Judgement – A Helping Hand
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Gunnery Sergeant Cameron Bourne

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Title   A Helping Hand
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Gunnery Sergeant Cameron Bourne
Posted   Mon Nov 22, 2010 @ 4:55am
Location   Marine Tactical Command
Timeline   SD 35 - 11:30hrs
Trellis stepped off the turbolift and looked around the expansive area. He had never taken the time to visit the Marine Detachment's Command Center. Mostly because he was stationed to Docking Ring security. Now that he had the responsibility of station-wide security placed on his shoulders, it was becoming important that he become familiar with all vital aspects of the station.

With Captain Tahir overriding his authority in Security and releasing Dorian Gabriel *despite* his apparent flight risk, Trellis wanted to ensure that everyone was aware of just who was in charge of Security Department from here on out. The best way to do so was to secure an alliance with the second most influential person onboard this station. Colonel James Darson himself.

He walked down the larger hall and immediately noticed that the walls provided the constant echoing of the officer's footsteps as he proceeded towards the main entry point of the facility. It seemed odd that with all the different designs available onboard the station the Marine Detachment would prefer to go for such a ominous and intimidating construction scheme.

As he came to the sentry units posted at the front door he promptly stopped to identify himself.

"Officer on deck!!" Cameron called. Every enlisted marine snapped to attention and every officer looked at the door to find out who it was.

A Marine Second Lieutenant was sitting behind the guard station, discussing a new series of security protocols to be instituted at the gates of the Marine Complex with a couple of MP’s, looked out of the small enclosure when he heard the cry.

“Security?” He asked questioningly of the other marines with him when he identified the yellow on his shoulders. The enlisted men shrugged. The Lieutenant sighed and got up. This didn’t bode well. Whenever station security showed up down here, things had a tendency to go sour. And this was an officer no less.

Trellis smiled modestly at the attention and immediate response upon his arrival. "Gentleman, there's no need for all of the formality. I am Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis, Chief of Station Security, here to see Colonel James Darson." he said with an immodest smile.

The butter bar Lieutenant exited the guard house and pulled on his service cover. He moved past the barricades and moved up to Trellis, motioning the rest of the Marines to stand down and be at ease. He stopped in front of the man from station security and gave a formal nod as a greeting in lieu of the salute reserved for a superior in the same command structure, “Lieutenant Trellis. We are pleased to have you sir,” While he spoke to him, he was wondering all the while what had happened to Commander Gabriel, “I'm sure that the Colonel will be delighted to see you,” he looked around for a likely guide and happened upon Cameron right away.

“Gunnery Sergeant!” the Lieutenant barked out at the new-comer to the station’s detachment, “Fall in! Get the good Lieutenant here signed in and escort him to the Colonel. I believe he is in the Cube,” in this case the Marine officer was referring to the Command and Control Center.

"Sir, yes sir" Cameron responded. He than turned to his sparing partner, bowed to end his sparing match than walked over to the Lieutenant. "Gunnery Sergeant Cameron Bourne, Recon Scout Sniper. if you'll follow me LT I'll take you to the Colonel."

Trellis nodded as he began to follow the Marine down the corridor into the deeper recess of the Marine Headquarters.

"So how long have you been stationed here?" Trellis asked, attempting to create conversation.

"only a few days weeks sir" Cameron responded. "what about you sir, how long have you been here?"

“Months, Gunnery Sergeant,” Darson said vaguely in a distracted tone as he stared down at a report over the shoulder of another Marine technician, new duty rosters that took into account the new shipment of cadets coming in, “Years. Feels like…a very long time. But just look at what I’ve accomplished”

Trellis stopped and observed the area surrounding the Marine before responding to Darson. "Wow, I figure that this certainly was not an easy operation to put together." He said casually.

"I am Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis," He said as he approached Darson and extended his hand.

He looked up in mild interest as the Acting Chief Security Officer approached him and held out his hand. Darson held up a finger indicating that he would be with them in just a moment.

After he was finished with his current task, Darson turned around and reached out to shake the security officer’s hand, his large gauntlet proving to be much larger than the bare hand offered to him, “Lieutenant Trellis,” he said with a voice that had a hint of disguised mirth to it, “I’ve heard so much about you. What brings you down to my domain?”

Trellis took note of the peculiar glove before responding. "Well, what with the recent 'changing of the guard' aboard the station, I wanted to come down and formally introduce myself to you." He said with a smile. "More importantly I want to foster a sense of cooperation between our two departments since we are responsible for this station's safety." he added.

"if i may be excused sir, i need to whip those marines into shape." Cameron saluted and turned around and left.

Trellis spoke up as the Marine began to leave. "That's exactly why I'm here! I would like to propose that our departments come together for a joint-training exercise. My department seemed to work exceptionally well with your department when Captain Flynn assisted us in handling the terrorist situation not too long ago." Trellis stated.

“So I heard,” Darson said cheerfully as he stared after the departing Marine, “And I’ve been thinking along those same lines as well…our departments have been antagonizing each other for far too long…lets step into my office Lieutenant, and talk about the details, shall we?”

With a nod, Trellis followed the Marine into the facility.


Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Gunnery sergeant
Cameron Bourne
Marine Reconnaissance Scout / Sniper

Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
Deep Spce 5