Beg, Steal or Borrow – Flash Point
by Commander Richard Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Flash Point
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Thu Apr 02, 2009 @ 9:15am
Location   DS5 Air Space
Timeline   SD8 14:00

Rianni had just stepped through the airlock onto the Leda and made her way to the bridge, still quite displeased about being on this ship instead of in her fighter, but she knew if anyone could get the most out of this ship, it was her. She rode the lift to the bridge and stepped out, still in her flight suit.

CPO Gorman, the tactical officer and ranking member of the bridge crew, saw the strange woman in the flight suit enter out of the corner of his eye. He didn't recognize her, but he damn sure recognized the pips on her collar, "Atten-SHUN! Officer on deck."

"As you were." She ordered, turning to face him, "I'm Lt. Cdr. Monteros-t'Khellian, I'll be flying centre seat for this mission. Who are you?"

"Ma'am, CPO Adam Gorman, tactical officer and your de facto XO for the time being." Gorman replied, he recognized her now, the Romulan woman that had the intel guy so up in arms, "Where do you want to begin?"

"Well, for starters, I want someone in the torpedo room rigging up about a dozen as proximity mines. We don't have the armor or the firepower to survive being snuck up on." Rianni began, "Then I want as much extra power diverted to the weapons and shields as safely possible, I want them to find out they jumped on the wrong people. Also, I want the shuttles launched before we do, battle configuration, we're going to need every craft we can get into space out there. Also, I want communications in constant contact with Strat Ops and I want a permanently open channel to every fighter and every auxiliary craft, this thing has to be coordinated to the tee or we're fracked. Understood?"

"Yes, Ma'am." Gorman nodded, "Should I bring up the relief communications officers now?"

"Yeah." Rianni nodded, "And I want you to go get a couple of people from StratOps to work this bridge and our intel vault."

"Yes, Ma'am." Gorman nodded, going on his way to get everything and everyone she's asked for.

Rick Dunham was sitting in the Seat of his Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighter having already Launched into a close proximity petrol with the rest of his wing around Deep Space Five. No sooner had he arrived on the space station he had been dragged into a meeting with senior officers, had also had a meeting with his CO and had been advised that the Romulans were out here somewhere. Lt Dunham had not even had a chance to have a get to know you session with the rest of his Flight Wing before having to dive into the cockpit of his fighter. =^= Lt Richard Dunham to Alpha Wing. Intro's will have to wait until later. In the mean time you can call me Lt or Rick I don't care what. All I ask is every person flies their best. Stay in formation. Watch you Wingman and Watch your six. Keep an eye out for anything odd on your sensors could be a cloaked ship. Now lets kick Ass and Chew Bubble Gum =^=

=^=CAG to Dunham. What's your status?=^=

=^= This is Dunham. All wings have reported in. We are at ready to Kick Ass Flight Status Ma'am. Omega defense pattern 6. =^=

=^=All right, once you're able to break free I want you to go to attack pattern Delta 14, repeating that is Delta 1-4.=^= Rianni ordered, she didn't want her pilots playing defense the whole time if they didn't have to, then she got some orders of her own.

=^=Da`nal to Monteros-t'Khellian. Report to the USS Ashton and contact me on the USS Freedom once there...per Cmdr Davies.=^=

~Oh, what the frack?~ Rianni thought, then refocused, =^=I'll beam to the Ashton right now, Monteros-t'Khellian out.=^= She turned her eyes to Gorman, "Guess you're in charge now, Chief, patch all those comms through to the Ashton for me."

"Yes, Ma'am." Gorman nodded.

=^=Monteros to Transporter room, beam me directly to the USS Ashton.=^= Rianni ordered, and as she dematerialized she wondered, ~All these reassignments and they still can't get me in a fighter where I belong?~

[USS Ashton]

Rianni rematerialized on the Ashton, not wasting time with introductions or anything else, she tapped her commbadge and opened a channel to the Freedom, needed to find out what D'anal wanted quick.