Judgement – On The Hill Where She Stands
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   On The Hill Where She Stands
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu Feb 10, 2011 @ 2:31pm
Location   In a dream
Timeline   Current

She stood on a hill overlooking the wild grasses, dotted with flowers, that moved in the wind like a green sea. Off in the distance snow capped mountains pierced the sky. She was home, the wind embraced her and her child in welcome, her long raven black hair and her long flowing skirt danced in the wind behind her. The sun began its slow decent behind the mountains casting shots of red, gold, purple, orange and rose. She smiled at the small infant that was cradled in her arms.

Ben was walking up the hill towards her. She could see his long legs taking strides to cover the grassy distance between them, his cheeks pink from the exercise of climbing. He seemed to be walking and walking and walking but although he was striding out he didn't seem to be getting any nearer.

Jana looked up and her smile reached her eyes. "There is your papa." She whispered and made the slow decent down the hill. When she finally reached him she kissed him.

Ben kissed her back but as he did, she began to shrink back.

"You aren't supposed to be here now...not for a great many years." She said quietly. "I am happy to see you though." Her voice still quiet, her eyes filled for the man she would always love.

"I'll always be here Jana. Never forget that." Ben watched as she faded and he reached out his hand to hold on to her but his hand wasn't there. It was *he* who was fading, not her.

"Alaina and I will wait for you Ben. I love you." A tear escaped and ran down her cheek. "I am sorry I wasn't strong enough to stay in the world with you." Jana reached for him, desperate to keep him here...just for a little while...he had to meet their daughter.

He faded away, growing smaller and more remote as the moments passed. His face was the last memory she had of him before she woke.

Jana gasped as she woke, her body tense, there was trouble nearby. She turned her head and looked at Ben. Smiling, she was happy to be alive...Jana sent up a prayer to help her and the baby survive this.

A JP Between:

Lt. Jana Kasikova
Chief Science Officer


Lt. Ben Kensington
ACMO (NPC By Jools)