’s Personal Log - Stardate 63178.18 - The beginning of my career

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Title   Stardate 63178.18 - The beginning of my career
Posted   Sat Jul 28, 2012 @ 8:27am
Ensign David Straggard personal log, Stardate 63178.18.

It's absolutely amazing how large Deep Space 5 is being so far out in space. I almost got lost trying to read my PADD for directions to Engineering. It was quite the walk to get from side to side even with the turbolifts taking you most of the way. It's great that I won't be traveling too much throughout the station as I plan on working on shedding some light on the anomalies that have been going on since my assignment had to be physically delivered instead of through a subspace transmission.

I found my quarters on Deck 32 room 25, the deck just below Senior Officers quarters (how exciting!). It's quite quaint and more than sufficient for my needs. My compliments to the Captain as she is on leave and Commander Villiers who has made a most warm welcome to me as well as the welcome from the crew. I'm going to love it here.

I am most anticipating that I can relive similar experiences to my childhood when I played with the children at Starfleet command with their diplomat parents from other worlds. I hope to be meeting many delegates, ambassadors, and representative from many different federation as well as non-federation worlds, especially Andorians, Klingons, and Vulcans. It'd be nice to get some practice in each language.

Thank you Deep Space 5 for a future of great adventures!

"Computer End log"

Ensign David Roberts Straggard
Propulsion Specialist, Engineering