Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk’s Personal Log - Arrivals

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Title   Arrivals
Author   Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk
Posted   Fri Nov 13, 2009 @ 2:45am
Kreallia sat in the back of one of the new Viper Class combat shuttles as they approached Deep Space Five. The two pilots kept moving their hands across the panel to perform the complex docking menuever and Kreallia just sat in the back hold going over the crew stats. 567 Counseling patients, 20 Assisant Counselors and 1 Head Counselor, no deputy.

"Care to take a look counselor?" One of the pilots asked.

Kreallia sighed. Might as well, she was going to spend the next elements know how long, on the inside and this might be her only chance to see the outside. She rouse from her chair and stood behind the pilot as her eyes widened and her body seemed to go charged.

The sleek mushroom looking station glissened against the stars and the lights of the stations thousands of rooms were like stars against the backdrop of the void of space. Upclose she could see every detail of the passing station and the minature ships that lay in her dockingbay. She saw the Sabre Class garrison vessels arriving, followed by 4 Defiant Class ships. They all crept into the large mushroom bay's large doors and Kreallia stood silent as she looked around the glass canopy.

As they entered the large flight deck that housed the hundred or so fighters, Kreallia couldnt help being a little giddy at the sight of it all. It wasnt like the Deep Space Nine she had visited as a young girl and was far different in it's vibrant atmosphere as well.

Krealllia stepped off the docking stairs and onto the promenade. The different levels curved up like a cone an Kreallia was bombarded by the different smells, and colors. The station seemed to hum with life and Kreallia was amazed at the lack of calmness.

No where had she seen so many people, so many races, so many cultures in one place living together in harmony. She saw her native Romulans conversing with some Breen and Cardassians talking with Klingons! She then walked over to the banister and discovered that there was a good 5 more decks in the curved in pyramid like shape. She then walked across one of the green and silver bridges that connected the outer ring to the two pyramids. The bottom pyramid that was upside down below the first one, was what Kreallia guessed was the restraunt and bar division, while the pyramid ontop was a more subdued place with small shops and cafe's. On one of the top levels Kreallia spotted her native Romulan on a large banner that said Romulan Embassy.

Kreallia was anxious to talk to other Romulans and hadnt done so in a while. While raised on a Romulan Colony, she considered her self Federation with Romulan calmness and spunk. Kreallia then spotted a group of Romulan Officers conversing with a group of Klingons. Her adoptive mother had always told her that while more than one Romulan in one place was a good thing, more than one Romulan and a Klingon in the same place was a sign of trouble.

"Oh well, no place is perfect." Kreallia said to her self as she contiued walking.


Counselor(LT jrG) Kreallia t'Jay
Assistant Counselor
Deep Space FIve