Beg, Steal or Borrow – Replacement
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall

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Title   Replacement
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Sat Feb 07, 2009 @ 10:38am
Location   Approaching DS5
Timeline   SD7 21:55
He was amazed by how large the station looked in the darkness of space and he was still 25 minutes away from docking. ~ If its this big from here, what will it be like from there? ~ He wondered.

He reset all the configuration of the ship to bring him in to the correct approach pattern, whilst opening a channel to his new command.

"Oberth to DS5. This is Commander David Davies, in temporary command of DS5 requesting docking co-ordinates and permission to come aboard."

"Commander, permission granted. Please adjust course to beacon 391, bearing 009 mark 3. You will then proceed to Main docking ring, bay 19." The voice instructed him.

"Received and complying. ETA 12 minutes. Oberth out." He closed the comm channel and tasked the computer with final approach.
He sat back and enjoyed the view he was getting from the forward viewer, letting time slip past as he watched.

A few minutes later he received final approach vectors and sat up straight in his seat as the ship guided itself through the massive main doors into the heart of the station.
As the ship powered down its engines, a tractor beam took hold of the Oberth Class and guided him in for the last few hundred feet. He counted the ships docked as fast as he was able and gave up once he reached 57, submitted to defeat. He would ask later how many ships were currently docked.

The docking clamps signalled the final phase had been achieved as he left his seat and headed for the transporter room to complete his journey to DS5.

Commander T'Lan waited at the docking port for the ship to dock. She had read the file on this temporary Commander, and was suspicious. She would have preferred it if Starfleet Command didn't call Captain Tahir away from a critical situation with the Lytosians.

Negotiations with the new Lytosian Planetary Republic were progressing slowly, and there were still several factions that had been driven from the system. On top of that, the Consortium wanted Tahir killed."

He held on to his case so tight, his knuckles whitened. He never did enjoy transporters, but he considered them necessary, even if they made him feel uncomfortable.
As he materialised on the transporter pad, his first vision was of a Vulcan female, who was looking rather stern.

"Permission to come aboard." He stood to attention awaiting her to grant his request.

T'Lan spoke, "Granted. Welcome aboard Commander. Unfortunately, your quarters are not yet ready. Engineering is busy replacing a large power conduit, so I have assigned you VIP Quarters until the repairs are finished."

He dropped the case to the floor, extending his hand not knowing if she would accept it. "Can I assume I am addressing Commander T'Lan." He asked, noticing her rank was higher than his own records had informed him. her own appearance surprised him as well. Her personnel file did nothing to describe her natural beauty and the long blonde hair looked so attractive on a Vulcan. He wanted to pinch himself for his thoughts, the lonely journey had an obvious affect on him.

T'Lan examined the man for a moment, and deep within, she restrained the urge to call him a 'pig' when he ran his eyes over her. Instead, she simply shook his hand. "You are correct." She handed him a PADD. "These are the station logs for the last few days, and they have been quite 'hectic'. We are currently on an Elevated Security Alert in the wake of an attempted assassination attempt on Captain Tahir's life. You will find the details within this PADD."

"Thank you Commander. I only need the last 48 hours," He said, taking the PADD from T'Lan, "I have read all the reports that have been updated to the mainframe and have to admit I was quite concerned when I heard about the attempt on Captain Tahirs life and spoke to her last night. I thought the assassin had been taken care of?" His head turned, Looking over his shoulder.

T'Lan spoke, "Is something wrong Captain? If you need time to settle, I can arrange some 'privacy' as the humans call it for the rest of the evening."

David shook his head. "Privacy? That's the last thing I really need after 3 weeks of lonesome travel. Apart from that, no. I am a little sleep deprived, in need of a good shower and then I should be right as rain and please, it's commander, not captain." He said as he moved along the corridor, glancing left and right at the variety and number of ships visible through the windows as they walked past.
"How many ships are docked here?" He asked, realising that he had no idea where he was heading and T'Lan was happy for him to wander.

"We're getting a lot of Lytosian Republican Free-Traders docking here, in fact they have opened trade routes with many of the non-Federation border worlds. Unfortunately, they are not inclined to trade with the Federation, and there has been some dispute about docking fees. The Republic sent a note indicating that they are sending an ambassador here, the only problem is that they're having trouble trying to find someone that is willing to negotiate with the Federation. Even though Captain Langley of the Bismarck stopped a war with them, the Lytosian Colonials still do not trust the Federation." T'Lan mentioned.

"Diversity, the carrier of all things to all men!" David uttered as his hand came to his face, disguising a yawn that he had tried to stifle. "I read a number of reports regarding the Bismarck and its battles, but have not heard anything in nearly a week." He half turned to T'Lan, hoping for a direction. "You will have to enlighten me on the Lytosians before the departmental gathering tomorrow, they sound more dangerous than the Dominion. Am I going the right way?" He asked.

"Understood Commander," T'Lan stated.

They continued to walk, with hardly a word spoken. David didn't feel uncomfortable but the lack of conversation did make him feel out of place.
Coming upon a transporter pad, David stopped and waited for T'Lan, who bowed her head and informed of the deck he needed and continued on her own way.

David spoke the deck number and a few minutes later, with the help of a PADD, found his quarters and entered.


CO: Cmdr David Davies
XO: Commander T'Lan