Things Past – The Night Shift
by Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   The Night Shift
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Tue Feb 26, 2013 @ 8:42pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   BACKPOST - After "Things That Go Bump In The Night"

Ryan was alone in the office which looked over the main area of sickbay, it was empty. He blew out a breath and picked up a PADD off the desk. He'd done his paperwork, and he wasn't due for a walk around of the other sections just yet, night shifts ninety nine percent of the time were boring.

Illiana limped into Sickbay looking pained and clutching at the beds closest to her to hold her up. "Can you help me?" she asked the nearest person who happened to also be the only person she could see, i.e. Ryan.

Ryan got up off the chair at the desk and grabbed his tricorder as he made his way over to her. As he got nearer he saw that she was a Cardassian. How many could he deal with in a day? As he stopped he smiled. "What happened?"

"I fell. I hurt my ankle." she replied looking the man up and down as if she was checking him out.

"Alright well I can fix that, you just need to hold still while I scan it, it's very sensitive so keep still, how did you fall?" he asked as he started his scans with the tricorder on her ankle.

"I... I was standing on a chair to reach up for a cup.... " she explained but with some hesitation that made it sound less convincing than it might have.
Ryan chuckled. "If that's the story then that is what will go in the record" he pulled away the tricorder once he finished scanning then walked to the equipment tray to get the bone regenerator.

"Can't you fix it?" she asked, looking at the ankle and then up at Ryan. She had been told he was half Cardassian and half Bajoran but he didn't look the way she expected and the pictures she'd been given at her briefing had clearly been out of date.

"Oh no" he smiled as he walked back to her. "I can, you've suffered a sprain that's all, this little thing can regenerate the bone and tendons, you will be fine" he assured her.

"Oh good, I was hoping I wouldn't find there were no doctors on at this time of night." she said, knowing full well that wasn't tactful but she was looking for a reaction so she could then apologise and build a bond to get her mission started.

Ryan frowned, taken a back by her words. "There are always doctors on duty, if we shut down at the end of the day we'd have a queue first thing" he told her with the shake of his head, dismayed by her comment.

"I'm so sorry!" she sounded devastated by her mistake. She even looked it too. "I'm so embarrased. I didn't mean to offend you. Please let me aplogise..." she put her small elegant hand onto his forearm and gazed plaintively up into his face in remorse that looked completely genuine to all eyes.

"It's alright" he assured her, confused by the closeness she was giving. Ryan averted his eyes and cleared his throat. "Apology accepted, I'm offended daily in this job, patients can be a nightmare, you don't even come close"

"Thank you so much" she laid it on with her best, sweet, wide-eyed allure as she left her fingers against his arm in an attempt to convince him of her genuine intention and also, if she could kill two birds with one stone as it were, to make physical contact and add another layer to her spider's web. She didn't have a lot of time in which to get him into her net and get the information out of him so she pulled out all the stops, using all her attractions.

Ryan stared down at her hand on his arm. He smiled, nervous all of a sudden. He stared into her green eyes. "W-...What are you doing?" in actual fact he had a pretty good idea, he was a grown man, he read the signs. he just sometimes didn't know what to do with them.

"Nothing.... I'm sorry.. I didn't mean anything... I was trying to apologise.. oh no, have I made things worse?" she looked like she was going to cry. ~Nice touch!~ she thought.

Ryan shook his head and pulled his arm back. "Of course not...anyway you're fixed now so you're free to go, i've got your information from the scan, I'll add it to your record"

"Thank you, doctor.... I... I'm grateful. My Uncle is a Gul who is attached to the embassy here... He will see that you are rewarded... may I know the name of my rescuer?" she asked, cursing herself internally for losing that moment. She had moved too fast.

~For crying out loud, a first years cadet could have done that, it's hardly cause to be titled brilliant!~ he thought to himself and took a deep breath. "Honestly? No, they hurt my family, pretty big grudge to get rid of"

"Oh that's terrible!" she exclaimed, putting her hands to her mouth as if in shock and horror. "But we must do something.... my uncle would want to do something..... *I* would want to! May I come back? I want to speak to your superior and recommend you should be rewarded. You have been so kind to me even though you must have taken one look and thought of what my people have done." she protested.

"If your uncle is a Gul then he'll quite possibly know me and to be honest I want no reward, I'll get gratification by you being able to walk again properly and preferably out of that door"

Illiana looked (and felt) disappointed. She had failed in her 'mission' on this occasion. She would have to try again. "I understand. You must feel that nothing my family or I can do will help but I am grateful. Thank you." she accepted defeat gracefully and gathered herself to leave with a graceful exit that she hoped would be attractive and leave an impression.

She gave it her best swing, allowing her curves to do their best work as she moved towards the door like a catwalk model. ~I'll be back though!~ she promised him (and herself) silently.

Ryan watched as she gracefully left, and he was certainly struck by the sight. He was staring like any man would at a woman as beautiful as she was. The only time his eyes left her was when the sickbay doors hissed shut. He shook his head and frowned. He couldn't possibly be attracted surely?

A JP Between:

Lt Ryan Milarno


Illiana Novek
Cardassian Civilian
(NPC by Jools)