Things Past – Ship of misfits: A proposal
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   Ship of misfits: A proposal
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Fri Aug 30, 2013 @ 12:34am
Location   Bradshaw industries
Timeline   *tbd*
here we go!

Rhiana walked off the turbo lift, little more than a go between on this task, and an unusual one to say the least, now she had to ask a 'favor' of Former General Wayne Bradshaw, reading over the orders herself it seemed like something out of a bad spy novel, or from a forgotten time, but this was what they were asking.

As she approached she saw an armed guard who simply waved her through, now she was nervous, she knew she was expected, this was a little unnerving, as she walked towards the front desk she looked over to her left, "Mr Bradshaw I presume?"

"Yes I am Mr. Bradshaw but something tells me you are not here to see me but rather my father." Said Collin calmly he was only here covering for the receptionist while she was on lunch "He is in his office down the hall the door at the very end and yes he is expecting you ambassador." He added politely

Pointy ears, civilian cloths, "I'm Lieutenant Rhiana T'sehan Starfleet intelligence." ~should've worn a uniform for this one.~

"Lt. I know exactly who you are and what group you work with let me make one thing plainly clear to you as I am sure my father will say the same thing. SFI has screwed over our family, the marine corps, and starfleet security more times then not. If you go around here saying you are SFI regardless of your rank you WILL find yourself on the wrong side of some very upset men and trust me when I say we might have retired from the fleet but we still have friends there." Said Collin bluntly

"I don't give a flying rats ass, if you'd like I can report to Admiral Janeway that you were unreceptive and she can recall the general and order him to carry out this task, or we can play nice?" the cold eyes looked at this man and wondered if he really wanted to mess up this offer.

"Lt. there are things you do not threaten in this office and one of them is the use of admiral Janeway's name. You would not have made it past the front door if the admiral and my father had not already talked. We know what could happen and there are a couple of us who actually served with the admiral. Now are you going to keep making a scene or are you going to head down that hall and meet with my father to discuss what SFI wants with our company and get the finer points ironed out." said Collin coolly he was confidant that he had put an end to her threats but she would still be watched after all no one met with the old man without at least one set of eyes on the meeting the entire time.

Rhiana looked at the man "I'll report back at a less than receptive interest in this offer." she turned on her heel, "Next time you assume that section 31 in involved you'd better remember that Lieutenant Wallace is dead because of those jackals."

"I heard and we thought that was the case." Said Collin calmly he was honestly surprised that she was heading for the door instead of his fathers office maybe she did not have the balls to take on the old man after all though that did not seem to jive with what they had been told about her by the admiral as well as the general in marine intelligance.

"So are we talking or am I leaving?"

"My dad is in the office at the end of the hall and if SFI did it's normal job then you know that he hates to be kept waiting. Now though since what you and he are going to discuss is likely way above my paygrade I will be heading back down to my R and D labs and work on my designs I was only covering the desk while the normal receptionist was on lunch but since she is back now my time up here is done. I hope you and dad have a nice meeting." Said Collin calmly

"They did, they also called you a loose cannon, toodles kiddies." she said as she walked down the hall, she hated playing the silly little games that came with dealing with old war vets. She was not really satisfied with that little exchange but it was fun but it was time for the real business as she approached the door.

"Wayne looked up from his desk as the soft chime sounded telling him that there was a person just outside his door. He opened the drawer on the right side of his desk and pulled out a bottle of andorian ale and two glasses. "Come in Lt." said Wayne firmly just before the chime sounded. true he was not normally one for games but anything to unsettle an SFI operative was going to be fun in his book and he liked having a little fun every now and again.

Knowing she was busted she walked into his office and smiled "Mr Bradshaw, finally nice to meet you."

"Likewise Lt. I was wandering who the admiral would send. Would you perhaps care for a drink and we can get down to the business of why you are here. oh and do not be to hard on Collin he was in part doing what he was told to do. and well part of it is just that he has had some very bad dealings with SFI in the past. Some rogue agent went and got his entire team killed and well collin has never forgotten it." Said Wayne calmly as he gestured to a chair and poured two tumblers of ale before handing one to the Lt.

"Thats unfortunate, he feels that way, I'm not here at the direct request of normal SFI channels this is more of a request of another division, with the possibility that there could be other opportunities." She said as she sat down her long black hair swept forward to frame her face.

"You know me I am always looking for a way to help out the fleet as long as it does not interfere with the running of my company. So what has the admiral got on her mind and how can we be of help assumeing of course it is nothing illegal that is." said Wayne with a smirk he knew that sometimes SFI skated the line between legal and illegal but that was the nature of the beast.

"This is strictly transport for now, pick up at a point, return to the station, personnel and cargo nothing to illicit, more like an R and D matter but due to the nature of the project it does involve intel, security and the fighter squadron at some point." Rhiana looked at her papers then continued "My brief says its a prototype of some kind, nothing restricted at this point looks like this thing is getting a field evaluation then it will be returned by another ship at a later date."

"Sounds like that would be something we could help out with." Said Wayne calmly "And of course this could grow into something else over time I am sure. We will be happy to help SFI for now but I will reserve the right to terminate our agreement in the future if things get to close to the line or go over it. Though somehow I get the feeling that I will not have to worry about that for a very very long time." Said Wayne calmly "Now what type of cargo ship will you be needing. I have three or four differant classes in my fleet ranging from some modified Soyzu and miranda class ships up to a custom designed class for much larger cargo's." He added calmly

"A miranda shuttle bay should meet the basic requirements, the rendezvous coordinates are the only oddity..." Rhiana paused, she hadn't read that far in the briefing, "Our side of the neutral zone near Galordin Core."

"Galordin Core hmmm that is kinda an odd place for a meeting that area of space is rather contested." Said Wayne calmly "Though I think there might be a way it can work out" he added

"Our mutual friend said there are two modified obreth ships in it for you, I think these haul cargo pods if I'm not mistaken." She said hoping to sweeten the deal.

"Hmm that is a very useful class of ship and since you and I both know who you are refering to tell her I will be happy to accept the ships." Said Wayne calmly he might not need the cargo pods but that could be changed out if needed and they both knew it.

"I'll make the arrangements and get you the final details, if this works out there will be other jobs from our mutual friend and her associates." Rhiana said as she stood up.

"I look forward to it and of course I look forward to working with you in the future as well." Said Wayne calmly he knew that something like this could make or break his company it might not be exactly on the up and up all the time but business was business.

"I'll contact our friend, along with her allies and start the ball rolling." Rhiana said.

"Let me know when you want the ship and I will personally make sure it is ready for your use." Said Wayne as he extended his hand across the small coffee table

"Agreed, I hope we can make this a more ongoing arrangement." Rhiana said as she shook his hand.

"You and me both. Now though I am afraid that I must cut this meeting short I have another meeting that I must take care of." Said Wayne calmly

(NPC) Collin Bradshaw
Head of R and D
Bradshaw Intergalactic Industries

Wayne Bradshaw
Bradshaw Intergalactic Industries

(NPC) Rhiana t'Sehan
DS5 Intelligence