Things Past – Tip of the Iceberg: part 10 - Transfer
by Arrival Kaia

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Title   Tip of the Iceberg: part 10 - Transfer
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia
Posted   Mon May 23, 2011 @ 7:49pm
Location   Docking Ring
Timeline   Backpost (Interlude)

The Crewman stared at the ground, barely cognizant of the goings on around him. Other crewmen and the occasional officer stopped and stared as he was escorted through the corridors in bindings by the men in black collars.

"...Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of Law. Should you require an advocate, one will be provided for you..."

Jennings only half paid attention. The last few months were now merely a blur of tangled information and lost friends, memories bound together with a mix of confusion and raw emotion. He wasn't sure what to think anymore. One of the black clad officers put a hand on his head to duck him through the airlock and into the runabout that had brought them to the station. Breaking from the script of announcing his rights, one of the officers addressed him personally.

"I don't know what you did kid, but you've got to have pissed off somebody to get us to perform a courtesy call like this when even WE are being kept in the dark...."

Jennings smiled, half in amusement, half at that last shreds of his sanity. These men, these boogey men of Starfleet, knew less than he did. He took some small comfort in that. Maybe when they got to San Fransico he could even help them track down whoever had killed the Ferengi.

Somehow, he knew it was her. He still had no connection, as though it had been just beyond his fingertips when some of his crewmates had been ordered to arrest him. The time spent in a holding cell had helped calm him down a bit, though a mind seeking answers with no information was free to build upon its own paranoia. Even if the black collared men didn't tell him anything more about the information he had been pursuing, he could hope that his help might assist in the unraveling of the mystery.

Besides, that's what the federation was all about, wasn't it? Wasn't that what was drilled into him from day one at the academy? It was all about doing one's duty to the federation, doing good for the sake of doing good, regardless of the consequences to the self. He had to believe it, or else why would this investigation warrant taking him away in binds, shamed before his peers, for doing his job?

The officers deposited him in the runabout's holding cell and proceeded to the bridge. The airlock closed and the ship pulled away from the station. Jennings closed his eyes, relaxed back against the hard bulkhead, and sighed. He'd done his job. It was out of his hands now...


Elsewhere on the station, Kaia looked out the windows of the promenade at the small ship vanishing into the black. She smiled coyly as she lifted a glass of liquor to her lips, and her other hand, snug in her pocket, relaxed a finger off the button of a subspace transmitter. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary, but inside the ship, the inertial dampeners had just failed catastrophically and a hacked autonavigation program had kicked in. Everyone aboard would be liquefied against the walls as the ship accelerated to warp. Nobody would even know anything wrong until the shuttle was overdue for its arrival on earth in a week.

~Minus one problematic security crewman and two TI agents...This is STILL my station...~ she thought silently before turning away. ~Sorry, kid, but you only saw the tip of the iceberg...~


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