Unity – The Calvary. . .
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Colonel James Darson

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Title   The Calvary. . .
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Tue Jun 15, 2010 @ 5:40pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD 16: 15:15

"Fool!" Tan'Rek snarled, delivering another blow that dropped Ed to the floor too. A woman could be heard sobbing with fear somewhere across the room.

Armed with what they wanted the *sickbay team*of Nu Maquis backed towards each other and then as a group they moved towards the main doors. One of them began to work to on the sabotage they'd inflicted earlier so they could leave again.

Tan'Rek opened the channel. =^= I have the goods =^= he said curtly.


Gabriel waited until the doors to Sickbay sealed before he and his new-found companion made their presence known and exited from the access hatch connecting the jefferies tube to the turbolift. He took a brief survey of the room and examined the chaos and carnage that had befallen this haven fort he sick and weary.

"Who the hell were they and what did they want with Sickbay?" Gabriel asked to nobody, yet everybody at the same time.

As soon as the terrorists left, Ed McBain rushed to Chelsea and began to treat her head wound. Sally, the chief nurse, rushed to Rick Dunham and gave him a hypospray of pain killer for his broken ribs, picking up a regenerator to begin the task of repairing him too. Other medics assisted, attending the hostages around them for shock and injuries too.

"Apparently they were here for some chemicals to further their plan and once they got the go ahead from that guy on the screen, whoever he was. They took what they wanted and left." McBain replied as he was working, he didn't bother to mention his exchange of the contents of the cupboard, just in case. "who's your friend?" he asked, naturally suspicious now.

"He works for the civilian shipping company, Bradshaw Parcel or whatever it is they do." Gabriel said in an off-handed introduction. "He's helping me by providing with a communication channel that the terrorists haven't either taken over or shut down." Gabriel replied.

"Where is Adams?" He asked as he moved further into the Bay.

"Over here" McBain seemed to have become spokesperson for a while, at least until the others got over their shock. "She took a bad blow to the head but I'm not going to let that do her any permanent damage" he declared, wishing that Ryan hadn't been knocked unconscious too. "Damn people took out both the CMO and the ACMO, bastards."

Gabriel looked over towards the Bradshaw employee. "You, get on your secure line and contact Station Security and the Station Marine Detachment. Inform them that Sickbay is now secure, but the terrorists have changed locations." He ordered as he moved over to the cabinet that was still open.

Collin was not used to working with such people as the Chief of security but still he opened the secure line that the company had. "Main, I need a direct line call to the stations marine detachment. Inform them we have taken sickbay but the terrorists have apparently moved on to other targets." Said Collin bluntly. He understood enough about the way their comm worked to know that a direct line was impossible. Sure it was secure from the rest of the station but that did not mean they had the whole thing hardwired

"What was it that they took from here?" he asked.

"They said they wanted 'bio-memtic gel' but i'm not sure if they got it, i haven't had time to check the store for what's gone" Ed replied, still repairing Chelsea's head injury as she looked groggily up at him.

[Outside Sickbay]

About a hundred meters from the Main Sickbay, a there was a muffled clatter from inside the shaft. A couple of seconds later, the doors opened a crack, and a small flexible cable snuck through and began to writhe around, the small camera lens on the end of it communicating the view outside to the Marine holding the other end inside the turbo lift.

It took in the entire area twice, and then retracted, the doors closing behind it. Inside, an entire squad of Marines was suspended by rappelling gear to the walls of the shaft, armed to the teeth and ready to take sickbay back from the terrorists.

Two of them set up on either side of the doors and prepared to pry them open, while one moved upwards and turned upside-down on the ropes, ready to cover the hallway. The squad leader began an audible countdown, and when it expired, they quite literally swung into action. The two assigned to the doors used magnetic couplers to pry and lock the doors open. The first two Marines assigned to go through the doors hooked their elbows over the side and popped their heads and chests into the hallway, sweeping it with their Phaser Carbines.

When they confirmed it was in fact clear, they climbed out of the shaft and took position in the hallway, allowing the next ones to come through. Soon enough the entire squad had left the lift shaft and regrouped. The Squad Leader whispered the order and they set off at a fast trot down the hallway, their boots clattering on the deck. They spit the squad, with each fire-team taking one side of the hall, avoiding the natural channels of fire and keeping their own sightlines clear.

Within a minute, they were at the large hatch labeled as Main Sickbay. Each fire-team stacked up on either side of the hatch, and the ones at the front set a breaching charge on either side of the hatch. When the charges were triggered, the hatch would be eliminated, and they would through flashbangs and concussion grenades in. When they detonated, the Marines would move in while the terrorists were stunned and confused and take them down.

The Marines in first position confirmed their readiness, and the rest of them followed. The Squad Leader was about to order the breach and clear when suddenly a communication came in from Home Plate. He held up his arm quickly in a “Hold” signal, while he listened to what the Marine in the HQ had to say. When he was finished he said quickly to the squad, “Alright, change of plans. Apparently, the terrorists have moved on. Sickbay has apparently been secured by private individuals, and they have wounded. Remove the charges, and then open the hatch.”

The Marines quickly complied, and when they were ready, the Sergeant said, “Breach and Clear…GO!”

The Marine upfront touched the door control lightly, and as the hatch slid open, the squad of Marines poured through the gap.

“Starfleet Marines! Get Down!!” They shouted as they swept the area tactically, heading down the corners and checking all the places where a terrorist could possibly be hiding. They cleared all the offices and operating theaters, before finally returning to the main area.

“All Clear!” The Sergeant said, and went to look at the Starfleet Personnel and Civilians, “Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Staff Sergeant McAllister, SFMC. What is your name and rank?”

Gabriel was beyond annoyed. "I don't give a damn who you are." Gabriel replied. "All of your damn theatrics are useless now that the hostage-takers are gone with whatever the hell it was they came for." He continued on.

McAllister remained silent as he checked out the man. Security Yellow, and the rank of Lt. Commander. This was Dorian Gabriel alright. He turned away from him to communicate with Lt. Flynn in MTAC.

Gabriel shook his head as he checked his phaser and began to head towards the door. "Have your men stay here and secure the immediate area. After that, they need to spread out and begin searching the deck for any crew or civilians that were injured and couldn't get to sickbay. The rest need to follow me." He said as he checked his phaser one last time.

Gabriel looked down at the woman and the other inhabitants within the room. He wanted to do more, but right now he knew that he had to focus on finding those terrorists and putting an end to whatever it was they had planned.

"Colin, are you armed?" Gabriel asked a she closed the cabinet and turned around.

"Good, you are coming with me." Gabriel said to Colin before looking back at the Marine who had addressed him.

I'm heading to the Main Armory. I'm willing to bet that the next part of their plan involves that department. I haven't been able to raise any of my men in that department since this chaos took place. There is no telling how much damage would be caused with whatever they want from the Armory." Gabriel said as began to unseal the doors to Sickbay.

Suddenly McAllister turned and shouted out, “Commander Gabriel! I’m afraid that I can’t let you do that sir.” As he spoke, two of the Marines jointly moved forward to block his exit, “I have my orders now, and they are to get you to the Marine Complex forthwith. All other concerns at this point in time are secondary.”

"You and your 'orders' can go to hell. I have a station to get back under control." he replied dismissively as he eyed the two Marines for several moments deciding not if, but how, he would remove them from his path.

“Excuse me?” McAllister said incredulously, “You have absolutely no idea of what’s been going on, have you? While you’ve been slinking around doing god knows what and generally fucking around, we’ve been trying to get the station back under our control! And furthermore. . .” he was stopped by a voice in his earpiece, “WHAT?” he yelled into it.

A couple of seconds later he ripped it off and grudgingly tossed it to Dorian, “It’s Captain Flynn. She wants to speak to you.”

As Gabriel put on the earpiece, Flynn’s voice came crackling through, =^= “Commander. It’s wonderful to see that you’re alright sir. We can finally put our plan into motion to retake the station.” =^=

"As I was trying to explain to your comrade here, I really don't give a damn about whatever plans you have. I'm going to meet up with my men and we are going to put an end to this once and for all before this maniac and his crew can cause anymore damage to my station." He replied in an equally dismissive tone to the younger Marine.

Flynn’s voice held a hint of apology, but otherwise remained firm, =^= “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you do that. I have two platoons closing in on the Armory, and they’re going to take it back. Whoever’s inside there has barricaded themselves inside, and they’ve locked down all the Starfleet weapon lockers on the station. So we’re the only ones that can do this, and quite frankly sir, Having you there would be more of a hindrance than a help. We need you in the Marine HQ.” =^=

"How the hell would I be a hindrance?! I'm the Chief of security dammit!" he replied in dismay.

=^= “You don’t know? Well I don’t want to say too much over the Comm, but we need you here Commander. I implore you to come...this is the only way we're going to be able to take over the station without bloodshed.” =^=

Gabriel knew that time was a luxury that he did not have a large quantity of. He figured that it was best to figure out what the jarheads had planned before he could effectively coordinate his own team. But one thing was for certain: It would be his team that would put and end to this insurgency.

The security officer tossed the headset back at McAllister before looking down at the still-crouching Dr. Bain, "You, get Sickbay back together and then start searching for any civilians or crew that have been injured or are in need of assistance since the hostage situation began." He said as he looked at the rather offended Marine. "Lead the way back to your little clubhouse." he said through clenched teeth.

Dunham tried to conceal a snigger at Gabriel's last words. Then he regretted it utterly as the pain in his ribs got even worst. He coughed blood again onto the floor. As he stared at the ground, he saw were his tooth had been knocked out earlier , Dunham picked up and stuck it in his pocket, in the vain hope it may be savable. But even this small movement hurt like hell. So Dunham gave up moving, and waited for a nurse.

McAllister nodded, ignoring the tone that Gabriel used as he replaced the headset. He waved at his men, “Alright Marines, ‘Yellow Baboon’ is secure. Pack up and get ready to move. You,” he indicated the medic, “Stay here and assist the wounded and stand guard for any more incoming. Commander, if you would follow and stay close…wouldn’t want you tripping over anything, and we’ve got a long walk ahead of us.”

Gabriel kept his phaser withdrawn as he followed the Marines back into the access hatch from which they had came.

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams

CPO Edward McBain
Senior Nurse
(NPC'd by Jools)

Employee of Bradshaw Industires