Judgement – Indelible
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Indelible
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun May 15, 2011 @ 3:40pm
Location   Deck 56. Court Complex.
Timeline   SD37 15:00
It was the middle of the afternoon before Isha had time to get to the court office. It was not urgent, but it was not something that she could deal with from her suite. As the major pending case - Gabriel's trial - was on hold and the business of the day was almost over the complex was quiet.

"Go home," she told Ekenda, "I'll send for you when I'm ready to return to the Consulate."

Then she let the door close behind her and kicked off her shoes.

A pot of hot tea standing by Isha called up the particulars of one of the witnesses and with a sigh planted her chin on her palm and began to read - something about his statement had been chewing on the back of her mind. As she read, and reread she still could not quite place it.

"Knock knock." Getal barged in with no respect for the social norms. Noticing the teapot on the table, he kept his distance at first. "I have something to... Ask... Of you."

Not you. The words were muttered so close beneath her breath that they were almost unspoken as she stared for a moment at the surface of the desk. "You ask something of me," she snapped, "How quaint. What do you want, Getal?" Isha asked as she closed the panel she had been reading.

"I need you to get Yolanthe out of prison, and get the Federation to drop the charges of murder against me and her. I couldn't give a shit how, just do it."

Isha sat back in her chair and stared at the Cardassian. "You missed your calling, Getal, you should be entertaining crowds with your foolish sense of humour. If the Federation are in a position to charge you with murder do you honestly think I would waste a breath in your direction?" she said.

He chuckled. She would've made a good Cardassian. "I knew you would say that." Tharek added in. "That's why I don't want to go through the entire process again, Isha. Do you want to be hurt again? I can assure you, I've been brushing up on Order techniques. I can now break a Romulan's bone as a reflex action." He said, finding this situation amusing more than anything. "Now. You going to help or not?"

"Strange really, because I can shatter a Cardassian's ego with a word," she said. He had no idea of the mental shift that had occurred, no idea that he was not talking to the same Isha he had come very close to breaking, but for all that she was not in a place to confront him yet.

"No," Isha said, somehow she couldn't get the sharp words out in case they might backfire and hurt her, she was every bit afraid of him as he might expect. "I do not want to go through all that again," probably the one thing that they could agree upon. "So why don't you explain to me why I should help you, because I cannot think of a single reason why I shouldn't go straight to the Federation and add to their testimony against you," she told him.

"Because I own you." He said, holding his arms out. "When you close your eyes. I am there. When you walk in your office, you think of me. When you sleep at night, I'm the stuff of your nightmares. Now, you're going to do as I say, or I'm going to have to physically remind you again why I am your nightmares. And like I said, you know you don't want that."

Isha did not move from where she was, she barely appeared to be breathing. She had allowed this to go too far, and despite the advice given to her by well meaning relatives there was now only one way for it to end. Isha had seen it.

Isha was on Deep Space Five to destroy this infernal reptile and she would know the right opportunity when it came, she always did, but the waiting had never before been this dangerous.

"Oh, one look at you is quite enough," Isha replied, "You want to share your own little nightmares, imposing them on anyone who is not afraid to make a stand against you. Those awful dreams of faded glories, the ones that plague you because you are pining for a lost Cardassian ideal that never really existed except your own delusion. Even if it had you would never regain it because even your own people hate you," she said in the same detached tone. "Getal, you've done your worst, and I'm not playing any more. I yielded, remember, but my surrender does not give further favours. Now leave me alone."

"That wasn't the answer I was looking for." He glared at her. She had pushed her luck again. Obviously violation wasn't enough. It was time for a permanent reminder. Getal came prepared for this eventuality too. Leaning down to his left boot, he pulled out a small knife, glistening green on the tip. This was not his usual knife though, this knife was dull, almost rusty. "You are a marked woman, Romulan. It was only a matter of time before somebody did it physically."

Not for the first time since she had met this creature Isha realised that they were not playing by the same rules; she had ostensibly accepted defeat and he should accept that as the end of it, yet here he was.

"Please go," Isha said.


He lunged forward and struck her viciously, sending her to the floor with ferocity and speed. He left her there momentarily, before leaning down onto her knee with his own, and grasping her hands with his free hand.

"Don't do this, don't do this, don't do this," Isha repeated the words as she failed to rip her hands free of his grasp. He was *not* going to do this to her again. She rammed her other knee into his ribs.

He flinched momentarily, the implant coming into action and pumping him full of painkillers and drugs to reduce the pain. Using his free leg, he clamped down on Isha's free-flinging leg. Using the tip of the blade, he gently lifted the top of Isha's skirt. "You still going to deny my request?" Getal said, the sound of his voice mixed with the sound of strain, using all of his might to keep Isha from going anywhere.

"I surrender and you still want more?" she spat still trying to find a way to push him off her, it didn't matter if she tried to accomodate his demands or not, he just wanted to hurt her. "I'll oppose you all the way to the other side of the Gamma Quadrant and back again."

Getal smiled. Exactly what he wanted to hear. Grasping the handle of the knife, he shook with rage and anger. He plunged it into the skin of her inner thigh, not deep enough to be fatal, or require immediate attention. But enough to be felt. He carved away at her flesh until a single sentance could be seen in her skin.

GorhoƧ edek

Isha's initial shriek muted into a dry sob as he cut into skin that pulled taught across the muscle as she strained again and again to get away and to end this horrible pastiche of his last assault on her.

She let her head drop back, staring for a moment at the dreadful form that held her immobile. The only thing that she could do to shift him was too dangerous, not to him, or to her, but to the babies, she calculated a sixty percent probabilty that she could shift him, but a ninety percent certainty that the poor leverage she could achieve would cause him to fall full on her stomach - she would endure this rather than risk that.

Isha had long passed the point of holding her tongue, "when I see the last drop of your blood ooze out, Getal I'm going to have it preserved in a vacuum," she said, her words interrupted by sobs and her teeth gritted against the pain, "one insignificant drop, the very essence of the man."

"You won't live to see that day." Getal said, moving up and away from her, the knife dripping at the tip with her blood. "I'm not going to tell you what it means. But, whether you care or not. You're helping me get Yolanthe out, and you're not telling anyone about this. Understood?"

Relieved of his weight Isha first gasped for breath, then fought the instinct to curl into a protective ball.

Slowly she pushed herself to her feet and glared at him with loathing, ignoring the warm trickle of blood that trailed down her leg, ignoring the spreading bruise on her face where he had struck her, ignoring the fact that he had forced her legs apart and gouged her thigh with a knife as he held her down.

It was minutes before Isha said anything at all, minutes as her torn skin burned. Minutes before she finally lowered her gaze.

He would never have believed her if she had complied without an arguement, it had been too long since she had given in to him. Isha knew that he knew that a woman like her was not so easily subdued, not for long anyway, but she never would have imagined this.

Now he had done it she realised that he would have found an excuse to do this no matter what she had said just to remind her that he had once established dominance over her and could do so again, and to enforce the most terrifying truth he had spoken since he had entered the room - I own you.

Isha had no tears left to shed for anything he could do to her, that energy would be better spent later on when she found a moment in which she could break that hold forever.

"What are your instructions?" Isha said eventually, her eyes defeated but dry.

"Get her out. All else is a secondary priority. Your embassy is mine. Your staff belong to me. All you know is me. Do as I say, and you will not be punished further. Ignore my instructions and the consequences will be dire."

Isha wrapped one arm protectively around her waist and bit the knuckles of her other hand as her gaze flicked up. She should have killed him in the turbolift, not just given him a warning shot and a chance to back down.

"I'll do as you request," she said, though her words did not interpret in quite the same way in Rihannsu.

"Good." He said, the gaze he shot her told Isha to keep her eyes on the ground. "I expect you to have it done soon. I want you to come see me, on your own, when you've accomplished the task."

That almost caused Isha to laugh, but really, his demand was far from funny. Isha would sooner visit Qo'nos and publicly slander the name of Kahless than enter Getal's realm alone - it would surely mean a quicker and cleaner death.

"How can you ask that of me?" she questioned keeping her gaze exactly where it was.

"Because." He started, grinning. "Why would I want to kill my favourite toy?"

Isha finally dropped her gaze, suddenly finding interest in the damp patch of her own blood dark on the carpet around her left foot. She could not bear to look at him anymore. There was nothing that she could say to answer him, nothing that would not enrage him, anyway. So she said nothing.

"Good girl," Tharek smiled. A pure evil nested in his soul. "I'm heading back to my embassy now. If I don't hear from you within fourty eight hours, I'm sending the Shri'vara to personally bring me back your face."

Isha had lost track of whether or not his threats were real, either way she did not really wish to find out. "I have agreed," she said.

Getal smiled. "That's the tone I like to hear. Remember, fourty eight hours." He said, his voice fading as he walked out of the room. He rested the blood-stained knife back into it's cradle, and walked out as calmy as he entered.

The second the door had closed Isha snatched up the portable terminal that she had been using before he arrived and hurled it against the door.

To the tune of a string of venemous and inventive expletives that somehow did not translate it smashed and fell to pieces on the floor.