Beg, Steal or Borrow – Look into the mirror....
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Look into the mirror....
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 1:47pm
Location   USS Bunker Hill (On Manuvers Near DS5)
Timeline   SD 12 1120hrs

"On screen." Jarred saw the image appear on the main viewer, and his face went pale. he was looking at himself, only older Jarred was confused, startled, and above all else he had about a thousand questions.

"Hello Jarred, we need to talk." His counter part said.

~Ja...Jarred?!~ Claire stood up from her chair, her eyes fixed on the view screen in front of her. Her knees started to give way so she promptly sat back down. She looked at the younger Jarred and then at the older one, she was in complete shock.


"How the hell should I know that you are an older version of me and not some...." Jarred started only to be interrupted by his counterpart.

"Your orders from Admiral Carson that are sitting on the desk in the ready room, They give you explicit command of that ship including the command codes."

Jarred was the only person until then who knew that fact. "Okay, what the hell just happened?"

"It will take to long to explain, I'll beam over and we'll have a talk one on one." the older Jarred said

"Ok, Mr. Elliott meet the Captain in transporter room 2"

"Aye, sir," John replied, leaving the bridge and walking in a brisk fashion to the transporter room.

~Jarred, what is going on?~ Claire projected to the man sitting beside her.

~Good question, maybe we'll find out.~ he retorted

Taali didn't know what to think or do, so she just kept monitoring her console and carrying out her normal duties, hoping something would make sense soon.

===Transporter room 1===

The older Jarred materialized on the transporter pad, he looked up at the younger John Elliot, he smiled and spoke "Hows your first mission Ensign?"

John stood at attention as the older Officer came into view. "It's going very well sir, thank you," he replied slowly, not sure hot to react. "Forgive my asking sir, but how did you know this was my first mission?"

Captain Wallace laughed, "John, you'll find that this mission opens alot of opportunities for you." Jarred told one of the few half truths he knew he would have to tell until he met with his younger self.

The Ensign nodded and motioned towards the door. "If you'd like I can take you to the Bridge, sir." He was curious about what the Captain meant, but he thought it best not to pry. He was needed elsewhere at the moment and John was not about to ruin anything. Especially on his first mission.

As the turbolift slowed and the doors opened Captain Wallace walked onto the bridge, "Observation lounge Ensign?" fully aware that was where they were.

John chuckled nervously. "Aye, sir. Observation lounge..."

===Observation Lounge===

The older Jarred entered, he looked at the small crew especially at his younger self. He'd almost forgotten about the promotion at this point. "I'm sure your sceptical about who I am, but I can assure you that Jarred I am a future version of you."

Feeling a bit confused he decided that there was only one detail that only he would know, in an almost unregisterable voice he said "how did we get the ear implant?"

The older Jarred replied, "The helm explosion during the Kur'Gah investigation, we got attacked by an unknown ship, the power surge caused the helm console to explode."

"Ok, your for real, now why are you here?"

The older man looked at his youthful counterpart, "In three hours a spacial anomaly will form near Deep Space Five."

"Why have you come to warn us?" Claire joined in the conversation.

He looked at the younger Claire, "while the vast majority of the quadrant is still licking its wounds from the Dominion War, a long forgotten enemy is preparing to return."

~Who?~ She projected, knowing that she was contaminating the timeline but the older Jarred didn't seem to care.

Captain Wallace levelled his eyes at the younger Claire and began to project several Violent images into her mind, a massive battle where green clad ships attack Deep Space five and several other ships, the he shows several explosions including one that leaves the station a flaming pire, followed by images of another battle, one in the corridors of the station, many people slaughtered left laying there in pools of there own blood. Then images of tall humanoid looking aliens firing weapons in the air as the marines try to fight back. "Time is running out."

Her mind cried out for him to stop projecting the images to her. She turned away from him, not that it would stop him from projecting the images to her but she felt sick to her stomach.

"What...what do you mean?" Elliott stepped forward, worried at what was transpiring. "How is time running out? If you're from the future, wouldn't time..." he trailed off, trying to figure things out. "What is this anomaly?" he finally asked simply.

"Ensign, obviously him being from the future means he has Intel on what will happen and will point us in the direction to fix it. We should all bite our tongues and let the man finish." Freeman added after the ensign.

Seeing Claire looking pale and seemingly a bit shakey, Taali left her console and quietly slid over to her. "You ok?" she mouthed silently so as not to interrupt the others who were speaking.

Claire looked at Taali and gave a small and shaky smile. "I'll be fine."

Taali nodded and returned back to her seat.

"Its not a Paradox if your wondering, this hasn't happened before." the Captain started "The torpedo test opened the rift in the....I mean my past. Only when I saw the same anomaly in the future I took a huge gamble to come here and hopefully keep the war from becoming the nightmare that it is."

"War?" Taali hadn't seen the images projected to Claire and didn't like the sound of this at all. She had uttered the word in a questioning tone before she realised she'd spoken it out loud. It wasn't for her to speak up like this when senior officers were talking but the idea there was a war about to start had startled her and she had let it slip out.

Fortunately for Taali, no-one replied and she wasn't reprimanded for speaking out of turn. She busied herself with the navigation charts and making sure the readouts from her console were correct, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible now.

Jackson shuddered. he did not like what he was hearing. Now was a turbulent time, but he knew what they were dealing with. Romulans, Boaoran, Gorn and to some degree, Cardassians, but this was something different, something new and the future Jarred looked as though he had suffered..
"Sir, what war, " The mans' voice shook with raw nervous emotion, "You mean a war from your past, or a war from your present and your here to do what?" The medic enquired.

Taali made no indication she was listening as her query was raised again but in a more appropriate manner this time.

The captain pulled out an isolinear rod from a pocket hidden in his uniform and put it into a reader integrated into the conference table, "This is what happens in two years." As the sensor video played it showed a large number of greenish ships closing on the station. Several dozen fighters and starships move to intercept them, two Akira class and a Galaxy class are cut down in the first salvo from the approaching enemy fleet, a few seconds later a blue ball of energy appears near the outer docking ring of Deep space five appears, it suddenly expands and vaporizes a portion of the outer ring.

In another sequence, What appears to be a Sovereign Class ship leading the charge against one of the larger warships is destroyed with one single shot to the ships engines, then during the explosion, USS Freedom heavily damaged during the fight makes a final suicide run against the larger warship striking a fatal blow.

"That is the only sensor record of the battle for Deep Space five, I was there preparing to take command of the ship you saw me arrive on earlier." he said bluntly "five out of seven ships were destroyed, over three thousand people died during this battle, the two ships that survived managed to fend off the small cruisers for another three hours until re-enforcements arrived, they came in force on the second day, fortunately we managed to evacuate the majority of the population of DS5 off before the second attack began, USS London, USS McCoy and USS Da Vinci helped evacuate the station, three hours after the Da Vinci leaves they came again, this time with a larger force and we had to withdraw an concede this battle."

"Wait wait wait, why would Starfleet send a bunch of non combat ships into a battle where their top destroyer class ships get cut down in the beginning?" Bruce interrupted the future Jared.

"Because we got caught off guard Bruce." The older Jarred started "Two task groups were over twelve hours away when the first attack happened, and the ships that were on hand were no match, Da Vinci and London were already enroute when the patrol area was put on red alert, McCoy was another three hours behind when Obsidian Command gave the order to evacuate."

Jackson shook his head in disbelief, looking across to Jared, then to Bruce before settling back on the older Jared. "And what can we do now? You must have found a weakness or you wouldn't be here now? Or is this a mistake? The medic enquired with a meek voice, not sure if it were his place to ask the question.

End of part3

OC: this is actually going in a good direction

starting to collect the signatures? ready for when this is finished?


Bruce Freeman Lt,

Lt Jarred Wallace

Ensign John Elliott

Ensign Taali South
NPC'd by Chelsea

Nurse Remini Jackson
By Tasha

Lt. (JG) Claire Mackenzie
Acting Chief Counselor