Database: Menes Class

Menes Class

Work Pod

Expected Duration: 100 Years

Time Between Resupply: 0 Years

Time Between Refit: 0 Years


Crew: 1


Cruising Speed: N/A

Maximum Speed: N/A

Emergency Speed: N/A


Length: 5 Meters

Width: 2 Meters

Height: 2 Meters

Decks: 0


Weiltzer Corp Type 1 Shield Generators

Weiltzer Corp Type 1 Thruster Propulsion Engines

Weiltzer Corp Disruptor Welder

Weiltzer Corp Type 1 Disruptor

Weiltzer Corp Type 1 Tractor Emitter

Weiltzer Corp Cargo Vehicle Connector Latches

This Work Pod can be found at every Weiltzer Corp facility where

repairs or refits can be conducted and some ships also carry these

in order to facilitate fast external repairs while in space. They are by

far not at all a limitted resource and can hold their own in a battle

if needed for a short few minutes before needing assistance. Due

to the nature of this vessel and its equipment, however, if assistance

does not arrive within a standard five minute period, or a known

emergency maximum of a ten minute period, this pod will most

likely have already been destroyed.

End Entry.

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