Database: Dangun Class

Dangun Class



Expected: 100 Years

Time Between Resupply: 0 Years

Time Between Refit: 1 Year


Crew: 2

Personnel: 36


Cruising Speed: Warp 0

Maximum Speed: Warp 0

Emergency Speed: Warp 0


Length: 20 Meters

Height: 4 Meters

Width: 9 Meters

Decks: 0


Weiltzer Corp Sublight Impulse Engines

2 Weiltzer Corp Type 2 Disruptors

Weiltzer Corp Type 2 Shield Generators

Weiltzer Corp Extra Layer Armor

Weiltzer Corp Thruster Propulsion Engines

Not a very powerful ship, this ship can stand its own in a battle, depending on the size of the opponent for at least a half hour to an hour

while assistance arrives to help deal with the situation. These vessels are heavily used within Weiltzer Corp for Transport purposes within a close

area. When the area is larger, a different type of transport is used. These are normally used to transport people from one planet to another within the

solar system or from a base to a ship located within that solar system. These vessels are also restricted to Weiltzer Corp Personnel only.

End of Entry.

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