Unity – They only come out at night
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   They only come out at night
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Feb 21, 2010 @ 5:54pm
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD 17 - 2:10
They did not give up attempting to open the doors of her suite. Isha assumed they were motivated by concern for her wellbeing, but the assumption was not strong enough for her to pry open the panel and manually override the controls that she had blasted into one melted mess of plastic and metal.

Cross-legged on the floor Isha rested her chin on her interlinked fingers, her eyes closed, only partly aware that her own pulse where her elbows made contact with her legs and her fingers made contact with her throat caused her to rock very gently.

Isha could barely recall what Chelsea had said to her, she was too preoccupied to concentrate on recalling the specifics – Rh’vaurek still thought he was thirty and the champion athlete he had been. Yes, he could take care of himself as she had so dismissively said, but there was always someone younger and faster hoping to make their name - he had said that himself often enough.

What would he say if he knew?

Her eyes flickered open, Isha's curiosity getting the better of her. She eased herself off the floor, the lingering ache in her limbs a reminder of how long she had sat there. Stretching, she approached the door to her suite and flipped open the panel. The lever was stiff, at least as stiff as her limbs, but she wrenched it into position operating the manual overide. The doors hissed and slackened and she was able to push them forward and aside.

Silence ruled. The conspicuous presence of guards the only indication that something was amiss, but as per protocol those she met in the hallways did not acknowledge her, merely stepping aside to allow her to pass - though she knew that would not be the case if she attempted to leave.

But Isha was not planning to leave. She had to know what he thought. Chelsea was correct, he could not feel that way or ask that of her; she doubted he could ask it of himself, but she had to know.

The door to his office was open – Gabriel had left, not that Isha knew he had been there. She paused, hearing low voices.

“… screaming at everyone. I thought, no, I did not think, I did not know what to do. How can I stop the Ambassador doing what she wishes?” It was i-Orinwen.

“You ask that now, but you did what you were ordered to do. I take our security very seriously, hers, mine, yours. I ..." Rh'vaurek paused as the pip of the com signal interrupted.

Outside Isha continued to listen.


Tharek hit his commbadge with some force. "Tharek to Rh'vaurek, respond!" He shouted down the commline to his Romulan counterpart.

"Are you going deaf?" Rh'vaurek snapped, his arm was going numb and with all this interference he was never going to have time to dig the shards out of the wound. "What do you want, Tharek?"

"I'm coming to your office to discuss something, unlike some others though, I'll be punctual and polite. I'll be there in five minutes. Tharek out." With his last words, the comm clicked off into silence.


"That bloody Cardassian is not worth the trouble," Rh'vaurek muttered. He hit the comm and gave a very simple order, "Deletham, when Getal arrives, allow him in," he said before turning back to i-Orinwen.

“Rh’vaurek, I don’t understand what you want from me,” she said a desperate undertone in her voice.

Isha dug her nails into her palms as she listened - since when were they on first name terms?

“You came here trying to establish yourself as a candidate for the Kiith Mrevhoqq`ghi expecting Ambassador t’Khellian to take you under her wing and you find yourself disappointed. The ambassador does not need to pander to the likes of you unless you are exceptionally naïve, almost everyone who wishes to establish themselves in the Diplomatic Corps is hoping for an entirely different assignment.”

“What do you mean?” i-Orinwen asked. Isha could imagine her blinking stupidly, though it was all artifice.

Rh'vaurek chuckled, “You could have been faster in sending the team, but then it was your first time. Under the circumstances you did very well to identify my request and those who could carry it out. It was a test, Nahir. Now stop this pretence, I will not tolerate it from any of my people, especially not the latest grasping recruit."

"I ..."

"If the end of that sentance is 'don't understand what you mean' I will not be responsible for my actions," he said. Isha hated that tone on the rare occaisions he used it around her, it reminded her of when they were enemies.

" ... understand," i-Orinwen said, though Isha would bet money that she had been going to say exactly what Rh'vaurek had suspected.

"Good, now come here and help me tie this bandage. Later, I'll teach you a thing or two about ..."

Isha continued to listen, tense and increasingly angry, becoming oblivious to anything but their words, so much so that she flinched as a hand touched her elbow.

"My, my, my. Now, were you never taught that it was rude to eavesdrop?" Tharek spoke, looking down on Isha and relinquishing his grip on her elbow.

"I was also taught that it was rude to sneak up on people," she hissed with a jerk of her chin. "Why did he allow you to be admitted?" Isha asked her voice hushed.

"Because. Civility is normally present between allies, or two inerested parties. Is that not true, Ambassador?" Tharek asked. Still amused by the Ambassadors attempt to eavesdrop.

"He'll let you in but not me out?" her fists clenched and unclenched, she knew even then that she should not have said it, but her famed self control was at a low ebb this evening.

"You see, this is where supply and demand comes into play. I supply something, Rh'vaurek demands something, then he supplies, I demand, etcetera. You have nothing he wants." Tharek replied. He didn't care about some spoilt little Romulan brat. He could tell she had issues. Issues that were eating her from the inside out.

"What would you know about what he wants?" Isha spat. It had taken longer than five minutes for Getal to arrive and Isha knew what she had heard, she knew that she had been right all along, her friends on ch'Rihan had told her the truth. She glared at Getal, her eyes glinting in the half light, "What would you know about what any of us want?"

"I know enough." He responded bitterly. "Don't tell me the Romulan Star Empire is here for diplomatic purposes only. I'm not stupid, Ambassador."

"We had an arrangement, Getal," she said, "Why are you complicating matters unless there is something wrong with your brain?"

"We never agreed on a plan! We played a game, which ended in nothing! Rh'vaurek offers me what I want, now, excuse me!" He bellowed down on her. He then brushed past her and into sight of Rh'vaurek.

"Time to leave, Nahir," Rh'vaurek said. i-Orinwen picked up the med kit and her jacket and slipped away. "Trouble getting in?" he asked Tharek, "I asked that you be admitted."

"Nothing I couldn't handle, just Isha." He said, blowing out some of his annoyance.

Rh'vaurek closed the door then returned and pulled on the same old blood stained shirt he had on in the fight, "Isha?" he said. He knew that Tharek had spoken with Isha since her return - once - and he knew that he had advised her against it, but Isha had sealed herself in her suite. "How so?"

"She was outside the door, snooping." Tharek said, looking toward the closed door. Wondering if Isha was still outside.

Rh'vaurek mouthed something under his breath, "Well, there or not she'll not hear anything through that." He ran a hand through his hair, "anyhting she heard before that, well, me and i-Orinwen weren't talking," he said with a half smile. "Grab a kanar and a seat. I hope you didn't object too much about my team subduing the bar," he said as he buttoned the shirt and turned back.

"I don't mind mind at all Rh'vaurek. I thought it was an... Interesting night, to say the least." Tharek said, walking over to where Rh'vaurek kept his drinks, and generously helped himself to a large glass of Kanar.

Nodding. Rh'vaurek touched his hand to the tear in his shirt, a bandage now visible beneath, "Interesting indeed. So what brings you here?" he sat and took one of two glasses, tipping its contents into another not quite finished measure of the same.

"That damned Gabriel." Tharek said, wincing on his drink. "Turrel nearly had to kill an entire department of security officers, because Gabriel refused him access to my embassy. Not only that, he's accusing me of the bombings." Tharek exclaimed as he walked over to a comfortable looking seat and sunk into it.

"Gabriel! You missed him by half an hour, so he came to you before me ... he was becoming quite agitated by the time he left," Rh'vaurek said. "Why does he suspect you of the bombings?"

"Because. I'm Cardassian. Humans always turn to me when something goes wrong, to blame me." He said, taking another large swig of Kanar.

"Gabriel in particular likes to sow blame around. I consider it a relief that he's dividing his time now between us. You sounded agitated when you contacted me. Is there something about the bar that I ought to know?"

"Theres nothing wrong with the bar. I was agitated because of Gabriel." Tharek paused. He placed the Kanar on the small table and walked over to Rh'vaureks desk. He placed both hands onto it and looked into Raedheol's eyes. "Gabriel needs to go."

"He's going," Rh'vaurek said, "and he knows it. He could only run for so long. - we never forget, you see - but that is not my assignment. t'Khellian will bring the case, she might be an hysteric, but she has an unparalled legal mind," he continued.

"I don't care about legallity. All I want, is a Cardassian blade between Dorian's shoulders. And I want to put it there."

Tharek really did like to raise his voice, Rh'vaurek thought. Calmly he touched his fingertips together, "He is guilty, but the case will fail. Starfleet have shipped in a JAG officer who is competent in our law, my Government has agreed that the case be tried here with that JAG as arbitor. Once we're through, once the Federation is forced to show its bias, he is yours."

That made Tharek smile. "Patience, is most deffinitely a vertue then." Tharek returned to his seat. "And what of you, Rh'vaurek? What do you want?"

It was Rh'vaurek's turn to pace. "I wish to continue my rise," he said, "It is 200 years since anyone my age gained the position I have on merit, I am not yet ninety, normally no-one would expect this until they were thirty years my senior," overall he wanted to convince the Cardassian that he, Rh'vaurek was ambitious, powerful, strong, and cared little for Isha. "I don't need to waste my energies on the so-called ambassdor, I have my own powerbase and operatives. I'm looking at you as an ally, Tharek, but you have your own demonessess to battle, let's tackle that together too. I'm tired of her acting as though she has power over me!"

Tharek stood also. "Whatever you have in mind, know the Cardassian Empire is always ready to help. Troops, resources and soil is at your command, Rh'vaurek." Tharek walked up near Rh'vaurek. "What have you got planned?"

Getal must be aware of the public hostility between he and Isha. "I already started, and if you really did trip over Isha listening at the door then she knows it too. When you were active with the Obsidian Order did you attract the same sort of attention?" he asked thinking of the keenness with which i-Orinwen had targetted him.

"Oh yes. Attention from mostly bad parties. The rewards reaped though, were unimaginable." Tharek spoke calmly. "Should we strike now?" Tharek asked, getting slightly excited.

"Indeed. And why should I refuse?!" A dirty chuckle escaped Rh'vaurek's throat, "We remain neutral until it its time to strike."

"But friends," Rh'vaurek said raising his glass, "Between ourselves."

"Between ourselves." Tharek said, mimicing Rh'vaureks toast.

"In the last few days we intercepted some distubing communications piggybacked on Federation channels and masked by the general noise, an agent has failed ot check in - a very experienced man. If he's not yet dead he will be. I believe the incidents are related. Keep your garrison close," Rh'vaurek said, his tone dark. "and lockdown your facility. Station security would only be a hindrance, keep them away." He had a better idea than most of what might happen if the plan of Sulek's friends worked. "Tell me, have you picked up any rumours regarding the Maquis?"

"Rumours. Some say they're onboard the station, plotting. Some say they've seen Maquis activity in this sector. I personally, don't care. Maquis or not, their not going to stop me from serving Dorian's head on a plate." Tharek said coldly, without a trace of mercy.

Rh'vaurek happened to agree. "Nor should it," he said. "I've been preparing for trouble and I think that that rather invigourating brawl was part of it. Call me paranoid, but I think that they intended to take us out so that we couldn't interfere, some people seem to see the title 'ambassador' and assume a lifelong desk-jockey. Strange."

"Very. I think we've set fear into the hearts of some, and reassurance into the hearts of others. We're growing ourselves a reputation. Deadly to our enemies, helping to those that require it. The Maquis wouldn't try and pull another stunt like that, at least until the lockdown is cancelled. By then the Rakara's full garrison will be onboard the station and will set our plan in stone." Tharek was really enjoying this. The fight, the thought of Gabriel's annoyance ending, these were all bringing an older Tharek back to life. The Tharek that became Chief Opressor of a Bajoran sector. A murderer. A fiend. A Cardassian.


erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
Acting Romulan Ambassador

Nahir i-Orinwen
Receptionist, Personal Assistant and Wannabe

Ambassador Ishe e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae
Romulan Ambassador

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador