Incommunicado – How dangerous am I?
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   How dangerous am I?
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sun Feb 05, 2012 @ 3:10pm
Location   Promanade level
Timeline   SD 50 01:05
Dorian had become more of a night-owl than he was when he was an officer. With no responsibilities or expectations from superior officers, he pretty much set his own schedule as his work required of him.

Work. . .what a polite way to describe what he had been doing for the past month. Taking on these odds jobs here and there of an investigative nature for different people around the station wasn't work. It was merely an excuse to keep himself busy for fear of going crazy. Or, from what he had heard around the station, from going into the bottle like *certain* Acting Chiefs of Security on the station.

At least his personal hell couldn't get any worst, or so he thought as he turned the corner and saw one of the few people in the galaxy that could make his blood boil just upon eye sight.

And all that one person could do, was smile at Dorian. Getal stopped in his stride to face the man, and his smile grew slowly into a grin as he approached closer to the ex-Chief of Security. "Mister Gabriel. What an absolutely divine surprise."

"The surprise is most certainly mine," Dorian replied. "I'm moreso surprised that your species hasn't died off from famine yet."

"Without the Dominion teat to suck on, I'd figure you kind would have just simply done the quadrant a favor and mass suicide." he continued as he quickly surveyed the immediate to see if anymore of the Cardassian's "cohorts" had decided to tag-along.

Getal smirked, and let the comment slide. "Watch your tone Dorian. Your not under Federation colours anymore. I could break you in half, and the Federation would let it happen. Because your nothing but a murderous pile of filth that Starfleet wants nothing more, than to sweep you under the carpet. They'd probably commend me for tossing you off this station in pieces."

Tharek knew he was treading on dangerous ground. But, he knew that Dorian would have to be a good boy for Starfleet. And, as much as the Cardassian hated to admit it, Isha had done what she had told to a flawless extent, and delivered Gabriel on a silver platter.

"You listen to me you rough-scaled Bastard!" Dorian said in anger response. "Even without my uniform, you are *NOTHING* to me, do you understand that!?" He said as the anger inside of him began to demonstrate itself. The nerve of this. . .Cardassian to actual talk to him in such a contemptuous tone.

"You will never be anything more than high-titled thug for a decrepit government!" He continued as he stepped closer to the still-smiling Cardassian.

Getal matched his stride forward until they met eye to eye, breath to breath. "Just try it. Nothing would give me more pleasure in this life than smacking you down to the bowels of this wretched station." He paused momentarily, before raising back up to his full height. "Tell me, Mister Gabriel. How does it feel? To be betrayed by your own? To be swept aside like a dirty secret that people would be all too happy to forget?"

Dorian struggled to keep his clenched fist from rising in a rapid manner and colliding with the face of the Cardassian before him.

"Swept aside?" He asked incredulously. "You must be under the mistaken impression that because I don't wear a uniform that I am as impotent and useless as you." He stated.

"Tell me, do you think that makes me less dangerous, or more?" He said in a definitive tone.

"Listen to me very clearly Cardassian: Whether I'm wearing a gold collar or no collar, you will always be a Cardassian, and therefore you will be nothing more than dirt to me and any other human that crosses your path." Dorian said intently.

"Consider this your only warning." He said in a lowered tone as he walked past the man, roughly brushing his shoulder as he passed by.

Getal's smile dropped like a ton of bricks. He grabbed Dorian's shoulder and stopped the man in a heartbeat. "Consider this your only warning. No matter how you view my race or our past actions, know that this station, and soon enough your entire Federation will crumble beneath me. And know more, that at the pivitol moment, that one moment where time itself stops. Know that you will have been wrong, and that your actions doomed yourself and everyone you love." Getal began to let go, but pulled him closer. "And there is nothing you can do to stop me, and there is no threat in that; only promise." The Cardassian's words were cold and dark as he let go of Dorian, Getal's eyes now burning with a dark fire.

Gabriel's face didn't show it. It still cast that same stoned expression that he had become so used to displaying tot he outside world. However, in his mind he had already made a firm resolution: Vi'kar Getal had become just that more of a threat.


Dorian Gabriel

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador