Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Back on Her Feet
by Arrival Kaia

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Title   Back on Her Feet
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia
Posted   Sun Dec 28, 2008 @ 3:31am
Location   Deck 56, Medical Lab 4,
Timeline   SD6 13:00

Kaia stepped through the doors of civilian medical section and leaned to one side and then the other, stretching her back and shoulders.~Note to self~ She thought, ~Keep at least one atmosphere of pressure around your body at all times...~

She was sore all over. Not merely the recovery from her injuries, but while she had been in medical, she hadn't been able to keep up her usual physical regimine and her muscles were screaming. As soon as the immediate business was done, she needed to schedule some time in a holosuite and get back up to par.

In the meantime however, she briskly made her way in the direction of the promenade. She was making checklists in her mind of things that needed done since they came back to the station. Hopefully Natrina would have a better idea of what was going on. At this moment in time, Kaia had no idea where Haldamir was, what the status of Amblitso and his mission was, or even what kind of shape her own ship was in.

She at least hoped that for all the trouble they had gone through, and the blood she'd shed for it, that at the very least the prototype transwarp drive was intact. She knew at the very least that her ship had take some damage from the boarders. That was, after all, what had resulted in her being exposed to the decompression that landed her in medical in the first place.

She would need to get back into shape if she wanted to perform the best bluff she could for that Yridian trader Natrina had mentioned... what was his name... Narek Venn... This was all, of course, assuming that Natrina's plans were still what they had been before the incident with the USS Legacy.

She entered the nearest turbolift and traveled to the promenade balconey, she still had no love for the crowds on the main deck of the promendade, and figured visiting the office momentarily would be a good way to ease herself back into it. The doors opened and she nervously stepped out. She didn't have any of her usual effects, and found the state of being to feel particularly vulnerable. She didn't like it at all and had to consciously restrict herself from lashing out too agressively as she made her way past and through groups of people on her way to her own store front.

Once there, she quickly tapped in the security codes and went inside. She breathed a sigh of relief at once again being removed from the promenade proper. She moved around the display room once before entering the office. Everything was exactly where it had been when they had left days earlier. Granted, it had been in something of a hurry, so equipment was still haphazardly strewn around the lab.

Once she was confident that things were as they had been left days earlier, she returned to the chaos of the promenade balconey. She headed down the stairwell to the lower level and held her breath as she pushed her way through to the Matahari.


Owner of Xenology Survey Services
Deep Space 5
"No plan, no technology, is so perfect as to truly be idiot proof."