We All Fall Down – Doc, Doc. Who's there? - Part 1
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Melara sh'Tagras

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Title   Doc, Doc. Who's there? - Part 1
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Melara sh'Tagras
Posted   Mon Jun 30, 2014 @ 6:36pm
Location   Ops to Sickbay
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. 09:00
“As you wish, T’Vaurek. I am beginning to conclude that when you asked for a shadow you wanted one only at moments convenient for yourself.”

Isha’s lips thinned in consternation as she stared at the Vulcan. “I wish to visit a friend. The Chief Medical Officer and I knew each other well when I was last here – does that earn a professional medic your distrust too?”

“Far from it,” Tahhk replied, both thin brows raised very slightly as he continued, “If the Chief Medical Officer is your friend I would not intrude on your private conversation. Nor would I intrude on a medical assessment. You are still on duty, and it is my responsibility to accompany you – as per the terms you requested of Starfleet.”

This smile Isha kept to herself. She was adequately paranoid, and while there was no chance that Tahhk would have agreed to accompany her for her protection, he would fight her all the way if he thought it his duty to be by her side. Outside their individual quarters, for every other Officer and Civilian the promenade was perhaps the safest place on Deep Space Five – not so for Isha.

She rolled her eyes and clapped Tahhk on the arm (just to annoy him). “You’re right of course. Perhaps you’ll be good enough to wait outside the CMO’s Office.”

“Your good friend?”

“Why is that so difficult for you to believe?” she asked as they entered the turbolift.

As they emerged Isha still had no satisfactory answer.


Meanwhile, the Infirmary was the scene of a whirlwind of activity, or perhaps that should be a 'hurricane'. From three sections away the shouting could be heard. "LISTEN I DON'T CARE IF CHIEF RELMA IS IN THE LOONY BIN AND LIEUTENANT WYMAN IS BUSY: YOU SHOULD NOT NEED TO TAKE ALL MY SYSTEMS OFFLINE JUST TO INSTALL ONE NEW BIO-BED."

The, almost terrified, Ensign on the receiving end of that particular tongue-lashing almost recoiled with every syllable. "Doctor... I'm really sorry. I can try to get the systems back online now. What do you need first? Medical database? EMH? Medical Scanners? I can have everything back in a few hours."

The female Andorian advanced on the Ensign and locked eyes with him "FIX IT!" She bellowed from almost point blank range before suddenly turning and heading for the exit. She paused to announce to the nurse "I'm away for coffee. If I don't have a diagnostic scanner when I get back I will see to it that I end that moron in ways which are unimaginable." She paused to turn back to the unlucky Operations Officer and asked, threateningly. "Understood Ensign?"

Stepping forwards as she turned her head she heard the door hissing open, but knew it couldn't have been her who activated it as she was still a few metres short. Instinctively she spoke before she was even aware who had come through the door "Can I help at all there?"

Isha's eyes flicked over the Andorian as she turned - Lieutenant, frustrated if Isha read her bearing correctly. "I'm looking for Doctor Adams," Isha said, "The CMO. Is she available?"

Melara's hand immediately moved to the bridge of her nose, which she held between her thumb and index and middle fingers for a moment as she gave a slight sigh. "Woosa..." she muttered to herself before locking eyes with the Commander and smiling as wide as she could. "Well... I'm a Doctor... and I'm now the CMO, but my name is sh'Tagras, not Adams. So two out of three ain't bad, right, Commander.....?"

Isha's shoulders dropped for a moment - no Chelsea. Then she caught herself and turned her eyes back on the Andorian's.

"T'Vaurek," Isha said mimicking Tahhk's pronunciation. "You are our CMO?"