Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Unified
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Unified
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Oct 08, 2008 @ 8:45pm
Location   Brig
Timeline   SD3 09:45 (Backpost)
He could see and sense the fear in his daughter and he held his steely glare for as long as possible, but his daughter, buckled first and fell to her knees, sobbing whilst begging for forgiveness.
"Father!"She pleaded, as he fell to his knees with her, taking her in his arms and pulling her to his chest.

"Do not cry my little child, I forgive you, but first, you must forgive yourself!" He said, in the manner in which only a parent can.

Her shoulders bucked against him as she at last let loose all the pent up emotion that she had contained during the last 2 days and being confined to a solitary cell, only made matters worse.
Lonfrey cradled her until the sobs and shakes subsided, before moving back and with his thumbs, wiped away the tears that fell from her eyes.
She was still his little girl and despite his fury at her actions over the last few months, he could do more than forgive her. He knew what she had become embroiled in and understood her reasons, even if she did not herself understand why she had committed her crimes. Teenagers rebelled, as rebellions turned back tides.

"I know. You need not explain to me whys or hows, whos or whens." He said, his hands now taking hers and with purpose, rose to his feet, aiding his daughter to her own. "Now, take your seat and tell me how you have been looked after here. I don't require embellishing, just the facts." The lord ordered as the Lady Moldriva took her seat on the bunk and began to recant the past few days, trying to be as honest and forthright as she could and as her father ordered, not embellishments.

= Sometime later =

Lonfrey placed a gentle kiss on Juniopias forehead. "I will talk to the Captain and discover what plans the Oosami overseer has made for you and if I am content with the offer, then the marriage shall proceed as planned. Your role in this is pivotal to the repatriation of our people. We are akin to the Oosami and we must strive to cease the hostilities that we have endured. Will you do that for your people?" Lonfrey asked her.

She had known the question would be asked and she looked down at her feet for a few minutes, contemplating her answer, which she had prepared many months ago, for just this moment, but having listened to her father, she did not feel it was what he needed to hear. With a deep expulsion of breath, she raised her head and peered directly into her fathers eyes.
"No father. I will not do it for our people, but I will do it for you." She said, as a wayward tear meandered down her cheek, followed by a few more as he held his face in a austere look of a man of power, coupled with the love of a father.

He closed his eyes, taking in her words which were spoken in openess and honesty and he knew that she would lay down her life for him, but he wanted her to do this not for him, but for all Flenetians.

"Daughter. You must do this for your people, not for me or your family, but every family upon our homeworld. We are all suffering, both sides and your marriage will give us teh time we need to rebuild, regroup, reunite." His words powerful and full of heartfelt emotion.

Juniopia nodded. "If I must, I will, but it is not for love, it will be for duty." She said, as she released her fathers hand and lowering her chin to her chest, turned away from her father. She had expected roars of anger, but the man who stood behind her was her father, her lord and she had a duty and if Rakka and Tahir would allow it, she would obey her father. "Father, I love you." She said as she took her seat again, not watching as her father slipped out of the brig and she did not see his tears.