Small Things – Nothing changes but the time
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Nothing changes but the time
Mission   Small Things
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri Feb 28, 2014 @ 7:58pm
Location   USS Cavalry / DS5
Timeline   SD101 - Late afternoon
The journey back to DS5 had been uneventful to say the least. It would have been nice to have an event worth recording, but the captain’s course took him directly to DS5 and once Tasha had been transported over, Hemmings was continuing on into uncharted space.
"I'll swing by in 17 months for a complimentary cup of tea" had been his remark to Tasha as she had thanked him for the lift back to the station whilst in his ready room drinking her hundredth complimentary coffee.

Now she stood looking at the transporter pad awaiting the signal that she could step up onto the platform and travel the final leg to DS5.

Twelve weeks of refresher training had not done anything to hold back her hankerings to get back to a Starship, but upon her request, she had again been denied a posting to one and it looked like DS5 was to be hers to command for the foreseeable future. How long would she remain at the helm knowing how she longed to be elsewhere and with someone else. A hint of a smile passed her lips as she drew back the bottom lip across her teeth and remembered.

"Captain" A hushed voice behind called.

Tasha turned about, her thoughts disrupted. "Mmm?" She began and then realised that it was the signal that they were in transporter range of the station. "Oh, thank you lieutenant." She responded with a nod as she hauled up her duffle bag and stepped onto the pad.

"Initiating transport." The operative said stoically as she saw the beginnings on the familiar sparkle of matter dissemination and before she could take a breath, she was on the transported pad of DS5. The breath came in easily and immediately, the smell of the station filled her lungs and she gave a small cough at the tickling sensation of a purer air on her bronchi.

"Captain Tahir, good to see you back!"

"Harris?" Tahirs’ brow dropped a little. "How are you at transport control?" She questioned.

Bill didn't show if he was at all phased by the question, "Over two months ma'am." He replied.

Shrugging her duffle onto her shoulder she raised a small smile. "Well, how is your internal practice?" She asked.

Bills gave a grimace as his hands raised flat down and waggled, "Not perfect."

Tasha didn't know if he was jesting, but decided she would tempt fate. "Well, get there by transporting me to my quarters." She ordered.

"Aye ma'am" Bill gave a nod of acknowledgment and decide it best not to shout his usual diatribe of 'Tally ho' and gave the officious response of "Transporting"

Again she felt the tingle and arrived in a darkened room that as soon as the sequence had finalised, began to light up as the computer registered a person in the room.

Tasha slung the duffle to her left, not worried of its accurate direction as she stepped forward, kicking off her shoes as she went.
"Computer, bring room temperature up to twenty five, lights to eighty percent and began hot shower cycle, eight minutes and water, not sonic."
She peeled off her clothing as she entered the bathroom and within a few seconds, was languishing under steaming hot water, the one luxury she had been savouring for the last month.

Robed in a large towel and rubbing harshly at her wet hair she ordered a hot sweet tea and perched herself on the edge of the bed.

"Computer, recant station logs for the previous six hours." She said as she relaxed back into the sofa, trying to get comfortable and taking a few moments to realise that this was not her original, but a good replica except that it missed her ‘spot’.

It was some time before she strolled out of her quarters, dressed, dried and fed but she had to reacquaint herself with the station and its populace.
had a lot changed in four months? She was not sure but just walking along the corridor, nothing was out of place or the ordinary as she made her way to the nearest transporter pad and requested "Promenade" as she tugged down on the new style tunic.

She began to wander the upper platform, folding her arms across the top rail every now and then, peering down to the activity below and though it was early evening, the promenade was quiet, as if people knew they were being spied upon from above and didn't want to reveal themselves.
She looked over to her right and saw the bar and decided "Why not" as she spun about for the odd conveyor belt that went down and she made her way into the 'Box'

One of the waiters greeted the Captain as she entered.

"My dear Captain. It's been so long. Usual table?" He asked flapping his arms as if he wanted to fly away or just generate a breeze.

"No thanks, I'll take a stool at the bar." Tasha replied with a wide smile.

"Of course, of course. And to drink?" He pressed.

"Give me a moment." She pleaded as she made her way to the nearest chair and eased herself upwards and once perched, tucked her heel onto the metal strip and locked herself in.

The waiter waited as she began to study the contents that stood proudly on the shelves in on the wall and when she reached the limit of her vision, she worked her way back before finally bringing her eye back to the waiting man.

He spoke before her.

"A Tallarian rum?" He queried.

Tahsa smiled. "Please, large."

The barman grinned and ducked down for a clean glass and in a well rehearsed dance, poured her drink, lay a place mat and delivered her drink with a small straw in front her.
"For you captain, and this one, is on the house."

Tahsa leant forward as she maintained her smile. "I think Yolanthe would have something to say about that!" As she reached for the liquor.

The waiter also leant forward and lay his hand lightly on her lower arm and in a hushed voice, "If she were here, she would." He winked and promptly spun about to the next client.

As she sipped, she played over in her mind the connotation to the waiters words "If she were here" with no stress on any word.... was he trying to tell her something?