Judgement – A new Sheriff in town
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   A new Sheriff in town
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat Jan 22, 2011 @ 10:05pm
Location   Main Security Deck - 576
Timeline   SD 35 - 19:00 (BACKPOST)
Alexia was going about her usual duties in the Security Main Offices, seeing that the paperwork and records were up to date and accessible and generally keeping the departmental 'diaries' and rotas available where they could access them easily.

She did not have the authority to actually set the rotas, that was obviously one of the Senior Officers' job but Alex was always being asked questions about who would be on which shift and so on.

It never ceased to amaze her how they would prefer to 'comm' in and get her to tell them, rather than look them up on a nearby console, but perhaps they liked to make contact? She didn't mind that at all, in fact she too liked to keep up with them all and generally feeling as if she knew 'what was going on', at least at the fairly low level of access that she was afforded in her role.

Most of the department were regular, pleasant guys who would have a joke and a smile for her - most, that was, except the new DoH. Alex still lived in hope that he would prove a temporary incumbent of the position but from what she heard, things didn't seem to be looking too good for her hero, Gabriel.

She sighed, pushing that negative thought out of her mind and looked up as the door opened and 'that fit journalist' as Thomas had been dubbed by the girls in the Station Administration offices, walked in.

Trellis stormed into the outer area of the office. His mind was still focused on the spectacle that was becoming Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel. The man was convinced that he was the victim in this entire fiasco and had completely refused to accept responsibility for his actions.

That bastard has abused his authority time and time again and now that someone had forced him to pay the consequences, he wanted to do everything in his power to avoid having to pay the piper.

Si'Lar wasn't going to allow the man to obtain a free ride. Starfleet officer or not, he was going to ensure that the trial was carried out with no interference or disruptions.

His mind wasn't aware of anything around him until he walked past the desk of the assistant and attempted to enter his office. Trellis stopped as the doors did not immediately open for him.

"Of course not, why the hell would they open when they are programed for another man!" He said angrily as he slammed his hand against the frame.

"Ms. Jackson! I want the access codes on this office changed immediately! I'm tired of having to input a code to open the door to my own office!" He said angrily.

"Commander Gabriel keeps it that way to ensure that his office is secure from *intruders*!" Alexia sulked, as close to the edge of politeness as she could risk getting without crossing the line.

"Correction, Ms. Jackson! Dorian Gabriel is no longer in command of this department or ANY other department. In fact, in due time he will no longer be able to disgrace a Starfleet uniform any further." he replied quickly.

"Those are unproven allegations Sir and I must protest at your making them with an inference that they are true. Commander Ga..... " she was about to launch into defense of her hero's innocence until proven guilty when she was cut off by the raising of Trellis' hand in a gesture to silence her that seemed to come further towards her than she might have expected. She stopped instantly, flinching backwards on reflex.

"I'll get the codes removed Sir" she changed her tune.

"Thank you!" he said through a strained voice. It was bad enough having to manage the responsibilities of the station, but to have his own staff rebel against him was adding more fuel to the fire.

"I want the codes changed and I want all of his stuff removed from my office and tossed into the incinerator." he demanded. "I'm going to start things over on a fresh foot!" he added.

"I will remove his things but neither I nor you Sir, have the right to damage or destroy them. They do not belong to either of us and it would be theft and personal damage. I refuse to take part in an illegal act such as that and I do not think you want to be breaking the law on your first day in the job either Lieutenant" Alexia was choking down her anger at this whole attack on Gabriel. He might be undergoing trial but to eradicate him from his own position and office even before he was proven guilty outraged Alexia but to threaten to destroy his personal things, that was obsessive and hate-filled.

She marched into Gabriel's office and began to pile the contents of all his drawers into the largest bottom drawer, filling it to the top and struggling to carry it out again. She put it safely behind her desk to protect it from Trellis and went back for the rest of the things on the sides, shelves and anywhere she might have missed, returning with an armful which she put on top of her desk to sort once he'd gone.

"If I missed anything, I wonder if you'd be kind enough to let me have it in due course, Sir." she added with politeness that was in direct conflict with the hostility in her eyes.

"Fine, that will be all." He said as politely as he could possibly manage as he walked into the now sparse office and sat in the chair. ~ I'll add this to the things that I'll have removed. ~ He thought to himself as he looked up and saw a recent arrival.

"Ensign Kel'tor, how can I help you?" He asked the younger officer.

"Well, it is in regards to the Box of Delight murder investigation." He said as he strolled past the secretaries desk and towards the office of the new Dept. Head.

Trellis immediately perked up in response, "Uh..yes, very well, come in and take a seat." he said as he rushed to the door.

"Ms. Jackson, I am in the middle of an important meeting and cannot be disturbed." He said as he walked back into his office and shut the door behind him.

Alexia wasn't sure if it was worse that he had shut the door so obviously in her face or if it was nicer that now it was peaceful without him throwing his weight around trying to push Gabriel's presence out of existence. She settled on the latter and sighed with relief.


A JP between:
Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Kel'tor War'lon
Peculiar Security Officer


Ensign Alexia Jackson
Administrative Officer,
Assigned to Security Dept.