Beg, Steal or Borrow – Godspeed
by Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   Godspeed
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Tue Jun 16, 2009 @ 2:58am
Location   DS5-Da'nal's quarters
Timeline   SD 9, 10:30 hours

Jo'el woke up feeling several kilos lighter than he had when he went to sleep. He ran a quick sonic shower and changed into his off-duty civies, baggy Terran blue jeans and a Sluggo Cola t-shirt given to him during a cross-promotion with Cestus League Baseball. He chose his simple Bajoran sandles, letting his feet have a break from the rigidity of duty boots.

Finally refreshed, if not rested, Jo'el headed down the corridors to Da'nal's quarters. He had not announced his intended visit, nor had he ever visited the Commander at home before, but something had drawn the young officer toward Da'nal.

He assumed part of his admiration for the Klingon stemmed from his experiences with the warriors stationed in the Bajoran sector during the war. Jo'el always regretted not meeting Chancellor Martok, Commander Worf, and especially Dahar Master Kor. He wrote his military history dissertation at the Academy on Kor's role in the Empire and this side of the galaxy in general.

Jo'el reached Da'nal's quarters and rang the chime.

Da`nal's things had already been transfered to the Freedom, as had the children's and Akhil's. He had just returned to make sure nothing had been left behind. As he finished his walk through, the chime on the door sounded and he stepped over, opening the door. He was surprised to see the Ensign standing there, he was the last person he'd expected to pay him a visit. "Hello Mr. Opaka, what can i do for you?"

"Commander," Jo'el said, inclining his head respectfully. "I just wanted to drop by and see if you needed any help... moving?"

"Well as you can see you're a little late for that. I was just completing a walk though to make sure nothing was left behind. Don't want anyone to find anything they shouldn't

Jo'el blushed slightly, feeling caught up in sentimentality. "Commander, I just wanted to thank you for your advice and support in the brief time we've served together. I don't generally draw my sword on the bridge of a Romulan vessel in defense of a fellow officer's honor." He chuckled at the fresh memory. "While I'm on the subject, thank you for not adding that little tidbit to your report on the incident. Probably saved me some trouble with the Captain, although I suspect Lt. Gabriel might have approved."

"There is no thanks needed. You did your duty and would have done so with or without the sword. Having never met the Captain I can't say how she would have reacted, but I think Commander Davies would have understood."

"Thank you for your advice on the holodeck the other day. It gave me some perspective on the web Romulans weave. I don't know how anyone can remember their name and rank with all of that other stuff going on beneath the surface."

Da`nal was suprised that he was going to say the word form in his mind. "Romulans as a whole have a reputation for deceipt. However I have learned...and been reminded with recent events, that you cannot judge a race. Anyone that judges by the group is a fool. You take men, or women, one at a time."

Jo'el shrugged, grinning. "I think I actually learned that one on my own with this mission. I'm grateful you were able to put it into words."

"Experience is a better teacher than any words could ever be. If you learned that lesson, you'll do just fine. Just don't let Gabriel intimidate you. Act honorably...even if he does not."

"I have aspired to nothing less. An honorable life is a righteous one. I think the Prophets would hold you in high esteem, Commander." The Bajoran bowed respectfully and beat his chest with his fist of a right hand. "Qapla, son of Ral'nath. Die with honor."

Returning the gesture, he smiled and extended his arm. The two men clasped forearms. "batlh Daqawlu'tah."


Ensign Opaka Jo'el
VIP Bodyguard/Master-At-Arms

Commander Da`nal
CO - USS Freedom