Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Clash of the Titans
by Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Clash of the Titans
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Fri Jan 23, 2009 @ 11:33pm
Location   Matahari Bar and Grill
Timeline   SD6 - 0830 (Backpost)

T'Lan continued to sip on her cup of Vulcan Herbal Tea in the Bar that she had found, and it seemed just the thing to relax her mind after the meeting.

Darson glided into the bar’s entranceway, and looked around for Natrina. However, halfway into his search, he spied a familiar Vulcan face at the bar, drinking what could only be Herbal Tea. He made a split second decision to suspend his search, and sauntered over to the bar. There he gracefully took a seat next to her, saying, “Commander,” in a mildly jovial tone.

"Major." She said as politely as possible.

“I hope that there aren’t any…hard feelings…regarding this mornings briefings. We’re all on the same side after all. Although I must admit I do feel the slightest inclination to know exactly what you plan to do now.”

T'Lan looked up. "I expect to be reassigned, as you have complete authority to undermine my authority in any situation that may arise. That makes my role illogical." She said as she sipped her tea. "You do not answer to authority; you do not answer to anyone here. You are, as the human term describes, 'a loose cannon on deck.'"

Darson snorted, and spun around in his chair, “No need to overreact Commander,” he said in a serious voice, “We all do our part for the cause. You are not the first XO to be annoyed at the Marine COC, and I can assure you that you will not be the last. But in this case, I suggest we move past that, so we can both help each other.”

T'Lan spoke, "And how would we help each other?"

He leaned close and lowered his voice, “I think you will find before long that the Marines do in fact hold some real power and an important place on this station. Commander Rakka is an excellent chief of security, but grievously understaffed for a station of this size. The time she spends on petty crime on board this station is important, but it can render her unable to grasp the bigger picture of station security. Dorian Gabriel on the other hand, thinks that he can take on the whole evil galaxy on his own, and sees things in black and white. This renders him unable to grasp some of the subtle nuances at work on this station. Plus, he is one to hold a grudge, which can cloud his judgment and take up much of his time.”

T'Lan sipped her tea, "Indeed I do find Lt. Gabriel's methods most illogical. I do believe that one day he might cross the line, and it is only logical to be prepared for that."

He shrugged; cloak rippling, “The Marines provide a buffer of sorts. We act as a more externally focused security force, an intelligence clearing house, whatever you need we provide. We are a veritable safety net for this station.

T'Lan sipped her tea, "If you are as you claim, then I have a standing assignment for you Major Darson. As you may know, Lt. Gabriel is of great concern to me. I believe he may use quite illogical and misconceived methods to 'defend the Federation.' As he put it. You are to observe him, and provide Lt. Commander Rakka with intelligence should he cross the line."

Darson allowed himself a wicked smile under his helmet, "Of course my dear Commander. I live...only to serve."


Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

Lt. Commander T'Lan
Executive Officer