Beg, Steal or Borrow – Sealing a deal
by Arrival Kaia & Arrival Alexandria Marshall

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Title   Sealing a deal
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia & Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Sat Jun 20, 2009 @ 12:56pm
Location   Pirate Base, Deep Space
Timeline   SD8 16:45 Hrs
While the pirates were busy offloading the ill gotten ore, Natrina and Kaia had snuck off the ship and slipped into a service duct. With some searching of neighboring ship bays, they managed to find a container and a suitably old ship to extract some trellium resin from the ion drives. The quarters had become increasingly tight as they wormed their way deep into the bowels of the mine turned pirate base. But after some time, they managed to find the mine shaft they had been looking for. A number of guards and a secured door was all that stood between them and a significant sum of latinum.

Natrina smiled. "Observe Ms. Kaia, the drawbacks of pirates and criminals." She picked up a rock and moved silently to a strategic location nearby the guards. Several of the guards continued their rounds and at the right moment. Natrina hurdled the rock at one Nausicaan Pirate's head. The Nausicaan flipped around and glared at the other guard.

"Hey, why you hit my head with a Rock?" The pirate spoke. "I hit your head. I didn't throw that rock at you, stupid Nausicaan."

"Who you calling stupid, stupid Orion Trash!!" The Nausicaan bellowed.

The Orion suddenly threw a punch that landed on the Nausciaan and in return, the Nausicaan rushed the other guard. The other guards joined in and somehow got involved with the fight that was taking place. Natrina gestured to Kaia toward the entrance. "A house divided cannot stand. Abraham Lincoln." She quoted silently.

Kaia smiled, "Do we wait it out or do something about them first? It'll take me more than a moment to hack that door, and I'm sure they'll sort out their differences annoyingly quickly if they spot me doing that."

"Patience Ms. Kaia." Two of the Brawling pirates gained the upper hand and began to punch their opponents senseless. Natrina ran up to the two prevailing brawlers swiftly and delivered two strategic kicks to their necks. Thus knocking them out. "Another reason why unity is needed Ms. Kaia. Which is why partners should not fight, but cooperate for the benefit of them both." She said with a grin.

Kaia stepped out from her hiding spot and plucked a com unit from one of the pirates. "That works a bit better than what I had in mind. I'm sure a hail of phaser blasts might catch somebody's attention." Kaia examined the com unit and tuned her own into the pirates broadcast frequencies. She knelt next to the secured door and pulled a subspace shunt out of a pocket, attached the device to the locking mechanism, and pulled a tricorder from another pocket. With a few taps, the door responded with a bleep and the sounds of hydraulics moving. "Child's play..."

She stepped back as the door opened and lightly bit her lip at the view that greeted them. "Lat.... Lat is a girl's best friend. That's so beautiful, I think I'm going to cry..."

Natrina entered. "Yes, it is beautiful but we must proceed with our plan. You handle the resin, I'll set the bomb."

Nat's words snapped Kaia back to the moment. "Again, you're right. This stuff isn't really ours until we get it out of here." Kaia hefted the container of resin and began the steps to deactivate the containment.

Natrina set the timer on the bomb, and being particularly careful to set it in a place that wouldn't cause a complete cave-in. According to her tri-corder. "Alright, we're ready Ms. Kaia."

"This thing's about ready to go, let's seal it in, I don't personally feel like being irradiated today. Anybody opens up this door, it'll open to solid rock once the bomb goes off." Kaia set the container on the ground; it hissed as coolant began to vent. "Time to get out of here."

Natrina pushed a red button. "Thirty Seconds!"

Kaia stepped out of the doorway, closing the doorway once Natrina followed her through.


The two began running down the mineshaft as the explosion went off and sent shockwaves though the asteroid base. Natrina cussed. "Damn! I anticipated the explosion, but not the shockwave. Stupid! We're going to have company, hide!"

Kaia winced at shockwave and steadied herself against a wall. As the shockwave passed, she drew her phasers and found a niche in the wall to provide some cover. "These things happen, it was my fault for what happened at the Legacy. We all just do what we can and improvise the rest."

Natrina spoke, "Perhaps we can improvise a way out of this?"

Moments later, alarm klaxons sounded, which was soon followed by the sound of running boot steps echoing down the shaft. The two waited in position for the first pirates to come into view.

"I have a plan," Natrina continued, "But I can't say you'll like it."

"I can't 'not' like it if you don't tell me. I'm always open to options, even unpleasant ones" Kaia replied.

Natrina spoke, "We're facing almost a thousand pirates in their own base. They will overcome us with sheer numbers. We need to stay alive long enough for Mr. Darson to get here. We have one option, surrender."

Kaia thought for a moment. "You're right, I don't like that option. I'd be much more comfortable with the idea if I killed a lot of them first."

Natrina spoke, "Just because we surrender, does not mean we cannot win Ms. Kaia. I already have a plan."

"Care to elaborate further before our company arrives?" Kaia replied, briefly glancing around the corner of her cover.

Natrina spoke, "Imagine the power vacuum they have now with their leader being dead. You remember how easy it was for me to set them at each other's throats? We could do much to them by not fighting. Just follow my lead."

The sounds of boot steps became sharp as the sound came directly rather than merely echoing through the tunnels, signaling the immediate approach of people responding to the explosion. In sharp contrast to how gradually their sound built up, they stopped. A gravelly voice called out. "We know you're there, we found Inifuss' body and picked you up on internal scans. Come on out of there with your hands where we can see them!"

Kaia gave Natrina a silent look, "If we get raped, tortured, and killed, I'm not going so peacefully next time..." She relaxed the grip on her phasers. "You've got the plan, I'll follow your lead on this one."

"Surrender! and we might show you mercy!!" One of the pirates called out.

"We're coming out, and we're not armed." Natrina yelled back...


The two women had been bound and were brought by their captors out in the center of the Complex. The room appeared to be a dining hall of some sort, and a large number of pirates had turned out to see just who these saboteurs were.

"Hey Grecha, are these the ones that killed the boss? And set off the explosion the mine?" a Klingon asked.

A large Orion spoke. "Well, at least they did us a favor. And besides, Inifuss was a weak leader. We need a strong leader." The Orion walked forward. "I Grecha, now lead. And I like the Trill, She's mine and the human can dance for all of us."

Laughs and jeers circulated through the crowd as the Klingon retorted, "NO!! I KaH'loh will lead." He said, "And the Human has spunk. She's mine and the Trill can dance."

Kaia rolled her eyes at the pirates shot another look to Natrina before speaking. "Now boys... You don't need to fight over me... I mean us...One of you is clearly more well qualified to lead than the other, I'm surprised all the other pirates here can't see it."

Natrina spoke, "Of course, we can work this out. And besides, You wouldn't like the Trill's dancing. She clumsy and she trips."

Grecha spoke, "Yeah, which is why the Trill cannot dance."

KaH'loh yelled back, "Shut your mouth Grecha!"

"Wow, no wonder neither of you was leader before we arrived. I guess you're both used to bowing down to others and not taking what you want." Kaia goaded coyly. "And Natrina certainly can dance, I'll give her that, but I've been learning a few things of my own. Anyone who thinks I can't dance because I'm a trill hasn't seen me yet."

Natrina looked at Kaia, "Heh, you couldn't dance even if your life depended on it."

"Yeah! She can't dance and you're weak KaH'loh!" Grecha added.

Natrina spoke, "You're not going to take that KaH'loh, are you?" She walked up and spoke seductively. "Deal with him and this clan will be yours. All yours."

It was obvious that Natrina's words hit home in the tone of KaH'loh's response, "Yeah, I now lead! Any who opposes me will die!"

"NO! I, Grecha lead, and you will all folow me!!"

Kaia kept an eye on the room, gauging the reactions of the crowd. It was obvious some had their alliances, but many seemed undivided and didn't seem to care who led, but nonetheless were eager to see a fight. Kaia was eager to oblige. She approached Grecha. "Are you sure you can lead this bunch? That ridger over there seems to talk a lot, is that what you do as well?"

Grecha spoke. "No, I act!"

One of the crowd began to move from KaH'loh's group and Grecha pulled his disruptor and shot him. This in turn caused one of KaH'loh's group to open fire on one of Grecha's people. As the firefight broke out, Natrina crouched down and made her way to cover as the fighting spread.

Kaia hit the deck and rolled to the edge of the room. Her binds made things a bit awkward, but she managed to get herself out of immediate danger. She crawled on her elbows over to where Natrina was and continued watching. "Place your bets..."

Natrina spoke, "I'm betting this lasts until the Feds gets here..."