Arrival Alexandria Marshall’s Personal Log - Lt. Dorian Gabriel's Bill

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Title   Lt. Dorian Gabriel's Bill
Author   Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Thu Aug 20, 2009 @ 6:04am
To: Starbase Command
From: Natrina Kerran; Proprietor of the Matahari Bar and Grill
Subj: Compensation and Damages During Bar Closure

Due to the recent closure of my bar, and the recent vandalism and unacceptable theft by a Lieutenant Dorian Gabriel and Major James Darson. I am charging the base command the following.

Five Bottles of Brut Millesime 2366: 40 Slips of Latinum
Six Bottles of Carranea Zinfindel 2372: 80 Slips of Latinum
Two Bottles of KaranQ Velda'K Bloodwine 2367: 30 Slips of Latinum
Three Bottles of Darranea Keran Saurian Brandy 2298: 40 Slips of Latinum
One Bottle of Darras Keal Bloodwine 2307: 180 Slips of Latinum (Very Rare)

Standardized Fee for Uncivil and Disorderly Behavoir: 10 Slips of Latinum (To be subtracted from the Patron's Tab)

Special Fee for Lt. Dorian Gabriel's apparent lack of manners: 20 Slips of Latinum (Also to be subtracted from the Patron's Tab)

Failure to respond with Compensation will result in me taking the said compensation out of Security's Tab whether the like it or not.


Natrina Kerran