Incommunicado – Severed
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Severed
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Wed Jun 06, 2012 @ 10:01am
Location   Gymnasium - Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD55

"Dismissed." t'Merek's voice echoed through the large gymnasium and she stood in front of her soldiers for a few moments, watching quietly as they dispersed. Her bare arms were folded in front of her, causing the healing skin of her back to tighten. The scars were visible up her slim arms, the ones caused by tearing still a dark green color. As the last few soldiers saluted their goodbyes to her, Arrienye finally took a step back and went to gather her things together.

Rianni stepped into the gym wearing a tight t-shirt and a pair of blue shorts, dropping her bag on the floor as she came through. She was a little surprised to see the place was totally empty save for Arrienye t'Merek, "Oh, hello, Arrain t'Merek." She nodded, still unsure of how to approach this cactus of a woman.

Arrienye turned at the sound of her voice. "Riov," she said simply, returning the small nod in greeting.

The scars on Arri's arms were impossible not to notice, and Rianni could tell they were all over her back as well, "Okay, what the frack happened?" She asked, "And don't tell me nothing."

"Nothing that concerns you, Riov," t'Merek replied instead, the vision of calm.

"Okay, drop this bullshit, Arrienye." Rianni fired back, "For some reason me, Ma'erlit, and your cousin are about the only people on this station who give a frack about you, even if I'm not sure why I do. Now, what happened to you, who did it, and where are they because they're overdue for my boot in their ass. In that order if possible..."

Arrienye's eyes narrowed. "I don't know where you get off acting like everyone's personal mother hen, but my life is none of your business, Riov, so you should leave it alone."

"You're kidding, right?" Rianni said in disbelief, "Really? Is your super bitch act that important to you that you can't even accept when someone is trying to be there for you?"

"You know, back in the day, I played the super bitch myself." She continued, "And it gets you nothing and nowhere. You just end up alone and hating your life staring at the ceiling in a dark room."

"Wow, that you for the insight. Now kindly go mind your own business, please," Arrienye replied.

"You know what?" Rianni sighed, "Frack you, t'Merek. I don't need this shit. I've reached out to you over and over again, but you are so convinced that you're so much better than me that it would somehow be beneath you to actually treat me like a person. So, I'm done being nice, from now on you're nothing but a lowly pee on to me, Arrain t'Merek, so if the way I treat you now annoys you, wait until you get a load of second gear." With that Rianni snatched her bag from the floor and walked towards the gym door, "How the Hell does anyone stand her?"

"They don't," Rianni was suddenly startled out of her thoughts by another Arrian who was slinging a workout bag over his shoulder. "But we respect her," tr'Dor explained, biting into an apple, a rather odd sight in the Romulan Embassy.

"Well, Arrain tr'Dor, where I come from respect is a two way street." Rianni explained, "You have to give it to get it. And I for one don't feel compelled to continue to bend over backwards for a nasty woman who has a compulsive need to turn her nose up at the galaxy like she smells a fresh turd. Excuse me, Arrain."

"And I don't feel compelled to share my life story with a woman who feels it is her mission to be everyone's best friend and personal saviour," Arrienye said, having reached the two of them. "And I do respect you. As a superior."

"You know what? You're right." Rianni replied sarcastically, "I did do you just a horrible disservice trying to be a friend to you. Nothing you ever have to worry about happening again, Arrain t'Merek." With that she pushed past tr'Dor and into the corridor, sick to death of some of her fellow Romulans already.

tr'Dor rolled his eyes at Arrienye.

"What a drama queen," t'Merek commented. tr'Dor smirked. It wasn't really his place to say such things himself, and he admired t'Merek for being bold enough. And the implied trust between them made him hopeful.


Post by

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
CSO of Romulan Embassy


erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CO IRW Dhelan