Beg, Steal or Borrow – Died in my arms
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Died in my arms
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Wed Apr 15, 2009 @ 7:49am
Location   Corridors
Timeline   SD 8 - 14:05
Claire returned to her quarters. There was work to be done, evacuating those who dawdled in the corridors. Did they not realise that the safest place for them was in their own quarters? She had split from Petro to cover more ground. The base was hit again, it moaned and groaned in protest.

Had the shields not chosen that moment to fail Talar might have made it to the emergency sickbay where his talents would undoutedly be of use. As it was, he realised as he was flung against the bulkhead, he was not going to make it there.

As he was thrown forward, the flickering lights flared oddly bright and rippling through a shower of splintered glass and spray of substance that burned his skin.

That's probably plasma, Talar concluded as he hit the floor with a heavy thud and felt nothing more.

Claire had turned the corner it time to be rocked by the same explosion. When she regained her senses she saw a man laying a few yards away from her, she crawled to him, "Doctor? Can you hear me?" She shook his shoulder. Not getting a response she grabbed him under the arms, struggling to pull him away from the danger.

"Don't move me," Talar said, his eyes open but unfocussed. The station's own repair systems had stemmed burst from the wall but it was not safe. "Don't stay here," he said.

"I have to get you out of here...I can't get an emergency beam out...please Doctor...I can't leave you here."

He rolled uncomfortably onto his side, raising himself slightly on one elbow before falling back. "Triage, do you know what that is?" he asked.

Claire nodded, she had started training as a nurse before she made the sudden switch to psychology.

"I won't survive this," he said, the heat had scoured his throat and each syllable rasped and scraped, "with treatment or without."

"Tell me what I can do." Not wanting to believe the doctor.

On some level he had always known that it would end, if it was not his past that caught him it would be his future; ironic then that the future should take the form of a Romulan attcking ship. "Just go ... wait. Do you know Hemmingway?"

Claire would not leave him, if he ordered it or not. "Yes...she is aboard the Freedom."

"Find her," he croaked, "and tell her that Talar says she is free."

"Free? I don't.." She tried probing his thoughts but could not penetrate his thoughts. "I will..."

"I love her, and her name will be my dieing breath. Tell her to find the life she hoped for ... tell Melanie."

"I promise. I will find her when the battle is over."

The slightest smile tugged at the corners of Talar's lips, odd for a Vulcan, but it warmed his eyes which glinted almost black in the dim light. He allowed himself to fall back and said nothing more to the woman. Either she would do it or she would not.

Talar felt his own breath catch in his throat and he fancied that he could taste the salty tang of the sea on his tongue; he should have set her free a long time ago.


Doctor Talar, an NPC played by Louise

Lieutenant JG Claire Mackenzie NPC by Zorana