Judgement – Translator, Part 3
by Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Translator, Part 3
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Wed Oct 26, 2011 @ 9:17pm
Location   Karen Villiers Office
Timeline   SD39, 16:30

Bridget hustled her way toward Commander Villiers' office. She carried the padds that had been filled out by Edriar and K'Mar, giving their impressions of the test Yolanthe Ibalin had undergone to assess her emotional state and corresponding skin colours.

She breezed into the outer office just a little breathlessly, smoothing her uniform skirt with her hands before depressing the key that would chime her presence outside the commander's door.

"Enter," Karen said, as in a simultaneous move she laid down the padd she was reading and raised her head, the tips of her fingers coming to rest on the edge of her desk. No appointment was scheduled, but the interruption gave Villiers a welcome break from the big question that was pressing on her mind.

She smiled slightly as the door opened and her visitor entered, noting the burden of padds the woman carried. "Doctor Stapleton," she began gesturing to the desk, "What can I do for you?"

"Good afternoon, Commander," Bridget began, doing her best to keep her voice calm and professional. She wasn't sure why, but Karen Villiers made her nervous. "I've brought the report from the colour assessment test on Yolanthe Ibalin." She didn't know whether to hand them to the commander, set them on her desk, or just hold onto them. After a short pause, she decided to hold them out.

"Thank you." Karen took the proffered documents and nodded to the seat as she skimmed the summary that filled the first page that came up when the padd was activated. Then she looked again at the doctor. "I'll read this later. Is there anything pertinent that in your opinion I need to be aware of?" she asked.

Bridget took a deep breath. "She didn't do it."

Karen pursed her lips as she leaned back in her chair. "Is that an opinion, doctor, or does the study provide conclusive evidence?" she asked. The question arose from necessity, not from a wish to disbelieve, but Karen had observed that some of the the more 'touchy-feely' of the crew were apt to make decisions and form opinions based on what they wanted to see, rather than the evidence. Karen needed to know that this assertion of innocence was not the latter.

"Short of a smoking gun, ma'am. It's apparent by the responses the patient gave that she's no more able to control the pigment changes her skin goes through than you or I would be. It's not chameleon-like," Bridget mused, then paused searching for an association. "It's more like blushing that goes the full colour wheel."

As she nodded Karen allowed herself a smile, the doctor was corroborating what Ibalin had already told her; she surmised that the physiological evidence was documented on the padd.

"Good work, Doctor Stapleton." She paused for a moment, the following decision was not going to make her popular with Security, but Villiers really did not give a flying flip about that. "Please ask the acting Chief of Security to ask his questions again and instruct him to document her colour changes. Observe the interview, and compare her responses against your test sample. If it checks out you have my authorization to release her."

An eyebrow shot up Bridget's forehead before she could stop it. Being given that kind of authority might not win her any friends in the Security department. Then again... she and Trellis had already set their relationship moving in a less than amiable direction, so there wouldn't be any lost friendship between them. She smiled back at the XO, her irises taking on a mischievous twinkle and the skin at the corners of her eyes creasing into familiar smile lines. "I'll be glad to."

Subconsciously she picked up on the Commander's shift in body language, sensing the interview had come to an end. She hadn't yet been dismissed though, so she didn't rise. "Will there be anything else, ma'am?"

Before replying, Karen took a moment to think about that. "Nothing more," she concluded, somewhat amused at Doctor Stapleton's reaction to her words. "I'll read this through in the next hour and if I find anything that won't stand up I'll let you know. If you don't hear from me in that time, go ahead."

Bridget nodded and slid her chair back. "Yes Ma'am." She turned and had taken two steps toward the door before remembering her initial nervousness with the padds. Not wanting to commit the same faux pas, she half turned and looked over her shoulder. "Shall I have my report and the one from Security sent to you, or deliver them in person?"

Dunham's earlier remarks about branching out hadn't only been about dating, Karen thought, and as it looked as though she was going to be here for a while ...

"Bring the reports, and we can discuss them over coffee," Karen said. "There could be some grey areas best talked over informally," she added.

A flutter of baby moths in Bridget's stomach took flight, and she smiled awkwardly to cover it. "Of course, ma'am." As she resumed her pace toward the exit, she allowed her smile to drop into a frown. Having the attention of the Executive Officer wasn't exactly the microscope she wanted to be under. And yet there were procedures to be followed. Informally. Right, she thought to herself. That was like saying you were volun-told.

Internally, Karen shook her head. But it went with the job; she couldn't be everyone's friend no matter how nice they seemed ... or maybe she'd chosen the wrong approach.

What the hell does it matter! she thought with a fiery twist, I'll be back in HQ in a month.

But still Karen thought on ...


A JP by:

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer


Ensign Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practitioner)
Main Sickbay, DS5