Beg, Steal or Borrow – The beginning of the end
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson

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Title   The beginning of the end
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Tue May 26, 2009 @ 3:26am
Location   Marine Complex
Timeline   After the station attack. . .

Gabriel exited the turbolift and walked down the darkened all towards the entrance of the Marine Complex. Surprisingly, this are of the station hadn't taken as much damage as other portions. More than likely the Marines had altered the structure of this area and reinforced it with something non-regulation to suit their purpose.

Regardless, Gabriel wasn't going to let the recent attack prevent him from accomplishing a job that he had set out to do for a long time. Word of the attack on the station had no doubt reached the various Pirate cadres within the sector. They would no doubt take this as a perfect opportunity to launch their attacks again. Gabriel had to terminate them with extreme prejudice once and for all.

He walked to the door and glanced at the Marine that stood guard. "I'm here to see Darson." He stated calmly.

The Marine stared at him with a bored expression that can only be cultivated through many endless watches of guarding doors all over the station. When he recognized him, he hid a smirk and said in as bored a voice as he could manage, “Do you have an appointment Lieutenant?”

Gabriel was beginning to get annoyed. "No I don't have an appointment, I never had an appointment any other time I've had to come down to this giant tree house and I'm not about to start now. Therefore, I suggest you do your job and inform Darson of my arrival." He responded. He didn't have time for this.

The Marine nodded, trying to keep a straight face as he scanned the Lieutenant’s identity and sent him in, “The Major is expecting you. Unfortunately he had to step out for a couple of minutes. He should be back momentarily. If you would be so kind as to proceed to the MTAC, sir, he will be with you shortly.”

Gabriel nodded as he proceeded into the larger arena. The doors behind closed and he looked around the area before proceeding forward. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he tried to maintain his composure. There was something off-setting about the area that he could not properly identify that had an effect on him. Perhaps it was the lower temperature level, or maybe it was something else. Regardless, the sooner he left this area and dealt with the pirates, the better.

Darson strode in the door to the MTAC with Major Makay in tow, and immediately sighted Gabriel and altered his course to intercept him. As he came abreast of the dark-skinned man, he gave a small nod and said in a calm voice, “Welcome back Mr. Gabriel. I hope I did not make you wait long. Please allow me to introduce to you Major Jessica Makay, of the 21st. She’s the MCO on the Pendragon.”

Gabriel looked at the woman and then Darson. "Forgive me for my lack of enthusiasm Major, but I didn't come down here for a meet and greet." He said curtly.

He shook his head and waggled a finger in the air at Dorian, “No no…not ‘Major’. It’s ‘Colonel’ now…temporarily at least,” He parted his cloak to show the insignia of an eagle’s wings pinned to his chest. “I’ve been given a brevet promotion and authority over all Marines and anti-pirate forces in this Sector, until such time as this pirate threat is resolved completely…now, I was actually planning to come find you before I left, but you apparently found me first. What did you want to discuss?”

Gabriel's attention shifted from Darson's mask to the Eagle on his chest. Neither seemed to impress him. “You can do whatever you please with your jarheads, but until I hear otherwise, the pirate investigation is *still* under the jurisdiction of Starfleet Intelligence Corps." Gabriel responded. "I don't have time to get into some pissing match, Darson. I want to mobilize a strike force to go after the Pirate threat once and for all. There's no doubt that word has gotten out within the sector of the Station's troubles, and I'm sure various pirates have taken this opportunity to launch a coordinated attack against another Federation vessel." he added.

Darson’s response was a shrug that rippled his cloak as if to say "We'll see about that" . He turned to silently eye the large panoramic view screen that dominated one end of the room. He stared at it until he felt that Dorian was going to say something, and said suddenly, “Do you play chess, Mr. Gabriel?”

"No," Gabriel said, "I have more constructive things to do with my time. I try not to focus on things that have nothing to do with the mission at hand." He responded.

Darson moved towards the conference table and leaned over one of the control panels and began manipulating it. As he did so he said to Gabriel, “It has everything to do with the mission at hand…so pay attention as I educate you. Chess is all about strategy. Strategy, strategy, strategy…and more strategy to boot. Oh, and tactics also plays a very large role in it as well. Two players who play with perfect moves for eternity with end up locked in an epic stalemate unless somebody cheats, or does something stupid. It is a most… glorious … game.”

Suddenly, a tri-dimensional chess board sprung into existence, projected over the table. Darson sidestepped and threw out a hand dramatically indicating the ethereal board, “While to the naked eye it may appear that I have not been doing much of anything with regards to the pirate threat, it has been my primary objective to eliminate it for the entire time I’ve been on this station. And while I may have been…sidetracked…slightly over the course of the last week, I have played out my opening game well.”

Makay stepped forward, staring at the board with a mystified and focused expression, “How so Colonel?”

Darson tapped the panel again and the holographic pieces began to move slowly, one after the other, playing out a complex opening motion, “The primary objectives of the opening game are to develop your pieces’ positions and gain control of the center level. Everything that I have done since I have arrived on board, and even some before that, has been focused on those goals. The construction of this facility. The scout ships I sent out to gather Intel. And the Legacy incident…all of those parts and more played perfectly into my ridiculously complicated and circuitous plans…and its beginning to come to fruition."

Gabriel nodded slowly in confirmation. The man was crazy, he had finally gone off the deep-end. To make it worst, the powers-that-be had made the horrible choice of promoting this psycho. "What parts, what are you babbling about?" Gabriel asked with obvious annoyance.

Darson gave a dark chuckle, “Oh…everybody has played their part…Tahir, Davies, you, Kaia, Natrina, Evek, Weiltzer…even dear Isha and the good Lady Moldriva as well as others…though most of them didn’t know it. The pirates themselves began to fall into my trap days ago. And as I have said before, time has taught me patience…slowly weaving the net to trap them, one from which there will be no escape."

"So while the station has been going to hell in a hand-basket, you mean to tell me that you've been successfully laying a trap for the Pirates?" Gabriel asked incredulously. "Little comfort to the Federation citizens who have died at the hands of those pirates in the interim.

“Yes,” Darson said, “that is true. And admittedly, there have been some setbacks that have pushed back my initial timeframe…the assassination attempt on Tahir. The Romulan attack on the station…but all of those have been resolved, haven’t they? The consortium is no longer a problem, and the Romulan situation has been…mostly…resolved. And with the arrival of the fleet here, all the pieces have been assembled, and the opening game comes to a close and the middle game begins."

"Damnit Darson! I don't have time for this nonsense! Get to the damn point already!" Gabriel said angrily as he slammed his fist down on the console beside him. "I want that pirate base destroyed as of YESTERDAY! Are you capable of completing this task or do I need to find someone else?" He asked.

Darson turned to look at Gabriel from under his hood. After a long second of staring, he let out a scoff, “Yesterday? Mr. Gabriel…Yesterday is impossible without the use of time travel…but today works. The fleet is here, so when the station is secured enough I will depart. Most likely, within the hour, and it should be resolved in under 24 hours. That’s really why I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to know if you wanted me to bring you back a souvenir of some kind…a hat? A bottle of illegal ale? A live pirate perhaps?”

"That won't be necessary. I will not be able to accompany you, however this is *still* a Starfleet mission and therefore I'll be sending Ensign Michael Duquesne and Lieutenant Dunham in my stead. They will coordinate the initial attack while your forces will be responsible for the invasion and ground-based assault." Gabriel said while looking over the holographic presentation. "I'm assuming that your men can properly secure any prisoners that you obtain without any difficulty?" Gabriel asked.

Darson gave another vague sigh and turned away from Dorian. He would definitively argue the point about it being a ‘Starfleet’ mission (since it wasn’t), but had a feeling that it would be pointless in the end to argue with Dorian. “I’ll just have to have a little discussion with Lieutenant Dunham and Ensign Duquesne enroute about who’s in charge here”

He moved away from the conference table and lightly ascended the dimly lit steps to his throne, the position of power in the large room. He stood at the top and looked down at Dorian, and said in an imperious tone that easily conveyed boredom and arrogance, “Well then, I think you’d best be on your way now, Mr. Gabriel. Please inform Ensign Duquesne and Lieutenant Dunham that I expect their presence in Marine Shuttle Bay 2 at 1500 hours with all their gear stowed and ready to leave immdedietly…if they are not present at that exact time, I will depart without them…you are dismissed, Lieutenant.”

Gabriel narrowed his eyes on the man as he turned and began to exit the area through a connecting corridor. "Prick. . ." he mumbled under his breath as he continued to exit.

“I heard that,” Darson thought gleefully to himself as the very disgruntled intelligence officer turned security officer departed the MTAC in a huff. He looked down at the sound of Major Makay sitting down and lounging on the top step of the platform in a fairly provocative pose.

At only 30 years old, she was still quite the looker. The years of intense training in the Marine Corp had been compared in some circles to a pseudo fountain of youth and she hadn’t been missed by it. A fit and lean body coupled with an attractive face, and she knew how to use both to her advantage. She leaned back and bent her head backwards to look at him, “Colonel, if I may speak freely?”

Darson stared at her unaffected by her feminine wiles for a moment before waving his hand in acquiescence.

She gave what could only be described as a freighting smile, “I think that pompous ass deserves to be shown who’s boss…don’t you think sir?”

Darson moved to her side and looked down at her with an approving gaze as he fought the urge to laugh manically, “My dear…I believe you took the words right out of my mind…I’m going to make sure that somebody gives the good Lieutenant a lesson he won’t soon forget...but now, we have much work to do."


Lieutenant Dorian Gabriel
Chief Intelligence/Security Officer

Major (Bvt. Col.) James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer