Judgement – Recovery
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Recovery
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sun Feb 20, 2011 @ 2:00pm
Location   Relay Station
Timeline   SD36

Civall was taken a back he didnt know what to do. He looked at his lover's killer.
"No..." He yelled in anger for his lover. "You've killed her!"
He looked down at his weapon and set it to vaporize, then aimed it at his head preparing to take his own life.


Bill squinted as the light blinded him. He brought his phaser to bear on the man as his arm raised and fired.
The man didn't make a sound as he fell to the ground, stunned like his female comrade.

"Sir?" Bill questioned as he rose to knees and looked around, locating the diplomatic officer.
Mats reaction surprised Harris, he had expected him to talk, not to fire but his action was more than commendable.

Mathew stood up and turned to Harris "The relay post systems will be in lock out mode, I don't know about you but I'm no systems hacker. I think I have an idea but we need something to get her up."

Bill secured his phaser and checked on the two crewmen.
He ran his tricorder along the two of them. "I'm no doctor, but I think they will be alright. The male is stable, but the female is pregnant." He remarked as he closed the tricorder. "I would also say, judging by her insignia, she is the one in charge." Bill guessed as she bore a badge with three stripes whilst the man only bore two.
The comms chief quickly scanned the room, looking for a console that could be a power or distribution console and easily found the panel.
"I think this is the main distribution board." He said as he threw the largest brown lever and at once, the station burst into life.

Shortly after a security code was asked for with 3 chances, if a wrong code was entered 3 times all logs and information would be erased.
Totti tapped his combadge, they were getting somewhere.
=^="Alicia I need you to beam us something to rouse one stunned Feltian female whom we need to get some security codes from. I'm not a Doctor neither is Harris check the medical files."=^=

=^= Acknowledged, I'll search in the first aid medkit. =^= Alicia replied enthusiastically and went off to do this, leaving her comm open so they could hear a lot of rummaging and rustling.

=^= I have a phial of adrenylin and proscap combined. That ought to do it. =^= she declared triumphantly. =^= Transporting it to your co-ordinates now =^=

Alicia carefully put the phial in the mini hypospray and placed that on the transporter pad, cushioned on a small square of bandage to protect it. She transported it over.

Bill stood with a calmness at the console and waited for Mat to inject the hypo into the female to awaken her. The codes should be simple enough, but the option to guess was not his to take, though judging by the marks on the buttons, the '5' was the most commonly depressed button, as it had nearly faded away. The next was the '7', but that could still be any combination of just the two or more. Add that to the fact, that Harris had no idea if it was a three, four or five digit combination and the data was far to valuable for them to lose by simple guesswork.

The female began to moan as she regained conciousness.
"Mat," Harris said, dropping the rank momentarily, "how can we be sure she will give us the correct code?" He asked the question with some trepidation, as his eyes fell back to the male who lay motionless where he had fallen.
Harris, as if getting an unspoken order moved towards the man and knelt beside him, releasing his phaser from its hold at his waist. He set it to the lowest setting and aimed it to no point in particular at the man.

Mathew put down the hypo watching the female start to awaken then stood up opening his tricoder. "Hmm.. It seems as I predicted the station has an escape pod. I want you to go and disable it's comm systems. That should slow them down if they are going to alert the government." He set his phaser to minimum stun "I plan to offer them their freedom in exchange for the codes."

Harris' grin widened, this was his speciality and he knew he could easily disable the communication link.

Just then Alicia contacted them again. =^= Sir, Commander Villers has patched in on subspace. I have briefed her on our situation. =^=

Mathew smiled and hit his combadge in reply watching the woman waking up slowly.

[On Feltor Prime - government centre]

This time the massive screen that spanned the wall showed a close up of a satellite installation; a scan of the surrounding area was underway as reports of a breach were investigated.

"Its one of the relay stations," a controller said, "sensors show signs of intrusion and weapon fire. We haven't been able to contact the team based there," which was hardly surprising as there were only two people in residence at any one time to keep things maintained and operating.

"I want it shut down," Whissst snarled, "have it disengaged from the relay loop!" he ordered, he was not concerned about this being possible or otherwise, it was the job of the others to see that it was done and to keep the system running at capacity.

Chief Technician Amroth Wern stepped forward, glancing around his comrades and seeing their fears he felt the onus was now on him. He knew only too well how the temper of Onaran could turn but he took the chance as he had to advise their officer in charge of the dire consequences of carrying out that order.

"Sir, if we disengage one, we will lose the whole network. Being set in serial mode, we would lose all communications for weeks, if not months." His jaw trembled as Whissst slowly turned to face him.

A darkening blush crept up Whissst's throat and cheek, mottling his shiny flesh and giving him the appearance an apple ripening at an accelerated pace, "I want that relay station out of the loop within the next three minutes," he fumed, "change the configuration and disengage it from the loop!" he insisted.

Wern dipped his head in obedience, but re-voiced his warning. "Consider it done, but your order will leave us without communication." He took a step back rubbing his right shoulder with a colleague who moved a single step sidewards.

"See to it that full communications are restored within fifteen minutes!" Whissst snapped, "Give me solutions, not problems!"

Wern turned, grasping two personnel and jerked his head towards the control room to do what he could, knowing that they were on useless task to get the gap filled.
What would be needed would have to wait. It would be possible to patch by boosting power, but that would only lead to a cascade failure within a day or two and then they would have no communications for years, but Whissst would not accept that as a viable option so now he had the headache of trying to appease that maniac in charge and the government who overruled them all.
That would be his next action, to inform the government of what was happening at Feltor Prime.

[Relay Station]

Mealate awoke the lights were very bright. A starfleet diplomatic lieutenant stood over her. A Trill perhaps but not. She felt her will slipping away from her as Mathew's hybrid mind suggestion kicked in. "Wha.. What do you want?" She said weakly.

Mathew planted the suggestion of trusting him in her head while she was waking and her mind at it's weakest. "What is your name?" Mathew stated calmly.

Mealate slowly got on her feet while Mathew stepped back.
She felt she could trust this man he would not harm her but also felt scared, where was the father of her unborn child. "My Name?" She questioned "Mealate Flumé"

Mathew was watching her very closely for any sign of aggression or Ill-intentions, "Thank you. I am Lieutenant Mathew Totti, I am prepared to offer you and your partner the opportunity to leave this station." He said formally "In exchange for the security codes." Stated more darkly.

Mealate thought for a moment then decided that would be best for the safety of her husband and child. "Mathew? May I have your word?"

Mathew smiled "You have my word. The codes?"

Mealate walked over to the console her strength fully restored "If I may."
She entered the code.

Bill had the smug look of satisfaction on his face, the communications had been disconnected, or more to the point, rerouted so that any signal received would end at this relay station and added to that, he had re-aligned the dish to the main planet and had already began to set in motion a plan to begin a scan as soon as the code sequence had been given.

"Sir, we can now locate the Tyne." He advised as the woman stepped back and looked towards Mat.

From the USS Thames Alicia was still patched in via her comms link. "Sir, if you give me the co-ordinates I can beam you back aboard and we can go and pick up the Tyne's crew now we finally know where to find them!" she sounded excited and relieved. She wanted them back aboard and for this to be over. They had come to help the victims of this civil war and coup but had only become victims themselves, especially their comrades in the USS Tyne.

As Mathew turned to Harris he noticed Mealate dragging her husband away.
He felt sorry for her and wanted to help her, but they had more immediate needs and were being counted on.
"Harris!" He whispered, careful not to draw her attention.
"See if you can find a way to destroy their satellite network some how and I want all messages from that escape pod transferred to the Thames. I'm transporting back over. If you manage to get the network destroyed it will set them back months... Long enough for Star Fleet to get some more help to these people."

Bill nodded his head.
"Aye sir." He replied turning back to the control panel now giving full access, but as he reached for the edge of the unit to pry it open, it began to fizzle and spark.
He stepped backwards, avoiding the growing shower of electrical discharges that began to disperse in a growing arc around him.
He dodged to the panel on the opposite side and quickly worked at the console, drawing the current that was building from the one to the other.
It only took a few minutes to series link the two consoles and his last task was to transfer the escape pod frequencies to the Thames.

"I think we shall need a little distance!" He exclaimed aloud and tapped his comm

=^= "Thames, one to beam off and then we had better turn tail and warp out of here!" He advised with a growing panic in his tone, knowing there was less than a minute before an overload blew out the whole relay station.

=^= Alicia make that two. =^= Mathew said a little more quickly than usual.
He and Harris rematerialised aboard the Thames.
Mathew walked of the padd smiled at Alicia and got back in his seat.
"Thank you Yeoman. Harris did you manage to destroy the satellite network?"

Harris tapped at the console as the Thames made it's way towards the planet as fast as Alicia could make the engine run.
"Any .. moment .. now!" He paused between each word, hoping to get the timing about right, but it took a few seconds more before the relay station imploded in a blaze of colours, severing all the communications along the network.


The Cast

Runabout Tyne - Crashed on the planet
Operations: Petty Officer Garan (Notty NPC)
Science: Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Medical: Lieutenant JG Ben Kensington (Jools NPC)
Tactica/Helm: Lieutenant Michael Duquesne (Thom NPC)

On a diplomatic ship (Runabout Thames) -
Diplomacy/Command: Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Flight/Weapons - PO3C William Harris (Giving support to Mat) (Mark NPC)
Diplomatic Aide: Yeoman Alicia York ( " " " ) (jools NPC)

Nautilus (Engineering support) -
Engineering: Lieutenant Bruce Freeman
Master Chief Mike White - Engineering Assistant
(Jools npc)

Feltor Prime - in support of the Federation
Cornelian Pring - leader of the Feltor And Federation movement. (Louise NPC)

Feltor Prime - the new regime
Onaran Whissst (Louise NPC)

Relay Station
Civall & Mealate (Mat NPC)