian Isen, shifted uncomfortably in his command chair and looked to Cade and Amia standing out of the way near the turbolift doors. Aldrex gave him a reaffirming nod but said nothing yet.

Isen swallowed the lump in his throat. "Open a channel," he said to the comms specialist.

"Channel open." There was no visual, only the audio.

Isen spoke as authoritavely as he could manage. "Radiance of the Stars, this is the Federation Starship Helios. We read you. Please state your position and the nature of your emergency."

The reply came back garbled. Lots of static and only fragments of a voice. Not enought to give them the information they needed.

"Say again we didn't get that last part," Isen said.

The reply came back just as broken as before.

"Bradshaw, do you have them on the nav sensors?" Isen asked.

"Sir they are at the extreme edge of the nav sensor array." said James as he passed the information he had to the tactical and security stations so that they could at least have an idea what he was seeing.

Meanwhile Aldrex tapped his commbadge and spoke quietly into it. "Bridge to Caraway. We have a situation up here. What are the chances of us getting underway soon?"

Mrin paused - at least that meant the com system was back online - two hopes, she thought ...

"We should have impulse back soon, ten minutes maybe, warp ... that's anyone's guess."

On the bridge Isen turned in surprise to hear Caraway's voice. No one had informed him that the comms were working again. Did they even have ten minutes? By that time this all could be over. "There's a ship in distress out there, people," he said to everyone on the bridge. "I'm open to ideas."

"Sir I seem to recall that before we left port we were gifted a couple of type 7 shuttles. it might not be much but it would allow for us to at least get over there with a couple people and evac the ship if needed or repair it if we can." Said James calmly truth be told he had lobbied for the shuttles privately and had used no small amount of family influance and money to get even those old units for the ship but now it might be worth it if they could save some lives.

Sharma shook her head at the sensor array. "Sir, Bradshaw may have them on the Nav sensor, but I can't confirm on any other scans. I can't get a visual at all. We can't even be sure that ship is even there. We could just be sending our shuttles on a wild goose chase, and if they're in as good shape as the rest of this junker then....

Aldrex moved to Sharma's station and stood looking over her shoulder. He typed in a few commands with one hand but didn't have any better luck getting a reading.

"Computer, state all pertinent information on the ship called 'Radiance of the Stars?'" Isen asked.

The computer chirped and replied, "The 'Radiance of the Stars' is a Rigellian-flagged passenger cruise liner displacing 246,000 metric tonnes. She has a crew of 181 and a passenger capacity of 652. She is owned by Trans-Cosmos Lines, a subsidiary of Praz Holdings of Ferenginar. The ship's master is listed as-"

"Alright, enough," Isen said. He took a deep breath and looked intently at the viewscreen as he decided what to do next. The burden of command looked very heavy upon his gangly frame.

Aldrex looked to the cadet and raised his chin. The time had come to 'advise' on the matter. "Captain, whether this distress call is real or not we are obligated under interstellar law to answer it." He nodded to Bradshaw at the helm. "We inspected those shuttles before leaving Starbase 98. They're in good shape. I recommend going with Bradshaw's plan. It's not much but at least we'll be doing something, anything."

Isen thought for a second then nodded eagerly. "Agreed, sir. Let's do it. Bradshaw, you pilot one shuttle and Sharma you pilot the other. Will you be going with them, Mister Aldrex?"

The Trill officer nodded. "Unless I'm needed urgently here then yes."

"Very well. Take whoever else you might need. Good luck to you."

Aldrex nodded to Sharma and Bradshaw and headed for the turbolift. Before that, however, he stopped where his wife was standing and squeezed her hand. "It's possible we'll need a doctor."

"You'll need Security" the Chief Sec/Tac hopped forward.

Amia nodded her agreement and moved with them, snatching up her Med-kit as they left the Bridge.


A JP Between:

Cadet Mrin Caraway
(NPC Louise)

Cadet James Bradshaw
(NPC David)

Cadet Tralian Isen
(NPC Bert)

Cadet Sharma Welyn M.D.
(NPC Notty)

Lt. Cmdr. Cade Aldrex

Lt Cmdr Amia Telamon
Head of Exobionics


Cadet Kram Davis
(NPC Jools)