Beg, Steal or Borrow – In the Land of the Blind - Part 3
by Colonel James Darson

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Title   In the Land of the Blind - Part 3
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson
Posted   Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 4:57am
Location   Classified
Timeline   SD9 - Unknown

“Just give us the broad strokes,” Odin said quietly.

“Sure sure. Alright then...Born 2307, to the house of Khellian. Enjoyed a privileged upbringing, home tutors, fine foods, diplomatic connections, etc. Underwent ‘Serona’ at age 20. Took surrogate military service, and at the age of 25, attained the rank of ‘llaugh’ and control of her family’s compound. Next ten years are traditional Romulan politics, until the age of 35, where she married into a Great House. The husband was Nveid i-Ihhliae tr’Illialhlae.”

“You mentioned that he was involved in one of our operations?” ‘III’ interrupted.

“Yes,” Loki responded quickly as he referred to his notes, “Operation: SNOW HAMMER.”

‘I’ spoke up again, “Ahh….I remember that well. He proved himself a worthy comrade in that fight. Thanks to that operation, relations between us and the Tal Shiar improved somewhat…not that that lasted long anyway. A shame about what happened to him.”

“The cheeky bastard had it coming to him,” Loki said dismissively, “That actually brings me to the next thing in her file…prior to the Dominion War, the union of houses flourished…but with Nevid’s ‘disappearance’ during the Second Battle of Chin’toka things sort of went downhill from there.”

“Ugh,” ‘III’ grunted, “Chin’toka…nasty piece of business. I always knew that something from there would come back to haunt us.”

Loki replied cheerfully, “Well, something from there is definitively haunting Isha. She doesn’t believe that Nveid is dead…her blind faith is truly something to behold. Luckily for us, very few records exist besides ours that know the truth about Chin’toka. Some of it was provided to Isha at Fenrir’s request. Redacted of course.”

“Continue with your summary Loki.”

“She now rules the Houses in abstentia, and is in position as Ambassador on DS5, where she has become something of a major player onboard. She has the Captain’s ear, and has become quite close with many on the senior staff, specifically the Captain, Assistant Chief Medical Officer, and the flight commander…though her relations with Security and Intelligence remains hostile at best. Regarding the Marines, she is more or less cordial with our garrison. We have provided her with assistance multiple times. That is more or less the conclusion of the ‘official’ record.”

“There’s more?” ‘V’ inquired.

“Yes. Apparently Nveid had a brother named Ninol, who is one of the sources of the conflict at the moment. Decades ago, when Nveid was away from his House, Ninol raped her as part of a complicated scheme to wrest control of the house. She became pregnant with his child, and had it as well. It was ten years, but eventually she came out about it to her husband, who had Ninol disinherited. Afterwards, she was brutally interrogated by Tal’Shiar operatives, and eventually released.”

“Hmmm,” ‘IV’ said, “You don’t just get released by the Tal’Shiar. Even if you’re not guilty of whatever they accuse you of. Why was she let go?”

“We don’t have any concrete evidence, but what we do have seems to indicate was that at the time of the interrogation, it was discovered that Isha possessed something that they wanted. I’m guessing that she was a Natural of some kind. But now, my mole tells me that she reports directly to the Continuing Committee.”

There was a soft murmur among the group as the meeting dissolved into a quiet discussion. When it had quieted down again, ‘II’ said, “Then that means that she is a very valuable resource to the Romulans…very interesting. And the brother….I assume that this was some sort of power play on his part, attacking DS5 and kidnapping Isha?”

“Correct, at least partially. We still do not know the full extent of this plot, or we would be able to take decisive action and wipe it out at the source,” Loki said in a depressed tone.

“The predicted staging point of the Romulan attack though,” Odin intoned quietly, “is about to be destroyed. The U.S.S. Merlin is currently on a classified mission to take out what appears to be a base of rouge Romulan operatives. While I have no doubt that this gathering is dangerous and should be obliterated, I doubt that it is the full extent of the threat.”

“And what do you suggest, Odin?” ‘I’ chimed in amusedly.

“Put agents on the ground on Romulus. Have them dig around, and hopefully uncover the true people and motives behind this threat.

“That’s all well and good, but how do you propose to get an agent there? Even with our ships, they’d have to skulk around for days avoiding patrols.”

“I can use the Freedom. They basically have a free pass straight on through to Romulus. As long as my operator stays undercover, no one should suspect a thing. This is what we create cover I.D.’s for anyway.”

“Very well, make the necessary arrangements, preferably before they get to the Neutral Zone. Next Issue.” ‘I’ ordered.

“Next,” Odin said slowly, “there is a similar dilemma that I have wanted to address for several days. I’m requesting a sanction of termination against an individual of the Romulan Star Empire.”

There was silence for a moment, then ‘V’ said, “What? Against t’Khellian?”

“No, against a compatriot of hers, Rh'vaurek Raedheol.”

This caused somewhat of a hushed commotion, and Odin pressed ahead quickly, “He has caused us much trouble in the past, and is standing in the way of our objectives. I believe that to remove him would be the right decision.”

‘II’ said, “Odin, am I correct in that you are familiar with this man?”

Odin subconsciously raised a hand to the cover he wore over his right eye, “…not him in particular.”

“I remind you Odin,” ‘I’ said, “not to let your personal feelings cloud your judgment. However, regarding this matter…I know enough about Raedheol, and feel that given what has transpired thus far, it would be in our best interests to-“

Suddenly Loki blurted out, “Chairman, if I may interrupt. I think that we should not be so hasty to condemn Mr. Raedheol to death. My sources believe that he is actively searching for the culprit behind the attacks as we speak. Would it not be better to use him first, so as to eliminate the larger threat?”

There was another bout of silence as the Committee members conferred privately. Odin shot Loki a slight glare, but he pretended not to notice. Soon enough a verdict was reached, “In this matter,” the Chairman dictated calmly, “we believe that the interests of the Federation would be better served by acquiring Mr. Raedheol’s services. Loki, one of your agents will see to that. However, if he does prove to be a liability…Odin, you have our authorization to have your agent terminate him.”



Lieutenant Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
Deep Space 5