Judgement – Kagor
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Kagor
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sun Jun 19, 2011 @ 2:41pm
Location   Getal's office; Cardassian Embassy
Timeline   00:00 SD36
Tharek threw down the last, empty bottle of Kanar in his office with a forceful thud. He was sick of everyone parading around this station like they owned it. They didn't, Getal did. And he was going to make sure everybody knew it. Gabriel, t'Khellian, even Rh'Vaurek.

"Computer, open secure Order channel to Fi'ta Gul Elott Metak, then seal this room and erect a dampening field."

"Command confirmed." The computer replied. Tharek had changed the computer's voice to that of the traditional male Cardassian voice, the Federation female made him sick to his stomach.

Soon enough, the image of Fi'ta Gul Elott Metak, a man not as tall as Getal, but just as built, appeared on the screen infront of Getal's desk.

"What is this about Getal? I have a meeting with the Yridian Ambassador at... "

"This will only take a second Fi'ta Gul. It's only a small requisition." Getal said, a malicious smile spreading as he leaned in from the darkness. "I want the Kagor."

Elott's face dropped. "Are you fucking mad Getal? I cannot pull that vessel out of active duty at a time like this! Even someone like you should understand that!"

Getal's malicious smile turned sour. "Someone like me Fi'ta Gul?" Getal shook with rage now. "Someone like me kept the Kendra Province incident contained and under wraps until this very day! Someone like me saved your sorry ass, and your family on more than one occasion! Someone like me is demanding that ship, and whether you like it or not, you owe it to me!"

The line was silent for minutes after Getal's outburst. "If you were anyone else Getal, I would have had you killed." Elott finally said. "I'll get you your ship. But know after this, I owe you nothing. And you adress me like that ever again and I'll make sure you never speak again."

The commline flicked off, and the aggrieved face of Elott Metak was replaced by the Union emblem.

Tharek smiled. There will be blood in the water soon. Getal would make sure of that.

And then, the shark will come.