Romulan Embassy Database Entries

Romulan Consulate
The Romulan consulate is the first resort for citizens of the Empire away from the Empire.

Consulate Floorplan
A floorplan of the consulate to aide orientation (not to exact scale)

Visit the Romulan Consulate
Do you have an appointment scheduled at the Consulate?
Why not familiarise yourself with the facility before your visit?

IRW Dhelan
Though nominally a Galae ship the IRW Dhelan is the flagship of the fleet operated and funded by the House Illialhlae. With the consent of the Federation it currently waits under cloak in one of the internal docking bays of Deep Space Five.

Romulan Homeworld
A Rough Guide to the Rihannsu Stelam Shiar (Romulan Star Empire).

A Short History of the Empire
A short history of the RSE from planetfall to the establishment of the Neutral Zone

Romulan Society
An outsider's guide to society and culture.

Rites of Passage
Key stages that mark the passage through life of every Rihannsu citizen.

Mnhei'sahe is a concept that is unique to the Rihannsu. Many times attempts have been made to translate the word, usually coming out as something like 'honour', or a literal translation of the elements making up the word, that is 'Ruling Passion'. However, both of these are sadly lacking, and carry little if any of the depth of meaning that the word brings up in the mind of a Rihanha. Mnhei'sahe is vastly more than a code of conduct, infinitely more than simple 'honour'; it is both of those, and still more: mnhei'sahe is, indeed, what makes a Rihanha, a Rihanha.

Romulan Statement of Rights
An overview of the basic freedoms granted to Rihannsu citizens.

The Romulan Judicial System
A short explanation of the basic tenets of Rihannsu law.

Romulan Names
Names are of particular significance to the Rihannsu and convey meaning and clues about the owner that will be understood by any Rihanha present.

Romulan Houses
At the root of Rihannsu political organization is the noble house, or hfihar, system. Houses are family groups or clan-like organizations, with hereditary succession structures. Unlike feudal family organizations, however, Rihannsu houses encompass a much broader spectrum of society. For example, servants of a house lord, or hru'hfirh, are considered part of the family and adopt the house name, using it as their own. That is not to say that they are equal members, but they are included.
Each house has its own rank and status accorded in Rihannsu society. Houses are considered either Great Houses or Lesser Houses. Great Houses have many family members that are high in the social standing of the Empire. The members of Great Houses have proven their service to the Empire in past honors and loyalty. Lesser Houses have not received the honor and glory, but serve an integral and vital role within the Empire. It is their quiet service that supports the Empire and brings greater glory to it. The status of house members reflects directly on the status of their house and vice versa.

The structure of government appears complex to outsiders being in reality a ystem of checks and balances designed to prevent any one group or individual from monopolizing power for any long period of time.

The Tal'Shiar
The Tal Shiar is the Federal Intelligence Agency of the Rihannsu Empire. Its name comes from Old Vulcan word talshaya, Meaning: Swift Death or Merciful Execution. They have a broad scope of power, extending into all walks of Rihannsu life, and all citizens are assured in their safety, knowing the Tal Shiar are everywhere, watching for disloyalty and/or threats to the Empire. They are considered above the law and are responsible for ensuring the loyalty of ALL citizens, even high placed government officials and military personnel.

The Galae
The Galae (Romulan Star Navy) is the largest branch of the Empire's military. The department over sees shipping, both domestic and military; defense and assaults, on both the surface and space; exploration, engineering advancement, and the pursuit of the sciences.

The Gai'Shian
Understanding the Gai`Shian, especially when directly comparing it to the Federation’s own Marine Corps, can be somewhat difficult. One must look beyond its military structure and see its social status too.

Romulan Resources
Useful resources for those interested in learning more about Romulan language and culture.

Numerous sources have been used to compile this database. Where possible they are credited in the individual entry, however due to some of the online sources no longer being available except copied to my hard drive it has not been possible for me to credit each directly.

Romulan Vessels