Interlude – A Plague On Both Your Houses, part 2
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Karen Villiers & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   A Plague On Both Your Houses, part 2
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Karen Villiers & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sun Aug 08, 2010 @ 4:38pm
Location   The Promenade
Timeline   After Little Box of Horrors

"Yeah. How far does diplomatic immunity extend?" He said. With his last word, all of the Cardassian men hulked up their weapons.

Karen smiled widely, "Less far than you would think," she said easily, "Diplomats of any rank can be expelled for espionage, immunity is a great thing to hide behind if you're talking to people who don't understand the workings, but really it means diddly-squat. Believe me, I know Cardassian law as well as I know Federation. If you want to be expelled continue walking towards me. The orders are already in place in case you become a difficult customer, orders to send you home under a cloud, Ambassador. That sort of homecoming is dealt with quite harshly if I recall correctly," she added for good measure.

Karen did not give a millimetre, and everything she said was correct though being right would not help her if someone fired a disruptor in her face. "I don't think you want to go home just yet, Ambassador Getal, so order your men to stand down before I have them taken down. If you are here to deal with this vole problem we can work together."

Tharek remained where he was and gave a small disgruntled look unto Karen, before motioning to his men. "How."

"I've ordered the Promenade cleared starting with a five hundred metre perimeter. Staged evacuation has been begun. The exclusion zone will be expanded as needed." Karen's gaze swivelled between the Cardassian Ambassador and the Bokkai, "If you two have driven the voles deeper into my station I will have you both out," she said.

Karen saw the way that the woman looked at him, but she could not quite see why, not because he was not impressive, because he was, but because he was so obviously a player.

Yolanthe couldn't suppress the shudder of apple green that that threat produced, so she didn't bother; it was quickly replaced by a dark yellow as her frustrations bubbled to the fore. "Commander, I did not bring these things onboard. I certainly did not intend for them to get everywhere. But every time something goes wrong, Starfleet are the last people to turn up. The Romulans bailed me out during the riot. Today it was the Cardassians. When the next thing goes wrong I fully expect to find a contingent of Klingons outside my door."

The Bokkai took a breath to keep her tone even. "It may be your station, but I’m seeing precious little evidence of it down here on the prom. When i do turn to Starfleet, I get either well meant ineffectualness," Sorry, Mercy, she added mentally, “or outright hostility before I can get a word in edgeways." And that would be you and Commander Gabriel. "So you'll have to forgive me for just trying to get by and taking help where I can."

"For someone who's bar has been at the centre of two major disturbances you're pretty quick to throw accusations around. I cannot speak for the Lieutenant Commander but I'm here now, and rightfully angry at this ill thought out impromptu vole hunt.

"You are not the lone centre of the Federation's concern, I'm looking out for everyone we have on this station, Starfleet and Civilian alike and so far because of this we've clocked up half a dozen physical injuries, numerous trauma cases and one Bajoran on suicide watch because he thinks the Cardassians have invaded - that's aside from the property damage.

"You have made no appeal to Starfleet for help, you and your chums have just dived in and spread a problem that could have been contained, and dealt with in a sane manner," Karen said in her even courtroom drawl, "Don't you dare presume to lecture me on the attention Starfleet gives you, you were still allowed to remain open for business after the last riot," Karen said, "something that is not going to happen this time if I don't see a marked improvement in your ability to co-operate with my people." Just like her threat to the ambassador Karen could follow through on this, the law, if you knew it well enough was an invaluable tool in dealing with difficult customers.

Tharek laughed at the mention of a suicidal Bajoran, but quickly regained himself. "As I recall, the riot was started by Federation citizens, and, Starfleet couldn't leash it's dog. So, two outside governments had to come in and clean up your mess. Besides, you're trailing off topic. There's Voles running around the place and your talking Voleshit. Let's do this."

"Did I ask for your opinion, Ambassador?" Karen said turning slowly to face him. "There are some interesting questions that could be explored about that night aren't there? Your Romulan friend might also find himself expelled on allegations of espionage if you don't learn to hold your tongue where appropriate," she told him. "We can discuss that later. Nobody does anything until I get the call that a five hundred meter perimeter has been fully evacuated then we start in that area, not beyond until we get the call that the next perimeter is established. Further evacuations are being made to clear the entire promenade and as soon as that is done we expand our efforts," Karen said. "Do you all understand or do I need to put this in simpler terms?"

"I really dislike you." Tharek stated bluntly. "But yes, it is clear."

Karen pursed her lips as though thinking. "I think I can live with that," she said as she released her breath and hit her comm badge. "Mirin, timescale on first perimeter?" she asked.

"Ten minutes," was the response. Karen ambled aside and shared a few other words with the officer but returned to the impromptu assembly as she cut the comm.

Karen nodded. "Ok, let’s can the pretence of 'friendship' and get down to business. I've called in an additional twelve men to assist, and the maintenance tubes are being flooded with gas. Now is the time to suggest a strategy," Karen invited.

"I don't need a strategy for vermin. Men!" He bellowed again, and they hulked over to Tharek, pushing past Karen's men and women. "Stretch out and eliminate the nests, use maximum stun to save the walking cesspits jumping down your throat."

"ENOUGH!" Karen said. "The only orders given here come from Starfleet. Open your mouth again, Ambassador unless it is to discuss a rational approach and you'll find just how far diplomatic 'immunity' stretches," she added through gritted teeth. "You'll find its less far than you expect. Now put your brain to use - we have seven minutes before we move." She turned then to the other Cardassians, "And don't you lot get any ideas, you're expendable in his eyes, and by moving where you are my people have their phasers on your backs." Which was true.

"You threaten us?" Tharek said, pushing through the men and squaring up to Karen. "Watch your words, Starfleet, they may be your last." He said, knowing he was adding a spark to a potentially fatal bomb.

"Are you hard of hearing, Ambassador?" Karen asked pleasantly as she clapped her hands together. "Our lovely Bajoran Chief Medical Officer might be able to take care of that for you." Karen really was not intimidated by the posturing. "First you're bothered by voles and want to get on with it, and given a few minutes delay you start trying to establish who is the biggest swinging dick on the Promenade?" Karen laughed, "Let me enlighten you, Ambassador, it ain't you. Now, other than kill 'em all, we need a strategy i. e. who goes where, and so that you don't 'accidentally' mistake me for a vole," she added. "So we have a five hundred meter perimeter, impress me, and suggest something other than kill anything that breathes."

Yolanthe had watched the increasing antagonism between the two with unease. Villiers had threatened Getal, and his men, and that had set her cultural instincts on edge. But she herself had allowed other males to come to harm by indulging him. It was time to get her emotions under control, and fix things. "That might be the easiest solution. Seal the prom and flood it with carbon monoxide, then electrify everything that can be and fry any voles still alive."

Karen released a breath through her teeth, "Glad to see someone is thinking," she said. "Now that sounds more like a plan. We've arranged to flood the crawlspaces with neurozine gas as soon as each sector is evacuated, the last thing we want is anyone accidentally getting a potentially fatal lungful. We can then put a charge through the infrastructure, that will have the additional benefit of preventing any vermin moving into areas we've already cleared. The rest is a manual sweep."

"Commander, we're clear," the comm informed Karen. "OK folks," Karen said accepting a phaser rifle from one of her people, "Time to shoot vole."

Tharek grunted in response. But, Yolanthe's siding with Karen made him see that he really was being an asshole. A very big one. "Men, accompany the Starfleet. You all remember Raxus two, don't let it get that bad."

Yolanthe looked from Karen's phaser to Getal's disrupter, "I've never really used a phaser. What else can I do to help?"

Karen's brow wrinkled slightly as she lifted one eyebrow. "Do whatever you were planning to do before I turned up," she suggested with a nod to everyone. "Or grab a hammer and clout anything that looks like a vole. OK, Ambassador, you take your men East, I'll take mine West."

"Or a Vole in a Starfleet uniform." Tharek added in. He then gestured to the closest mans spare disruptor pistol, to give to Yolanthe. "I'll show you how to use it effectively." He said, as he started to walk off slowly East.

Karen shook her head and ignored him despite the whispered comment that one of her officers made. A valid point, but if she reprimanded the Ambassador now for arming a civilian, then she could not use the fact against him later. For all intents and purposes Karen's back was turned and she chose not to notice.

The Bokkai looked at the disrupter she had been handed, and made a face. She loathed firearms, even for a 'good' cause like exterminating voles. But there was no avoiding it. There would be no room for anything else if the commander was serious about flushing the damn things out of crawl ways that couldn't be gassed or electrified.

She gave Villiers an apologetic look; things had not gone the way she would have chosen, "I'm sorry about this. I'm not sure what happened." Then she hurried after Tharek as he headed for the crawl ways behind the Klingon bookstore.
