We All Fall Down – Who Guards the Guardians? - Part 3
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Melara sh'Tagras & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Who Guards the Guardians? - Part 3
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Melara sh'Tagras & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sat Jul 05, 2014 @ 11:56am
Location   OPS
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. 15:00

His vision lingered on Isha for a moment, =/= “If the defense platforms fire on the freighter you are cleared to disable the platforms with weapon fire. Protection of civilians is the top priority here. Be advised: This is a live fire situation. And…prep recovery teams as well. This is no drill. Darson out” =/=


As Isha called he headed over to her station. Though he wasn't a fan of her appointment to the position of CO, he had a duty to the station and the Commodore who was right next to her. After Wallace gave his assessment, Darson chimed in candidly, “At this point Captain” he said in a sardonic tone, “our priority is the civilians at risk out there. And I feel that Mr. Wallace here, undead as he may be, has a point. I just scrambled a flight of fighters out of the Marine hangers to intercept and disable the platforms if need be. But they are at least five minutes out, and there’s no guarantee that there will be much left. Going up close and personal and hitting some pressure points will result in the minimal loss of equipment while preserving lives…assuming we act now. Mr. Wallace, follow me on this. Quickest way to disable a defense platform of this type would be to hit either the uplink here on the station, or the main reactor, computer core, or targeting system on the platforms themselves. Which one do you want to handle? Keep in mind…only one of us is equipped for vacuum.”

"we'll need to check the IFF system before the fighters are allowed in." Jarred said referring to Identify Friend or Foe system the platforms use "We can use the new phaser program to fire an ionized pulse hopefully scrambling the flight controls, plus we'll have to disable the control computer here on the station, since we don't know where the problem is a two pronged approach is warranted, but if the platforms fire the platform control computer is going to be scrap, agreed?" jarred added mostly because he was going to trash the computer no matter what, he didn't trust this level of automation and was beginning to think this was a deliberate act of sabotage.

Isha raised an eyebrow in the direction of Commander Tahhk.

"I concur," he said simply.

"I don't want any other ships in the area until we know what the problem is.l Ops, what is the registered cargo of that freighter and what is its complement of crew and passengers," Isha said, the nails of her left hand digging into her palm at the side - she was concerned not only for the people on board the ship, but also on the station if an explosion released a rogue element into the immediate atmosphere.

"Self sealing stem bolts, Feldspar and Beresium ore." Dell looked from the manifest record to her sensor readings. "There's some there, but not a lot, not a full hold's worth by a longway for that class of ship." Which meant there could be anything there

"Feasibility on a large scale transportation?"

A scowl on her face, Welshy thought fast. "The freighter is just out of transporter range. I can reroute emergency power to boost the transporters and try to tighten up the annular confinement beam. It may give us the range to grab the crew."

"Try it. In the meantime I want us in control of the platforms. Doctor, please be prepared for incoming causalities," she added avoiding use of the more probable outcome.

"Wait!" Trellis shouted across the area. "Two of the Platforms are breaking formation. . ." Trellis said as he split his attention between his console and the rest of the officers in the OPS station.

"Captain! The Platforms have detected a second civilian vessel in the area, they are separating and engaging both vessels. . ." Trellis said, his chest falling with the sense of dread.

"No...no. . . we...they won't be. . ." Trellis could hardly get the words out as the OPS screen displayed the relative location of the 2 civilian vessels and the 3 attacking Guardian platforms. He understood instinctively that they could not save BOTH vessels, they'd have to choose who lived and who. . .

[2nd Civilian Vessel]

"Captain!" The Nav Officer, Vor'lah said from her station as her console indicated an approaching vessel. "There is a drone pursuing our vessel." She added.

Captain Delvi looked at her own console and frowned as she saw that it was increasing speed. "Try hailing the vessel." Delvi said.

"I can't, it won't respond to our communication requests, I believe it may be a tactical drone since it separated from two more just like it. Should I hail the Starfleet station?" Vor'lah

"Yes! Do so, immediately!" Captain Delvi said as she signaled for evasive maneuvers. The civilian transport vessel Waylorm was not equipped to engage hostile enemies. It typically stayed within "safe" transport lanes that were protected by Starfleet or allied vessels.

The Waylorm's viewer screens showed the Guardian Platform had veered from its original course and begun to pursue the transport vessel intent on engaging the ship and its passengers. Sensors indicated that their shields, while at full strength, would not be able to survive an onslaught attack from a well-armed vessel or drone.

[Corridor leading away from OPS]

"Open a channel too the transport!" Jarred barked as he and Darson charged down the corridor to the computer control room "Captain of the Waylorm, we have a major malfunction in our defenses can you take any kind of evasive actions while we attempt to bring the situation under control?"

Jarred knew that all hell was about the break loose as he looked at the corridor markings "We're two sections out Darson."


Isha raised her steepled fingers to her lips. Behind them, she gripped her lower lip between her teeth as she ran through the options. Ultimately, the decision was hers.