Things Past – Seeking Permission
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Seeking Permission
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Nov 20, 2012 @ 5:59pm
Location   ch'Rihan
Timeline   SD65
D'Liin had come to a conclusion not long ago, one that had led him to take a trip to Ch'rihan. It was simple and he didn't know why he didn't think of it sooner. The Khelliana ran that embassy like it was half madhouse and half family business, so, since he clearly couldn't beat them, he could only join them. With that in mind, he had made his way to Ch'rihan to talk to Llair t'Khellian, going straight over his boss' head.

He'd devised a devilish idea on his trip here, one that would no doubt raise his fortunes to a height he'd never imagined, ~It's not like she's not attractive enough.~ He mused, enjoying a picture of Rianni squaring off with Trellis from one of the morning reports, ~And with her career ambitions I wouldn't have to be around her all that often.~

Llairr t'Khellian had no idea what this D'lin wanted with her, or what his connection with her House was, but as Hru'Hfirh it was her duty to find out. Benefit and reward could be found in the most unexpected places, and new loyalties could be both built and bought.

She leaned back in her chair gesturing with one hand to the seat opposite as he entered and the servant withdrew.

"Good morning, Lady Llairr." D'Liin said, bowing his head in reverence to her before entering, "I'm so thankful that you were able to make them to see me, especially on this matter, it's something of a more personal note I would like to discuss with you, Lady Llair. You see, I would like to offer a service of sorts to you and your house, Lady Llair. I thought I might handle a small problem for you before it becomes a large problem."

"I am willing, in exchange for your assistance in my career, to marry the half-breed Rianni and educate the little gutter snipe in the finer points of being a Romulan lady, especially one of a great house." He offered, he could see already she had some interest in what he was selling, he would just need to clinch the deal.

Though a woman of action more than words Llairr was rarely left without anything to say. This was one of those rare occasions.

"You, of ... of which House? You are proposing that you are worthy of marrying into my House?" The fact that he appeared to be offering to take Rianni Monteros off her hands was not lost on Llairr but she needed to know more. It would be a great advantage to any man to secure marriage to the House of Khellian, but would there be many suitors if the cost of entry was a belligerant half-breed? "Are you allied to a House, D'lin?" she asked.

"House T'ryannus." D'Liin answered, "It's not as large a house as the Khelliana, but we're not without resources and influence."

Llairr steepled her fingers and peered at him over the touching tips, "Centered around Rarathik," they had a Senator at their disposal, and a not insignificant business enterprise - not enough to give them a controlling interest in the activities of the merchant navy, but certainly enough to influence the goals of that organisation ... but along with her own interests ... that might allow her to increase the role of her House in one of the few areas of the government and economy in which the Khelliana had only a minor stake. "What is the view of your Hru'Hfirh on the matter?" she asked, still appraising him from over her fingertips.

"She's not pleased with what we receive in the first part of the bargain." D'Liin answered honestly, in fact his Mother was far from pleased with what they would receive early on, "But, she understands the gains to be made from the joining of our houses and looks forward to a long and fruitful relationship between our two houses."

"Your House certainly has a lot to gain. One would expect that to come with a hefty price," Llaiir observed, "I have already weighed that however. Tell me, D'Lin, are you really the man to take on this half-breed?"

D'Liiin now sensed a change in the air, it seemed that Llaiir had inadvertently tipped her hand, ~So they've already looked into the idea of making her someone else's problem. Interesting.~ "I am. And I'm the only one who's willing to step up and take the challenge on. I mean, with respect Lady Llaiir, a woman of this house, especially one with Rianni's physical gifts, should have men of great houses wrapped around the galaxy asking you for her hand, yet she doesn't. This tells me that there's an issue finding a suitable mate for her because she is, again, with respect, unsuitable. I, however, wish to change that for all our mutual betterment. So, as I am the only man with the courage to face this, yes, I am the man to take on the half-breed Rianni."

As her lips curled into the semblance of a smile, Llaiir slipped her hand beneath her desk and extracted a padd. She input a code and then slid it across the shiny surface to D'Lin. "You will show this to her, I do not expect her to comply automatically with the order, but she will come to realise that if she does not she is betraying both me and my House, the House that has welcomed her with open arms. It is up to you to help, or to make her realise that," she said.

"As you will, so shall it be, my lady Llaiir." D'Liin bowed, "I will take my leave now with your blessing, as I've an immense task at hand."

"Indeed," Llaiir agreed. "Until next time, D'lin," she added with a dismissive wave returning her attention instantly to her work.