Judgement – Metaphor (or five!)
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Metaphor (or five!)
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 8:21pm
Location   Romulan Consulate, Ambassador's Suite
Timeline   SD36 20:00

The shift that was taking place within Isha was tectonic. The plates of her mind that had been grinding against one another and buckling beneath internal and external pressures finally slid into position, locking against one another and giving her another base entirely on which to stand.

She had been here before.

Isha could see clearly from this vantage point but it was different this time. The ground was scored by an unexpected fissure at her feet through which the bubbling soup of magma was visible. Even in this state her fire was not supposed to emerge. She was supposed to remain dormant, her powers harnessed, controlled, what burned beneath unknown to her.

If she reached into that crack Isha knew she would ignite.

These were the paths less trodden, the forgotten self, the one that for some reason Rh’vaurek alone always saw.

Isha crouched and extended a tentative hand towards the crack. The rising heat burned orange against her slender palm casting a russet glow over her pale skin.

If she reached into it, it would consume her.

“My Lady.”

Isha stepped back from the fissure, and back again through the waterfall and into her normal state of being. Whilst the wall remained open she could move between them as easily as she could move between her office and her apartment; it would be open until she had done what she needed.

Isha did not recall exactly why she had chosen a visual metaphor to find her way when she had first been deconstructed but she had. She had brought it with her out of childhood, and even though when she stepped beneath the waterfall sometimes all she met was rock, she was always aware on some level of what lay beyond.

“What am I going to do with you?” Isha asked as she opened her eyes; the question was rhetorical. Ekenda was standing nearby. If only she had been here from the beginning, Isha thought, but there were so many reasons why that had not been possible, the foremost of which she was about to address. “You can’t be here, not as you are. The Federation have an odd view about property, and whilst they know damn well about the principles of ownership within the Empire they overlook it. I’m not so sure they’ll do that when a real example is thrust under their collective noses.

“If anyone asks you are my Private Secretary – they may read what they wish into that. What do you want anyway?”

“Your appointment, my Lady, a Lieutenant Commander Dunham. Will you receive him in your office?”

Isha rose and turned to Ekenda, “I will receive him here,” she said, “Do show him in.”
Had she possessed eyebrows Ekenda may have raised one; an Ambassador ought not to be receiving visitors in her suite, nor should a Lady of her mistress’ status, but then it was not her place to question. “I will bring him to you,” she said.

A few moments later Ekenda returned bringing Chelsea’s husband to be with her.

“Lieutenant Commander Dunham, my Lady,” Ekenda said before withdrawing to stand by the door.

“Commander Dunham,” Isha stepped forward with a smile, “I had no idea you had scheduled a visit until my Private Secretary informed me. Won’t you sit?” she continued gesturing towards the seating area. Ekenda, tea please,” she added as she waited for his response.

Rick, hands thrust in pockets, took in the ambiance of his surroundings, by looking about himself with a soft smile on his face. "Have you re-decorated in here since last i was here?" he asked rhetorically, he then finished looking about the room, his eyes fixing on the sofa he said "ah yes" as if he had forgotten the seat had been offered, then wen't and sat in the chair, still smiling. Then he got up again as if he had forgotten something "I'm sorry," he said apologetically and addressing Ekenda "I didn't introduce my self properly, I'm Rick, pleasure to meet you miss....?" he offered his hand out to shake, and before ekenda could answer he asked "are you new here?"

Ekenda saw that he had made the same gesture as the Cardassian who had kindly escorted her to the Consulate. She did not hesitate this time to extend her own had, it appeared to be expected. "I am just arrived from ch'Rihan," Ekenda said, "If you will excuse me, I will prepare tea."

"My Private Secretary," Isha said smoothly. "I found myself so overwhelmed by demands on my time that I simply had to call for her. Ekenda's species is not known beyond the Empire, and even within it, her people rarely venture off planet. I consider myself lucky to have such an attendant," she added.

"Cool" said Rick with a smile and a nod of agreement "I'm liking the blue." He said in reference to the alien's skin. He sat back down on the comfy sofa, then out of the blue asked. "Are you alright? You're looking tired?"

Isha dropped onto the sofa opposite; she had chosen something loose to wear that did not chafe her shoulders, or hug her stomach - something that she would only wear among friends. "Its is a very trying period, Rick," Isha said, he did not need to know about t'Merek and the dramatic fallout of her own (in)actions. "But aren't you undergoing a few of your own right now?" she asked, changing the subject, "Doctor Adams ... Chelsea, both of you, must be in a swirl of preparation. How are you coping, Rick?"

Was she avoiding something thought Rick to himself, as he dismissed the notion to the side of his thoughts on the grounds that if she didn't want to talk about it, then there was probably a good reason for it and that was fair enough. Rick chuckled at the ambassadors sentiment and painting of a picture that was the Rick/Chelsea wedding plans. There was allot going on, but Rick thought he could best sum it up with an analogy "Well today we both joked that we should elope"

"And provoke an interstellar incident?" Isha's gasp was exaggerated, but this was the first time in what felt like weeks that she had the chance to talk, and to interact like a normal person - she wanted to take advantage of that, and enjoy it. "I am her maid of honour, as I believe it is called ... if that privilege is taken from me I cannot answer for the consequences," Isha said as she drew up her feet beneath her and wrapped her arms around a cushion. "How do you find Chelsea's family?" she asked, "I'm not sure that they will see beyond my ears."

Rick chuckled again, feeling comfortable around his friend that he had not seen in long time. "I wouldn't worry about that, they will see beyond the ears believe me, her grandfather who his a former starfleet admiral, is very liberal, as is the rest of her family, if some what over protective of their grandchild....but thats to be expected. Chelsea's mum is a starlfeet Captain and in many ways reminds me of my own mother."

As she made the tea Ekenda observed the friends. What she could see on the electromagnetic spectrum was very revealing; her Lady was relaxed, although the darkness that tinged her aura still underlay everything else. It had shocked Ekenda at first to see how deeply it ran but it seemed to be under control, her Lady's other emotions overriding her fears. Her visitor was a different matter - he was genuine, relaxed and open and her Lady's own aura crackled and adjusted itself to reflect these aspects. It was one of the things that had always fascinated Ekenda, the way her mistress drew on people's auras - she was mimicking them on an electomagnetic level without being aware of it - Ekenda believed it was one of the things that made her such a successful politician - people agreed with her and warmed to her because in essence they were seeing themselves refected in her. Ekenda quietly laid the tray on the table and withdrew.

"Thank you," Isha said. "Is your mother also a Starfleet Captain?" she asked, "I have found that families often follow such a pattern, children are inspired by their parents to take up a similar role in life."

"No kidding" said Rick slightly sarcastically but in light humor and a smile on his face. "But yeah she is starfleet captain, USS Haganon, galaxy class, Dad used to be a starfleet officer to before becoming a tenured professor at the vulcan science academy, my sister is a starfleet officer and married to a starfleet marine, and both grandparents worked for starfleet in the diplomatic core before retiring, so yeah....." he smiled again, "it runs in the family"

"And in Chelsea's too, it seems," Isha observed. "I didn't think the Vulcans were that accepting of non-Vulcan academics, most that I've met have an overinflated sense of superiority and use logic as a shield to avoid having to deal with their emotions. Does he like it? Vulcan I mean?"

"You know I'm not sure...." Rick thought about that a moment "You know I honestly don't know...to be honest he seems to be at starfleet academy most of the time, teaching temporal mechanics, I'll ask him next time I see him..." he shrugged "though who knows when that will be, the entire family was here on the station, then had to leave under orders on the Hagnon, so now only Chelsea's side of the family is around. What about Isha, do you follow in your parents footsteps?"

"To the extent that my father is a Senator and my mother is the Head of her House, I suppose I do," Isha replied, "but my mother also had a military career, and my father ... well I too hold a Senate seat but that is where the similarity ends. If anything I was inspired not to be like them." That was quite a scandalous thing to say, even in private.

"Cool" said Rick with a smile, he wasn't familiar with Romulan culture was not aware of the scandalousness comment, if anything he could empathise with her sentiment. "I can totally relate to that, the only similar thing between me and my parents is the uniform, fighter pilots don't make good career officers like there parents might like, and believing in outdated religion mode sets is not the way of an enlightened humanism mind."

"One cannot spend one's life fulfilllng the expectations of others. You have your path to take." Isha said, "will they be here for your wedding?" she could not imagine that the gathering of the Dunhams and Adamses would be anywhere near as stuffy or potentially explosive as the recent gathering of her mother's House, but one could never tell.

"That my friend is the question, and one I really wish I could answer, alas though it holds within the perfew of the starfleet chain of command and whether they complete there mission before the wedding and can return in time.....but." he shrugged "I understand it comes with the uniform...that duty, you know?"

Isha chuckled at that. She understood duty. "Tea?" she asked reaching for the pot as she spoke, "I suppose if they do miss the date you could always have a second ceremony. Have you settled on a location yet? Or are you trying to keep as far away from preparations as you can?"

"I have made a couple of suggestions, though I must admit I am trying to stay away from the planning as possible, it is Chelsea's day after all, though there is one thing I was planning the honeymoon, and I was wondering if you had any suggestions on what Chelsea might like as a holiday?"

As she poured the tea Isha thought about that, "Perhaps one of the popular Federation resorts such as Casperia Prime," she suggested, "I believe its a little more sophisticated than Risa. There is a much less well known resort in the Eridani system, though that is on the Empire's side of the Neutral Zone - passage could be arranged, of course if you wished to visit. If you wanted something really private and unique I could offer you the use of my estate for a week, though I don't know how comfortable Chelsea would feel being surrounded by a hoard of servants."

"Hmmm interesting" said Rick mulling over the ideas. "I like the sound of those," he said with genuine enthusiasm "though isn't your estate on Romulus?" Sometimes, just sometimes (ok more often than not) Rick forgot that the women sitting next to him was an official ambassador and representative of the Romulan Star Empire. But then again, it never bothered him that she was.

Isha's lips curled into a smile, "It is. We occaisionally have need to accomodate visiting Ambassadors and heads of state from planets that do not maintain an Embassy on ch'Rihan," in this conext Isha used 'we' to mean the government, not her own family. "When I am not in residence I allow my estate to be used as an offical residence. We would assign you diplomatic status for your visit - I'd have to clear that with the Federation's Ambassador in Ra'tleihfi - he would be your official host for the visit. You would get the full tour - Calanista, Rrhiol ch'Chula, Korthre, the Fire Falls of Gal'Gathong, the Sath’har Archipelego, it all depends on what you would like to see. Then of course you'd have the run of the estate. It could be my gift to you both," she suggested.

"You know what," said Rick with a grin "I like that idea, we should probably run it pass Chelsea first though, I want it to be her special trip, but I reckon she would enjoy being pampered for a few long weekend." Rick wasn't even worried about the potentially bad circumstances of a federation citizen taking a holiday on Romulus. That sort of thing never really entered his mind set. He trusted his friend.

"Make it a surprise. I can quite imagine her expression when she finds out that she is quite litereally going to be treated like a queen," Isha suggested.

Rick had the imagine in his head; it wen't either pure joy and happiness at being treated like royalty, to I'm going to rip your head rick for doing this to me. Rick nodded in agreement. "It could go either way....do you think she would enjoy that, being pampered and treated like royalty?"

"I'm sure she would," Isha told him, "and you can always blame me for not allowing you to tell her. You might have to subtly ask her what she wants to do on holiday so that we can arrange some visits for you - there's no point in a trip to Kannassarum if ruins will bore her to tears, is there?"

The image of getting his head ripped off for poor choice of holiday subsided at Isha's words "Probably true," said Rick with a smile "Though I would enjoy.,," He had always liked history. The more they talked about it the more he began to like the idea, "Urrrm, I was planning on traveling with our private vessel, would that be a problem if it was non-starfleet, crossing the border and all?"

Isha shrugged, "A minor detail. As long as the ship has been pre-cleared to cross the Neutral Zone there should be no interference. As you will have diplomatic status for your visit you may find that you have an escort, though they will keep their distance. You'll dock at the Eisn spacedock and from there beam down directly to my estate. After that you can do as much or as little as you wish." Isha paused and tilted her head slightly to one side as she thought, "I've never accomodated Federation visitors before, but I trust my staff to adapt themselves to your needs - you should try our food of course, but I'd best send over a few menus so they can provide a little variety. Shall I arrange it?" she gave him one last chance to turn down the offer.

Rick nodded in agreement the smiled, "Yes, Yes please."

"Very well," Isha acknowledged his acceptance with a nod. "Ekenda, make the necessary arrangements. Also, contact the Office of the Chairman of the Continuing Committee and of Ambassador Mortimer Praxis, I need to speak to them both on subspace, tr'Vainlli first."

Ekenda smiled slightly, despite the troubling undercurrents she detected in her mistress she was functioning as usual, "Of course, my Lady," she said simply and for the first time since she had brought Lieutenant COmmander Dunham in she left the room.

"Praxis is the serving Federation Ambassador on ch'Rihan," she explained, "he will officially request use of the residence, and tr'Vainlli will grant it. A silly protocol to follow, but as you need to be given diplomatic status to ensure the needed security measures are in place, a necesary one. I hope that you will both be delighted with my house," she added with an unusualy warm smile.

"Cool, I'm sure it will be awesome," Rick was really getting to like this idea the more he reflected on it. "I'm really looking forward to it, and I am sure that Chelsea will Love it, she really loves you, you know" he paused a moment as he frowned slightly in thought, as his mind caught up with him. "Do I need to sort anything out on my end? You said we would be traveling as diplomats, but of what?"

Isha did know, she was just delighted to be able to do something for these people who required ntohing of her other than her occaisional company. She closed her eyes briefly, and when she opened them again they were a little more moist than usual, "Its a formality, nothing more. Diplomatic status allows me to make the arrangements for you," she explained, "Praxis will comply and make sure everything is squared on the Federation side because there is something he wants from tr'vainlli, I will make sure that tr'Vainlli agrees to give it to him. That's far more than you need to know, Rick."

Rick, who quite frankly wasn't the most observant chap when it came to the opposite sex, did manage to spot the moisture building in Isha's eyes, he wondered what it was about, he didn't think he had done anything wrong, and everything else about Isha's body language indicated everything was fine, he placed one hand very gently on hers "Are you ok?"

Isha nodded. "I'm ok, Rick, you've both been very kind to me, Chelsea especially so. I've been given a chance to return that kindness. I am very grateful that you've allowed me to do so."

Was he missing something? He didn't remember being very kind, just himself and Chelsea had not mentioned anything to him, was he just being a bloke and missing something incredibly obvious. Maybe? Who knows, but once again he found himself in the position not to probe further and respect Isha's privacy. "Ok" he removed his hand, "If there is anything I can do to help, just let me know."

"I will," she replied with a glance at the tea that was growing cold on the table. "You can help me most by continuing to make my friend happy," she said.

"You know I promised her that when I proposed to Chelsea. I said she made me the happiest man in the world and that I would spend the rest of my life trying to do the same for her."

Isha rose and extended her hands to him. On a certain level she had accepted Chelsea into her family, it was time to do the same for the doctor's life partner.

Rick, a little confused to what was going and deciding to bumble along with it anyway, got up also by accepting her hands. "What's going on?" he asked with smile.

"You are as much a friend to me as Chelsea is. My position does not allow me many. All I say is that I extend to you the protection and assistnece of my Houses should you ever find yourself in need." She squeezed his hands before releasing them. "I wish you happiness together."

Isha sighed, she envied them so much. She coveted the simplicity of their lives. "I will let you know as soon as the arrangements are confirmed," she said.

What just happened, thought Rick to himself. Ha he just been made an honorary Romulan or something? This was one of those things that was probably a bit over his head, but they were lovely words she had spoken, conveying friendship, sincerity and love. "Thank you...." he scratched the stubble on his chin a little uncertainly to what he was suppose too do next for this little ceremony "urrrm, do i bow or something?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Rick! You're a friend. I don't require anyone to bow to me. Here," she unclipped the thin chain that hung around her neck and dropped it, and the pendant in his palm. "It comes from a creature similar to oysters, " she said. Isha had not been prepared for this, and she was improvising, "Consider it a token of my esteem. Chelsea already possess the way to the asssistence of my House. Was there anything more you wished to talk about?"

"Awwww thank you" said Rick with genuine sincerity, feeling and emotion in his answer. Feeling his own eyes welling up, he gave her a big hug in gratitude, then coughed a little and let go realizing it was probably inappropriate to hug an ambassador. "I want give you something to..." he said looking around the room for a PaDD. he found one and picked it up. he started to write on the PaDD

"I don't require anything," Isha protested.

He held up one hand with a smile to stop the protest. "Don't worry its cool." he then handed her the PaDD, "This comm link frequency. If your anywhere in the two quadrants anywhere at all, and in trouble with no help coming from friends, allies and you're backed into a corner, call this number and people will come to help."

Isha looked down at the padd, then up, then down again. When she had memorised the frequency she turned her green gaze up again. "Thank you, Commander Dunham," she said. "I pray I never have cause to use it."

Rick smiled and nodded in understanding, he had felt the same way when he had been given the comm link frequency by his mother like then, both people in the room knew what it was for, and both knew they probably shouldn't talk about it. "Me too Isha, me too." He smiled again "I better get back to work."

"Of course you must," Isha said, She also was keen to slip back into her own minfd and reaquaint herself with areas that were usually barred to her. "I have taken up far too much of your time."

"Always a pleasure, and always your friend Isha." Rick said with that trade mark lop sided smile. He gave a friendly wave of goodbye as he walked to the door. It was interesting how life turned out, if he had never got lost on his first day and stumbled into the Romulan consulate, he may very well missed out on an amazing friendship.


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander
Richard Dunham
Deep Space 5


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian
Just when you thought you knew her ...