Cascade – Report On Romulans
by UFP Ambassador Valtek & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Report On Romulans
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   UFP Ambassador Valtek & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Fri Sep 28, 2012 @ 6:20pm
Location   XO'S Office
Timeline   SD70. 08:00

Ambassador Valtek blinked up at the ceiling, woken out of a light rest at the sound of his comm panel beeping. He leaned over to press the receiver. Ambassador Valtek, Commander Villiers is requesting a meeting with you in her office at 0900 hours. Please report in then.


Valtek switched the system off and stood up, straightening himself out and looking at the chronometer. 0850. Still enough time for a brief first meal. He pulled on a set of basic robes as he ate, working quickly so that he would not be late. Mildly haphazard though he was just having woken up, he ensured to take the PADD outlining some of his research with him before he left.

Already Valtek had memorized the station map, and so he headed directly to Villiers' office when he was through eating.

"Commander," he greeted with a slight nod as he was let into her office, his hands clasped behind him. "You wished to speak with me." Like many Vulcans, Valtek was a man of few words, preferring to get down to business quickly.

"Welcome to Deep Space Five, Ambassador," Karen said. There was a lot to discuss. Karen had taken time to digest the missive that Valkris the Klingon courier had brought to her, she had taken further time to investigate the assertions of the Klingon High Command, and to probe her contacts in the Star Empire for their verification. Her conclusions were conflicting to say the least. The arrival of a new Federation Envoy was sure to be another element of this scheme, but whether his arrival would clarify matters, or add to the haze remained to be seen. As she got to her feet Karen extended a hand across the desk.

Valtek nodded and grasped her hand briefly, his own covered in a thin pair of gloves. "Thank you, Commander. The Department of State has sent me here to assist with the Klingon-Romulan situation," he started simply. "I have managed to compile a report including several references and contacts within the Galae and Deihuit." His spoken Romulan was flawless. He placed the PADD he'd brought on her desk.

Karen was not personally familiar with Valtek, but he came well recommended. "Please take a seat," she said, opting not to comment on his additional attire as she withdrew her hand and took her own. "It seems we have a very unusual situation in development," It was clear that a factual approach was best here, so she didn't bother with smalltalk, something Karen was not keen on anyway. "A small Romulan fleet was discovered amassing on the Romulan side of the Klingon/Romulan border near Narendra. A Klingon patrol detected other activity from Federation space and made an unauthorised incursion to investigate. They interrupted the progress of a small Cardassian fleet making its way by stealth - they are believed to have been en-route to rendezvous with the Romulan ships. Both governments have denied knowledge of the operation, as have the Tal'Shiar, and its that that makes it so unusual."

Valtek's expression didn't change, but he took a moment to turn the situation over in his mind as he moved to sit opposite Karen. "The Romulans may not be Vulcan, but they operate on a strict sense of internal logic. It is unlikely they will cooperate unless they feel it is within their best interests. The information I have given you pertains to a diplomatic experiment of sorts, by way of our government's mutual cooperation. It is beneficial to both sides. Allies are more valuable than enemies. Therefore, it will be our priority to assure the Romulan government aboard DS5 that it is within their best interests to disclose what is occurring. Have you spoken to hru'Llaudh t'Vaurek yet?"

"There lies the first problem. The Ambassador left the station without notice several weeks ago. She's had no communication with the station or her embassy that we know of since. The man standing in in her absence is an unknown quantity, he lacks her prominence and I'd argue her integrity. tr'Rul is going to need special handling, as my research suggests that his own short term interests surpass those of the empire he represents."

"I assume that one Romulan is not the reason I was called here," Valtek prompted, tilting his head and waiting for the rest of it.

Karen nodded, "Indeed there are further problems. I mentioned the documents that the Klingons had couriered to me in person by a messenger known to me. There was a skirmish with the Romulans, some prisoners were taken, but that isn't what is complicated. Though not captured a Romulan vessel named Lorai was registered in the vicinity, it was thought to be damaged, but its location is now unknown."

Valtek paused to tap something out in his remaining PADD momentarily, but continued listening as Villiers spoke.

"I mentioned that it was interesting that the Tal'Shiar had denied all involvement in this gathering. It so happens that the Lorai has recently been stationed here at Deep Space Five, it's a diplomatic vessel under the command of erie’Khrein Rh’vaurek Raedheol, the Deputy Director of the Tal'Shiar Special Ops Division - he masquerades as the Romulan Embassy's Chief of Staff. The dates on the Klingon report coincide with the sudden departure of the Ambassador - some research on the matter through some contacts within the Romulan Empire has revealed that he is listed as killed in action."

"That may well explain hru'Llaudh t'Vaurek's departure." Valtek drew the conclusion quickly. "Her and erei'Khrein Raedheol share common family names. They are likely related, or even mated." Valtek fell silent once more. This was indeed complicated. "If the Tal'Shiar are denying involvement, they may either be implicated in his death - or he may not be dead. The Tal'Shiar will use such methods to ensure their infiltrators are more effective."

Karen could not resist a chuckle as she considered this astute observation. "She left here under the name t'Khellian, erie'Hfirh of that Great House and hru'Hfirh of the Illialhlae. My sources tell me she petitioned the Senate for the right to found a new House, something that hasn't been done in centuries. She succeeded, and for giving up her inheritance to her daughter, she was granted the right to found the House of Vaurek in the name of a fallen hero so that his new born children, and those loyal to her would have a worthy future. Its an attempt to reitre as I read it. As I read it, we also need to nudge the Senate to force her back into the game."

Valtek steepled his hands and rested his chin on them. "Yes, that would explain her departure. Judging by your analysis, the Romulans are clearly up to something. The Tal'Shiar are rarely reticent to reveal their plans. They are bold in their aggression. This appears to be a stealth operation. It is extremely valuable to the Tal'Shiar." He looked up and met Villiers' eyes. "We must salvage this. Our diplomatic relationship with the Romulan Empire is hinging on this joint operation. tr'Rul may be unaware of what is occurring. If he is, we shall use him. We must bring the Romulan and Klingon delegations aboard DS5 together. Open channels. Resolving this has become this station's number one priority. I will do all I can to assist."

He pointed at the PADD, which still contained vastly relevant information about the operation and about its benefit to the Romulan people as well as the Federation. For reference, it also contained a detailed cultural, government and economic analysis of the Romulan Empire.

"Thank you, Ambassador," Karen said with a glance towards the empty espresso cup near her hand. "I hoped that we'd be able to find common ground in our approach. I've requested that the Diplomatic Detachment invite all prominent Ambassadorial representatives to a meeting this afternoon in the diplomatic suite, I'd appreciate it if you would attend - I'll be there briefly, but as Executive Officer I'm not considered neutral and protocol dictates that I can't remain once confidential business is under discussion. If you're able to share the data on your padd, I'll make a point of going through it whilst that meeting takes place."

Valtek nodded. Unlike perhaps more by the book politicians, he wasn't above using a few tricks of his own every now and then. He stood, and offered Villiers the ta'al, speaking the task-words on it, "I shall determine as much as I am able."

"And thanks again," Karen said evenly. "If you've the time, it would be expedient to make the acquaintance of the Captain," Karen suggested, "before duty whisks her away. I can arrange it if you'd like?"

"Affirmative, Commander. Please do so."

Karen extended her hand and input the request into the console inset in her desk. After a moment she raised her head to look again at Valtek. "Captain Tahir is free now if you don't have another appointment."

Valtek bowed his head. "Thank you, Commander. I will speak with her promptly." With that, he turned and headed out.


Galae - Star Navy
Deihuit - Senate
hru'Llaudh - Ambassador