Interlude – Tea and Chit-Chat
by Chief Executive Officer Eleni Monteros (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Tea and Chit-Chat
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Eleni Monteros (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Aug 29, 2010 @ 8:25am
Location   Romulan Consulate, Ambassador's Suite
Timeline   SD30
Eleni was preparing herself for something she was not looking forward to, a conversation with her husband's cousin, Isha. She teased and combed her hair until it looked perfect, determined not to be anything less than a sparkling gem when she met with that hateful woman, ~I would rather eat the paint off the side of R'Vek's ship than talk to this woman, but it seems we have to for the sake of R'Vek and the girls.~

Walking out of the quarters she shared with R'Vek and making her way to the Promenade, Eleni kept reminding herself that she was doing this for her family, so it was worth it to put up with Isha for an hour or so, ~I might try to make some business dealings with her while I'm here.~


"... then run down to the usual place and pick up some fresh pastries," Isha said over her shoulder. The concubine was coming for tea. Under normal circumstances Isha was a gracious hostess who put aside her rank and status whilst welcoming guests, but in this instance ... there was no way that she would stoop to waiting on that woman. Whether or not she would note the presence of a servant as a slight was irrelevant to Isha, Eleni Monteros was not and never would be her equal and Isha was going to make every effort to highlight the gulf that exisited between them. She only hoped that eventually R'Vek would tire of his human ghache and put her aside. For now, just to keep her niece happy she would meet with her.

For Isha the outfit she wore was very simple, a sleeveless gown of ice green silk that swirled around her feet in a wave as she moved. For now, however she was comfortably ensconced at one end of one of the sofas, the one that t'Merek had had replaced at her request. It looked just like the old one, but it wasn't.

"Show her in," Isha said, when the reception desk informed her that her guest had arrived, "And forgo the usual security check." That was a courtesy, but if Eleni Monteros entertained ideas of killing Isha they were of the domestic variety, rather than the life threatening.

Eleni walked in behind one of Isha's servants, having to fight the urge to laugh at that woman's unbridled hubris, ~She's really working hard to put herself over today. Wonder if she's compensating for something?~

Standing in front of Isha for only a second, Eleni took a seat and got comfortable, "Well, good afternoon, Isha." She said through a false smile, the 'good afternoon' tinged with almost poisonous levels of 'I hate you.' "So, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Eleni, is it not?" Isha said without bothering to rise. "It is down to a very tight schedule that I have been unable to meet with you before now. I trust that you and my cousin are settling in to your new quarters?" she enquired pleasantly in much the same tone of bland politeness she used on the occasions she found it necessary to converse with the Praetor's wife, "Much more comfortable, I imagine than trying to live on his ship."

"I'm quite used to living on ships, actually." Eleni replied, "Being a retired military woman and the daughter of a shipping magnate myself. But, our quarters aboard this station are lovely, thank you." ~Oh, you forgot I'm not poor human trash, Isha? Well, don't worry, I'm glad to remind you!~

"I've never seen the appeal myself," Isha said. She nodded toward the oval coffee table as a tray was brought in. "I understand your father is also on the station," she said, someone else she had not had time to meet at the party, and in Isha's eyes far less offensive than Eleni, who seemed to presume to put herself on the same level as Isha and who certainly had poisoned R'Vek against her.

"Yes, he is." Eleni smiled, "He's just purchased the former Weiltzer operation here at DS5 and I will be running Monteros Enterprises from here. He's with Rianni and Ashara right now, I believe they're having a meal at The Box of Delights and going to see a holo-film afterwords. Ashara is lucky to have gotten such a wonderful and loving grandfather out of this deal, in Papa's eyes she's every inch Rianni's equal, a Monteros where it counts."

"I wish you luck in your venture," Isha said though she might have meant may your ships crash into blazing suns and your goods be confiscated by the Breen. That meant the woman was staying here on Isha's station. "They share blood, the fire of the Khelliana is in them. There is none equal to it," Isha replied signaling for the servant to pour the tea.

"I don't know about that, but I know Papa and I both love Ashara immensely." Eleni smiled, sipping her freshly poured tea as she did so, "She's been a great addition to our family and we're quite proud to have her." ~Oh, yeah, that's right, I went there.~

"As to business, I would like to offer to handle some shipping and cargo for my husband's house." Eleni offered, "I'd of course be willing to offer you a substantial discount in moving your goods, cousin."

Isha raised an eyebrow very slightly, "I am immensely proud of all of the members of both my Houses," one of which you are not she said sipping her own tea. "Do have a pastry," she suggested gesturing to the plate, "there is a delightful little shop near the Bajoran Gardens which bakes them fresh," Isha continued. "I will send your quote to my Auethnen, should it prove competitive he will see if there is any business we may put your way," she said.

"That would be good for both of us." Eleni smiled, taking a pastry and biting it, "These are very good, Isha, I must find time to go by this Bajoran shop you speak of. And don't worry about the competitiveness of my offer, you'll find the discount R'Vek and I decided to offer quite a gift. I have to say I was quite surprised to have received this invitation, Isha, but happy." ~Or maybe I would rather have had my head shaved with a plastic spoon, we'll never know now, will we?~

"You are the mother of my niece, Eleni," Isha said with a smile, otherwise I would so much as give you the time of day, "and she has just taken her place as a member of my mother's House, and accepted a position as commander of my Flagship. As you are the consort of my cousin it was only courteous that I invite you. I only regret that my schedule has been so busy in recent days that it has taken me this long to find time to meet you," Isha said in a tone of warm sincerity that had fooled politicians and charmed ambassadors.

"Of course I understand, Isha." Eleni smiled, ~Believe me, bitch, I don't want to be here anymore than you want me here.~ "And I do appreciate how much concern you've shown for Rianni." ~Damn it, I do have to give that one to her. She has been very good to Rianni.~

"Perhaps you should join R'Vek and I for dinner at our quarters one night? I'd be happy to prepare some traditional Greek dishes for you to sample, we can have Papa and the girls there, it would be so nice to have the entire family together." Eleni said, ~Yes, the whole family and you'll be there, too.~

"I'm sure that it would be delightful to meet your family," Isha said, again underlining that she did not consider Eleni part of hers. "I really think it is lovely that you are able to offer my cousin some comfort, it was tragic that he lost his first wife, doubly so that he later lost Ashara's mother," she said. Perhaps it would not be so tragic if he lost a third, but then under Rihannsu law R'Vek was not married to Eleni Monteros.

"I do feel so badly for my darling R'Vek about the tragedies he's seen." Eleni shook her head sadly, though she knew what Isha was actually thinking, "But, don't worry about your beloved cousin having to face such loneliness again, Greeks are from a tough stock and I intend to be around a very long time."

"I'm sure you do," Isha replied without a hint of sarcasm. "How are you finding Deep Space Five?" she enquired. It was time for a change of subject.

"I enjoy it actually." Eleni nodded, "It was nicer before the Cardassians showed up though."

"It was," Isha agreed, "but their influence will not last," Isha's agreement with Darson would ensure that. But she really did not wish to talk about Cardassians, not in this room.

"One can certainly hope." Eleni agreed, "I have to say I love the architecture of your embassy, Isha, it's just beautiful." ~Be more beautiful if you weren't in the picture.~ "You'll have to give me the name of your designer so I can get them to do our permanent quarters. I mean, this place is almost like retro-Greek, really classy."

"Its a classical design which owes a great deal to the architectural tradition of the older villas around Ramnau. Were this part of a planet based building I would have added a pool or a fountain opposite the door but in an apartment on a space station I thought that would be a little ostentatious," she said. "The artwork both in this apartment and around the embassy was commissioned from Shiarrael Nanclus, she also designed my interiors. Unfortunately she rarely accepts private commissions," Isha added with a smile and certainly would not from someone of your ilk.

"Well, I suppose it's almost as good as the true Greek classical designs." Eleni replied, "I might give your Nanclus a chance if I can't find a Greek architect willing to come to DS5. Tell me, does she do bathrooms?"

"She did mine," Isha replied. "But there is little to rival the beauty and the grandeur of the ancient estates. Many of them are still occupied by the descendants of those who built them. My husband's House, for example."

"Oh? I'm sure it's lovely." Eleni replied, ~So that's where he's hiding!~

"Indeed," Isha said placing her teacup aside. "I still think of it as his, though it has since passed into my name," she said. "My daughter is in residence while I am here," she added, "and at this time of year the view from the terrace is quite wonderful. In the evening the breeze dances down from the hills and over the lake bringing with it the scent of fruit blossoms," they had often sat there drinking pale wine as the sun set and a pair of Dhival circled on the air-currents above the water, but that was a long time ago. "More tea?" Isha asked.

"Of course." Eleni smiled, "You should see Athens, Isha, the Monteros family estate is the most beautiful in all of Greece. Mountains and sea all in my backyard, I do so love the smell and sound of the sea. Perhaps when Rianni or Ashara is ready to step up and take Monteros Enterprises over R'Vek and I will retire there."

Eleni had clearly missed one of the fundamental differences between Humans and Romulans; the lifespan. By the time R'Vek was ready to retire Eleni Monteros would have been in a box for half a century. "What an interesting addition to the House a business based on Earth would be," she said.

Eleni nearly had to bite her tongue in half to keep from ripping Isha apart at that comment, instead choosing to no sell it completely, "Isha, I do love your humor." ~Isha, I would love to tear out all your hair by the roots and whip you with it.~

"I'm going to take the girls with me to Athens the first chance we get." Eleni continued, "Perhaps Ashara will meet a nice Greek boy and get married."

"That will depend entirely on their orders," Isha replied.

She had always found the idea of inter-species relationships somewhat repellent, and after recent events she found them even more distasteful. How R'Vek could consider treating this creature as an equal was beyond her. Still, R'Vek might have acheived the status to do as he pleased when it came to his private life, and Rianni had been raised with different values, but his daughter Ashara was a different matter entirely. Isha would see her exiled from the House before she allowed that to happen. But Isha's even green gaze betrayed nothing of the revulsion she felt at Eleni's comment.

"She should have someone, don't you agree?" Eleni asked, her voice calm, even soothing, though she was trying her damnedest to bait Isha on this one, ~I know what's going on in your pretty head, Isha. Don't think I don't.~

"It would be unusual to marry before the age of thirty," Isha replied smoothly, "and balancing the demands of the Galae with the demands of a husband would be most challenging if one's career had not reached a certain stage," she told Eleni.

"Ashara could do it, she's a talented girl." Eleni smiled nastily at Isha, "I'm quite proud of her."

"Of course she is, she takes after her father," Isha said without hesitation, and fortunately so does Rianni.

"Oh, yes, my R'Vek is certainly one of a kind." Eleni laughed proudly, ~And nothing like any of the rest of you t'Khellian twats.~

Isha merely chuckled softly. The woman really had no idea how much power a House had over the individual, over their life-choices, over their loyalty. If pushed to it Isha would make R'Vek choose. His career was sufficiently advanced that he might just survive without the name Khellian, but his influence would be diminished. And having to make the choice would damage him terribly on a personal level, there were ties of blood and history that would be irrevocably severed and that would fester and undermine the very relationship he chose in favour of ... but that was a long way off.

Eleni would've given a million bars of latinum to know what Isha was thinking right then, even though she had a clue, ~A blind person could see all is not normal in the Khelliana house, yet they put on such a front. I'll never understand such people...~

"It would be nice if Rianni could finally find someone to love her right." Eleni remarked at last, "My little lamb has been through so much trying to find her other half, so many heartbreaks. I certainly sympathize though, being separated from my one true love for as long as I was. But, if anything my reunion with R'Vek proves that love never dies, even if it does have to wait a lifetime sometimes."

"What a very human notion," Isha replied with just an undertone of disdain. That saccharine sentiment was quite enough cause cavities in her even white teeth. "We have a saying, Eleni," she said, "Love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them. That is about passion, Eleni, not romance. I am sure that Rianni will find hers."

"We can only hope." Eleni agreed, "Perhaps I can steer her in the right direction now that I'm going to be here with her. Perhaps I can help both of my girls find someone special." ~Oh, that's right! I forgot to mention that Ashara calls me mom! OOPS!~

And perhaps I'll send the Dhelan on manouvres along the Klingon border, Isha mused. "Oh, I'm sure the right girl will come along," she said. Ashara might also find herself reassigned if the woman kept this up.

"I'm hoping for a man to be honest." Eleni smiled, "For both of them. It would be nice to have grandchildren after all. Perhaps one of them might land that handsome Whitlock fellow." ~Oh, I know you're hating that, Princess. The idea of your newshound nemesis with one of your nieces.~

Isha shrugged, "I'm not sure that you can dictate that choice," she said.

"And I would never dream of it." Eleni gasped, "Why that would be positively inhuman!"

"It would certainly be questionable," Isha observed, "and quite un-Rihannsu. Some aspects of life remain fully under the control of the individual," she added.

"Really?" Eleni laughed, "That's always good to know, Isha."

"I'm sure that would change in a blink if the Tal'Shiar ever came up with a way to directly manipulate people's thoughts and actions," she said. Isha was quite certain that somewhere in a seemingly innocent lab there was somebody working on a way to do just that.

"I'm sure." Eleni laughed, ~Well, at least she's not a complete drone, right? Still hate her though....~

"Well I for one would sooner cut my own throat than be dictated to in such a manner," Isha said, not seeing any hypocrisy in her attitude to the power and control she personally had over the lives and choices of the individual members of her Houses.

"I can understand that desire, Isha." Eleni nodded and smiled, biting her tongue hard not to say 'And what do you call what you do to your family?'

"Of course I can see the value as a tool to keep the wider populace under control," she reasoned. "Still, it is just the sort of development that would be abused, no?" Isha paused. "Perhaps you would like to see the bathroom that Nanclus designed," she suggested, knowing that in a million years Eleni would not secure the services of the great artist.

"Of course." Eleni smiled, ~It's going to burn her up when I hire this Nanclus person.~ "Lead the way."

For accomodation typically occupied by one person Isha's apartment was vast, most of the space was taken up by the main living space, the central seating area, a study area and a comfortable dining area all with the starscape view through the enourmous windows. At one side a short corridor led to Isha's office and opposite was another hallway off which opened three doors. "I would show you the guest room, but it is rather modest in its design," Isha said as she pushed open the door opposite which led into her own bed-chamber decorated in the same pale tasteful tones as the living area.

The bathroom itself was constucted of white marble etched and filled with stones of other colours to provide a spreading organic design of stylised leaves and flowers that seemed to grow from the stone itself. If Isha had thought a water feature in her main living space was ostentatious she had no such qualms about the large bath sunk into the floor below the window. "You'll adore the dressing room," she said as she stood back and let Eleni take a look around.

"This is nice, Isha." Eleni smiled, going over the numbers in her head for the cost of this particular sandbox, then adding the numbers of the additions she would have to make to surpass them, "Yes, let's see this dressing room!"

The dressing room could be entered either from the hallway or from Isha's bed-chamber; it was the latter route they took into another pale and painstakingly beautiful room, it was larger than the guest room, though Eleni would not discover that until they finished the tour by visiting that 'modest' room.

The dressing room was dedicated to the preparation of perfection. "Do have a poke around," she invited. It was not just about the wonderfully constructed furniture but what was contained within, Isha's wardrobe was considerable both in terms of quality and quantity, she wanted this ... person to know just who she was competing with.

Isha did indeed have some beautiful things, ~Too bad she's too skinny to pull them off well.~ "You do have beautiful clothes, Isha darling." Eleni complimented, "We should take Rianni shopping, find her some nicer clothes. She still dresses like a Marine unfortunately. She was always a bit of a tomboy, though. For a long time Papa called her Sooner, he said she'd sooner fly than eat."

"Yes." Eleni smiled as she held a pale green dress that would look better on her than Isha ever dreamed of looking in it, "We simply must do that! We can get the girls and go shopping one day, maybe even go somewhere for a couple of days on one of my cruise liners. That would be nice wouldn't it?" ~Especially if you stepped too close to the airlock, Isha darling.~

"A necessary extravegance," Isha said. Eleni really could not help it if she was somewhat ... comely, Isha could hardly hold that against her. "I must agree that Rianni's sense of style is somewhat unusual. I put that down to her having been raised among humans. She has very nice ears, you know, but makes nothing of them. As to those awful things she chooses to dress herself in ... well I don't know where to begin," Isha said, Though personally I blame the parent for not instilling the discipline in her

She sighed and addressed the other suggestion that Monteros had made, "Unfortunately protocol dictates that when I travel it is aboard my flagship. When my husband died he not only left me his House, but also a most inconvenient title. Do you know, Eleni that I can call myself an admiral should I wish? How amusing is that!"

"Almost as amusing as R'Vek's crew referring to me as Lady t'Khellian." Eleni answered, "And, yes, I always hated the fact that Rianni felt compelled to poke so many holes in her ears and don't get me started on that tattoo. If I could I would kill her first husband for encouraging her to get that damned thing!"

"And then when she cut her hair so short, I wanted to cry!" Eleni continued, "But you and I can work on her together, Isha darling, I just know this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." ~I just know I just threw up inside my mouth!~

"What strange notions some people have," Isha said a little tightly. If that claim was more than a lie then it was done as a courtesy to R'Vek not to his concubine. "but of course I am an Flag Officer as ultimately, I Command our fleet," she said, you on the other hand are my cousin's whore.

"Rianni could be so beautiful if she tried, and like it or not, one's appearance is an important factor," Isha said. "Eleni, I only want what is best for her, but she is such a strong minded child." Something else she inherited from her father "I do agree that we should conspire to give her that advantage."

Isha grasped Eleni's arm, as a friend might do, "Come, I will show you the guest accomodation too," she said.

"I would enjoy that." Eleni said through the fakest smile in recorded history, "And we'll work on Rianni, she should have every advantage available to her." ~And with her mother's looks no less.~

They exited through the door that took them back into the hallway, "Please," Isha said, inviting Eleni to precede her into the 'modest' Guest Room.

The decor and fabrics were almost as lavish as those in Isha's own bed-chamber, it was smaller, smaller even than the Dressing Room, and it lacked a window but 'modest' was a term that could not easily be applied to this room.

"One does want visitors to feel comfortable," Isha said, though perhaps I might make an exception for you ...

"Always, Isha darling." Eleni agreed, "A hostess is only as beautiful as her hospitality after all." ~Though I'm sure with a little botox or something you'd be passable....~

"Shall we return to the living area?" Isha asked though she was already on her way. "Tell me, Eleni, what is your secret? I would not believe you to be a day over fifty as your people measure time."

"Greeks hold our own very well." Eleni replied, not going to give Isha the pleasure of recognizing the insult, "So tell me, what is it you do to stay so thin?" ~Or are you still hoping for a visit from the boob fairy?~

"I dance, I have never dropped my practice with the Kaleh and my job rarely leaves me time to eat," she said, perhaps the first fully honest statement that had been made since the 'Greek' had entered her apartment.

"Oh, I've heard that's great exercise." Eleni replied, ~And your feet would probably gag a vole afterwards.~

As she guided Eleni back to a seat Isha wrapped her arm around one shoulder, "I'm so delighted that you embrace your curves," Isha said, "I'm not sure I could," she added, "but that's just me."

"Well, darling, you work so well with what you have." Eleni said encouragingly, giving Isha a squeeze, "Thankfully there's room for all kinds in the galaxy, no?" ~Scrawny bitch.~

"It would be a terribly dull place if we were all alike," Isha said. Quite what her cousin saw in this creature she still could not tell. "I have everything," she added

"Yes, you do." Eleni agreed, "And I do very well for myself, too." ~And if I wanted I could have two of everything, but I got an actual female body instead.~

"Of course you do, Dear," everything beyond a long life, twenty years and ... "You will forgive me," Isha said. "Men are such fickle creatures, I sometimes think that their desires are shaped in childhood, and they carry an ideal with them throughout their lives," she said.

"They never truly grow up do they?" Eleni laughed along with Isha, ~Yet somehow men still flocked to you. It must be the money.~

"No, they don't," Isha agreed as she joined in with the laughter. And you ... not only are you a substitute, you are a prostitute, she thought, Rianni I do not hold responsible, but you....

"When do you propose we have dinner," Isha enquired.

"Tomorrow night, that gives me time to get good lamb." Eleni smiled, ~With bones small enough to escape your notice but big enough to choke you to death. And why do you act like a teenager who's mad because someone stole her boyfriend?~

"I will check my availability with my secretary," Isha replied. "But, Eleni, it sounds wonderful," she lied, it sounded like a mild form of torture, very much like this meeting, "I am sure that if I have a conflicting appointment I will be able to rearrange it."

"Good, we should have the family together as often as possible." Eleni beamed, ~Your funeral, for instance, would be an event I'd pay to attend.~

"My family is by its very existance, close," Isha said, and you are not part of it , she thought. Fuck my cousin if you wish, and parade around my station in ill conceived and unflattering outfits if you must.. "I am so happy that you are able to join us," she said with that same warm tone and smile.

"And I'm honored to have you in my family and my life, Isha." Eleni lied, having to fight the internal urge to look for lightning about to strike her, ~You're a talking herpes sore.~

Isha smiled, the predatory smile of a Hnoiyika, "Well of course, R'Vek will have explained why you cannot be part of my family," she said, "but I will take unmeasurable delight in forming part of yours."

"Well, we'll just have to work around the formalities is all." Eleni answered, ~Ripping your eyes out would feel so good.~

Between more pressing matters Isha had studied the Concubine's beliefs and this really was the only way. It would pain her to spend time among the woman's 'family' if one could call them that, but it would be sufficient to please R'Vek and Rianni. After all, that was why she was doing it.

"Of course," Isha said. "I trust you have facilities to accommodate my bodyguard?" she asked.

"We'll set an extra place." Eleni replied, ~And hope he has a misfire. Stop it, Eleni!~ She scolded herself silently, ~Remember you're doing this for R'Vek and the girls.~

"Oh," Isha actually laughed a laugh that she could not control, "They will not 'join' us" - how could she construe 'bodyguard in the singular! - "I only ask that you can accommodate them, I move with between two and four depending on the situation," she explained. "If they could be provided with refreshment that would be wonderful," Isha added.

"Of course, they'll receive the full hospitality of my home." Eleni smiled, "It is the Greek way, after all." ~Yeah, bringing bodyguards might be a good idea for you.~

Isha rose, and as she did both smiled and clasped her hand together. "I can barely express how delighted I am that I will visit you tomorrow evening," she grinned speaking as she was in Federation Standard. "For now you will forgive me, but another appointment intrudes on our friendship ... one of the burdens of being the face of one's nation," Isha added.

"I understand, Isha darling, the burdens of running a corporation do the same to me." Eleni smiled, "But you and I are going to have plenty of time together, I'm sure." With that she stood and embraced Isha, kissing her on both cheeks, "Okay, tomorrow night, dinner, love you, can't wait!" ~Bitch!~

"I must introduce you to my favourite restauranteur," she said, extracting herself with the minimal kissing required. "I am sure that will be delightful, may I bring something?" she enquired.

"Of course, you can." Eleni replied, "I'd love to taste some of your favorite dishes." ~And I can make you an arsenic cake for dessert....~

"I'll have a case of nnyyrh-ar’rl sent over. Its a quite delicious sparkling wine made on my estate at Ramnau," Isha said. "Do show Miss Monteros out," Isha added talking to the servant.

"Well, until then." Eleni smiled as she followed Isha's servant out, ~Thank God that's over!~


Ambassador Ishe e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae
hru'Hfrih t'Illialhlae
erie'Hfirh t'Khellian
Among other titles, totally not indulging in a game of oneupmanship

Eleni Monteros
Doesn't need to list all her titles to one up Isha